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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Helia

  1. Could be used if we get to the point of Citae D'Arc (you know what I mean, I ain't breaking my brain over this spelling, bitch) the X Gates that hold Arceus open and we get sucked into the void. BOOM. battling Arceus on this field, as it created this tiny cosmos inside it's earthly prison(Hey, have you seen what Rapunzel did to her tower in less than 16 years when it comes to decorating? Arceus has been there for centuries) Or behind every X door there's this space field where the Legendaries are locked in. Sounds good.
  2. There's plenty of Pokemon that learn Earthquake by level up, unless all of Titania's Pokemon can levitate or hold Balloons it should be okay. Also, with their average weight: Grass Knot.
  3. I bet that after you read that your face was like your avatar. Simple mistake, it happens. Also for future reference if you want a Glalie but keep finding female Snorunt, female Glalie are also a thing.
  4. For early game Trubbish was great. I was very surprised by its speed. Mine outsped most enemies, plus Toxic Spikes - Sludge - Acid Spray at early levels helped me a lot with Florinia and even up to Shelly it was quite useful. After Shelly however it was boxed and not looked at again. Later ingame, around the 6th gym you can get a Good Rod to fish up a Skrelp, Dragalge helped me a lot from Noel and further. Personally very little experience with other poison types, I love Roserade but since there's no TM for Sludge Bomb in game it needs breeding for the good moves. I think Muk is a reliable Poison type too with learning Sludge Bomb and Mud Bomb by level up, and Crobat of course can be a beast. The Nido's are also only available after the 5th Gym. Venomoth, is great for support but needs a bit of a set up with Quiver Dance and relies heavily on TMs, Scolipede is a fast, reliable physical attacker with Steamroller/Megahorn and Poison Tail(Poison Jab TM isn't ingame) and perhaps Rock Climb, and Ariados doesn't have the greatest stats but it has some great moves with Poison Jab, Shadow Sneak, Sucker Punch and Sticky Web by levelup. Swalot is a lot of fun to work with and I hear great stuff about Toxicroak. Vileplume, Dustox and Amoonguss are great to work with from slight experience in the main games, but again, TM's bruh.
  5. I thought everyone in the game had a Scrafty so the HM wouldn't be needed.
  6. The Reborn Community has created custom shinies as an addition to the original Shinies. Pretty rad. You can help with them too over here: http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=12669&page=1
  7. Oh like that. Alrighty then, that could work.
  8. Whohooo, I knew my sweet Detox(Dragalge) was a good idea I get the idea only Poison types with Surf can surf on poisoned water? Although there's only like 7 poison types that can learn Surf, and 2 of em aren't in the game right now so that might get hard. But perhaps just like in this one ROM hacked game there was a move Lava Surf that replaced the HM for Flash, maybe Pokemon with Sludge Wave will be able to Surf over poisoned water? Gliscor isn't affected by the field at all since it's a Flying type.... It will be in a disadvantage there since well, it's water.... Maybe it's a wild one? *Dragalgasm intensifies*
  9. My personal favorite starter has to be Mudkip. It's strong, learns good and useful moves throughout the game. Right at the Electric gym you get Mud Shot, shortly after Mud Bomb, both very handy moves against the Poison gyms. Learns Earthquake and Hammer Arm, to very strong and useful moves naturally (okay one with move relearner, but still) and overall throughout the game a solid team member in every gym battle.
  10. Actually it's reversed. Strangely Karrablast evolves into Escavalier and Shelmet into Accelgor. Inside Escavalier you can see it's actually a Karrablast. But it does depend on how you look at it. Since you do get Acelgor after trading a Karrablast in return but hey.
  11. Well, Florinia gave us Nature Power, so doesn't have to be a type specific TM. It's more like their signature moves they give out. Struggle Bug, Nature Power, Sludge Wave. All those were like their signature moves. Adrienne could just as well give us like toxic or protect.
  12. When I first heard of Shark Tank, I thought to myself: : "Oh silly Americans, jumping into a tank full of sharks to get money." Imagine my disappointment when I saw it was about business and the only sharks involved were loan sharks.

