How about a light bright happy colored Reuniclus but with like the crazy eyes lookin like he about to shank a bitch?
So like yellow and pink and light blue but with added angry eyebrows?
Lovin the Rainbow Krookodile! It makes my faggy little heart so proud ;') Maybe give it glasses like Ash's Krookodile?
Wasn't there this one game where you joined the organisation and actually became the leader around the 8th gym?
I personally feel indifferent towards it. Might be cool but not sure if I would join.
Thinking this through sound plausible. What if Lin forced her way up so fast to make sure the greater evil is stopped and she thinks she's the one to stop it?
I know Ame has got pretty much the entire story penned out already, but it would be pretty cool if she added some parts of the story we conspire together about the fate.
Use Aromatisse more. Fairy beats Fighting. Draining Kiss the fck out of him!
Also when it comes to resisting fighting Swanna > Braviary. Swanna resists it while Brav takes normal.
However don't take it from me since I haven't used either.
Mudkip is your friend. Mudkip is life. Mudkip is love.
Plus it's fun to let Fern think he has a shot at beating you seeing as Swampert is only weak to grass.
Well there goes all that character planning and work to just be used as small fry characters we never see again. Kind of waste.
But hey, you're the boss.
Yeah but Amaria has got it for the longest time now.
It is kind of a strange plot there. spoiler alert
Anna - Mind. Luna - Reality. Heather - Family which are all three pretty well explained in the story up until now.
Everyone remembers her tho so that should mean she's a pretty fun character that people would like to see back.
Please Ame? Bring back old characters that we haven't seen in a while?
I wouldn't be surprised if Julia oops'd and Boom'd her way into the sewers, dragging poor Florinia down with her. Yes, anime stylo they could use vine whip to pull themselves up again.... but guess what? None of Flo's Pokemon have vine whip.
I love baking. For Easter I made a red... uhm. Burgundy Velvet cake! (the food coloring goof'd up and it turned into looking like two layers of shit with frosting instead of the all around loved chunky period blood with frosting.
Have you been visited by aliens?
Do you have a seesaw license?
What knot do you use to tie your shoes?
Were you the one that sold me those choco-mint girls scout cookies cuz you gave me 5 cents too much change and I feel bad stealing from a girls scout.