    1. Shadow Tack

      Shadow Tack

      I remember that feel.

    2. Hiss13


      Jumping into a tank full of actual sharks for money would probably be less scarring.

    3. HakuTaku


      That thought came into my head when my friends mentioned it. Yet again there's a lot of odd shows with misunderstood names.

  13. You can just quote those and copy them, edit the first post and paste them in there. I believe on most forums you find that people don't take kindly to double posting.
  14. To answer some of your later questions: The events in the game are really built in. All done by yourself. No trades, as there is a new evolution stone made specially for those Pokemon like Gourgeist, Alakazam, Gengar, and others! All is paid with ingame PokéDollas. Here is a list with all the obtainable pokemon: http://www.pokemonreborn.com/game/obtainable.html (read: Events only means they can only be found once on your journey) Seasons are not an official thing, BUT Sawsbuck and Deerling do change their seasonal forms every month. Fly, in 14 episodes not available yet. But honestly it's all not THAT much walking, plus you can get a bike before the 4th gym. Oh, and please try to not double post, the mods don't like it much. You can save up multiple quotes from one topic and place em in one post to answer em all at once. Editing. I'm doing some right now.
  15. Also addition: Dodrio has swerved me well with Pluck fighting Shelly and completely Drill REKT Kiki, up to the point of being my MVP against Aya too! Victoria, Cal, Shade and many others have also fell against the might of Dodrio.
  16. Having a fainted Pokemon with Compoundeyes as a first party slot followed by a Pokemon with Frisk and covet/thief in your second party slot it's pretty easy to find one.
  17. I love how Absol is like THE Pokemon representing Reborn, yet we only see it once story-wise(introduction) and another time past halfway through if you picked up the right item waaaaaaay back. Wouldn't it be awesome if an Absol would cross our path anytime something is about to happen? And once we catch the one in the game another one starts showing up? Plus the background makes me think more of the industrial Rhurgebiet in Germany than Reborn city. But I have to admit it looks pretty awesome. That was also my reaction when I saw that picture here: http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=13255&hl=%2Bmascot+%2Breborn
  18. Personally, for later in the game (50+) I can recommend Satan(Vivillon). It serves me really well in Showdown once I get that Quiver Dance up, spam that Hurricane that will barely miss with Compound Eyes.
  19. Maybe they'll look better if you place a shank in their hands? Yeah I meant the crazy eyes like the evil eyes from the black Reuniclus you made, to make it look like a homicidal cheerleader of sorts. Personally I love what you did with that idea, those angry eyebrows immediately make it go from "I understand why you got an abortion since you're just 14 and I still love you" to "I pity the foo who aborted me and I will haunt them till they die". And yes, some stylish glasses on Krookodile to get rid of those eyes (maybe just put some black around the eyes again like the original to make em look bigger?) With a slight wink to Ash's Krookodile who was pretty awesome.
  20. Pretty cool run. Can't wait to read the story.
  21. Inside her computer world?
  22. That How To Get Away With Murder finale got me like: "faaahhck......." Didn't see that coming.

    1. Tacos


      Was it really that hard to look under the staircase? Like for real?

  23. The most I heard around the forums is around 11AM. Try that. It's a woman with an Aroma Lady sprite. for me it was around 10.30 tho. So just put your clock on that.
  24. Helia


    Main: Swampert - Starter - Waterfall - Rock Slide - Earthquake - Hammer Arm Whimsicott - Route 4 Giga Drain - Moonblast (asap) - Leech Seed - Stun Spore Galvantula - North Aventurine Woods Discharge - Bug Buzz - Electro Ball - (waiting for energy ball or giga drain) Houndoom - Magma Hideout Flamethrower - Dark Pulse - Nasty Plot - (waiting for sludge bomb) Dragalge - Apophyl Beach Sludge Bomb - Surf - Dragon Pulse - Sludge Wave Gallade - Obsidia Close Combat - Psycho Cut - Night Slash - Leaf Blade Also have Metagross, Golurk, Rapidash, Loudred, Gigalith, Mamoswine, Emboar, Sudowoodo, Walrein, Pyroar, Sawsbuck, many more. But mostly use my queens.
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