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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Helia

  1. How many languages do you speak? Which ones? What is your opinion on the current state of the world economy?
  2. Why did Trixie Mattel have to leave Drag Race last week? Why is Kandy Ho still on Drag Race? Will Pearl win Drag Race? Opinions on Willam?
  3. Helia

    BBD's AMA

    When did you go to jail? Can you bake? How many languages do you speak. When train A leaves Paris at 8.30 and travels at a speed of 300 oranges per hour and pig B leaves Johannesburg at Sass o' clock with a speed of 5 lightyears why did Abraham Lincoln get shot?
  4. Go back on Route 1 and get that Joltik(level 30). Train it in Vanhanen Labyrinth, with all the grass types and Girafarig it will be able to pretty much do it's own battles starting at level 40. You get A LOT of Sp. Att EV's in there too, which is great. Use the castle for healing and badabing badaboom you have a Dark-type MURDER MACHINE (her field boosts Signal Beam, Galvantula is fast, it will plow through her harder than Bennett ever fantasized of doing)
  5. The EYES of Venomoth/Anorith in X/Y - ORAS wifi battles just stare right into your soul. Always looking straight at you. Cannot be unseen.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Helia


      I do not know. I'm just going by noticing that after watching some wifi battles from xy/oras on yt and sometimes they just stay in that angle behind the pokes and their pupils are always in the centre of the eyes, no matter what angle. Creeps me the f*** out.

    3. Shing


      Rlly? Poygon-z is surprising me by the animation.

      One just calm, then the moment it goes crazy.

    4. roqi


      Yeah! They're like mantis eyes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AHEwfGUp5sI check it out its amazing

  6. Helia

    amazing luck?

    These are mine. Mostly untrained.
  7. Props to you for having come all the way up to Shelly with just two mons. HOWEVER with that team in your trainer card of Greninja, Flygon, Rotom, Medicham, Darmanitan and Gengar... you do realize that up to Aya you have only 3 Pokemon this way? 4 maybe 5 up to Radomus and only after that comes the 6th. that's quite a long time with an inclomplete team and a lot of common candies. So, for now I'd say go back to Jasper and get an Emolga. Nuzzle + Electroball + Acrobatics and Superfang will serve you well up to Radomus where you can get Galvantula a bit before, after that Samson doesn't like Emolga that much either. Go to Beryl, get both a Diggersby (Bunnelby found there around 23-ish) and Dodrio (Doduo can be found at level 26-ish) Dodrio has swerved me well from Shelly up to Aya, destroying Kiki by itself after learning Drill Peck(41) and being the last one standing at Aya B(bitches didn't see what hit them) Another option is to get the Drifloon at the Abandoned Powerplant. Drifblim wrecks pretty well too.
  8. Oh cool. By the way, There's a Whismur waiting to be caught in Lower Peridot ward. Why didn't you yet? Also, maybe expand the list of candidates with Pokemon that can learn the moves that Chespin's Bulletproof ability nullifies? So Focus Blast, Energy ball, Weather Ball, Zap Canon? Maybe also Bullet Punch?
  9. I'm really curious to which pokemon you can use with this theme?
  10. Helia

    TM Earthquake

    I believe pretty much every family with a ground type can learn it naturally. Oh, and Gogoat. http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Earthquake_%28move%29 Here's a list + at which level they learn it, including for ORAS which the game uses.
  11. Helia

    TM Earthquake

  12. Helia

    HM Replace

    Well I believe that I haven't used cut since the Byxbysion Wastelands? Surf, Waterfall, Strength and Fly are pretty decent moves. And these days you can replace them quickly.
  13. Did monotype battles just get out of fashion or something? Never have I had to wait longer than a minute to get one on Showdown.

    1. Vlado Vladimir

      Vlado Vladimir

      No, I think showdown is not working correctly, I cant find any battle

    2. Tomas Elliot

      Tomas Elliot

      What Vlado said. I haven't found an OU (OU!) battle in ten minutes. There must be something wrong with the server.

    3. Helia


      Hmmm. Tournaments seem to work tho. But alrighty, no battles for me today then.

  14. Just watched Big Hero 6. Now I understand the hype. It was pretty rad.

    1. Aero


      it was so sad :c

  15. This does look very nice!
  16. Oh? I haven't played in a while but since after I beat Terra the few times I watched tv I only saw something about team Meteor having another base in Reborn City. Missed a lot of interviews really.
  17. Pretty much anything Terra said, yeah. But mostly: HAD THAT BITCH ON HER KNEES COVERED IN KETCHUP. WH4T. Soooooooo whaddaya want from me? gym badge? ye? polly want a gym badge? polly want a tragic backstory explaining why I joined team meteor? no but literally chaos is like sex. hot. steamy. sex.
  18. I'd have to play through again for certain, but.. I believe Anna hasn't met Gardevoir in the story, so I don't know how that works? And I do believe Radomus's knowledge of the Pendant comes from his broad knowledge overall, of history and whatnot. Somehow I'm not sure what to think of it. With Radomus' main Pokemon being Gardevoir, a Psychic/Fairy and Anna and Noel's main Pokemon being Gothitelle and Clefable respectivily also being Psychic and Fairy that could be a link. But you'd maybe have to dig into where the characters where originally from, which is the Online Reborn League, where most character development found place I think. It's hard not to believe that the characters we see now have evolved way more than their original forms in the League, where they were voiced by real people. This could've cause some development over time to shape them differently to what they were initially planned and their stories might've intertwined into relations. But you'd have to ask the really old members for that I think. Other than that we might get to find out if Radomus really is their father or not, and if not who it is as the story of the game progresses. Ame could be building up something and you expect what's coming next and then a complete turn to something even more horrendous. Example: You have a lot of candles burning in your house, and someone comes to visit. They say: "Oh my, you have a lot of candles lit, that can't be that safe" and you think: "Yeah they could burn the place down" but instead they say: "I read somewhere that all those fumes from candle wax can kill you". Ame might do just that.
  19. The protagonist comes off as a huge asshole, an even bigger asshole than Fern. Yet a more likeable asshole than Fern ever will be, since Fern comes off at trying too hard to be one while assholeness is something you're born with. So that whole IDGAF is nice, just don't overdo it. The levels of sass measured right now are just about right.
  20. Honestly the idea of the game is to step out of your comfort box and use Pokemon you normally wouldn't use. That's why a lot of Pokemon like Breloom and Tentacruel aren't in the game, since it is used quite a lot(I would use it myself if I could, too) I have taken quite the liking to the early Pokemon in Reborn such as Pachirisu, Emolga, the Elemental Monkeys, hell even Pichu even though I hated Pikachu's line before. So play around a bit, with most Pokemon you can find a different Pokemon with the same moves and sets.
  21. Haha, funny shit. At first I was like: Hmm, getting a full team right away, is that a smart thing to do? didn't read lol but then after reading I was like: This makes sense. Now:
  22. I used the mining rocks for heart scales, soft resetting and only being satisfied if there were at least two scales in there, or one if an other item was worth it, like fossils.
  23. Lazy is such an ugly word. I prefer the term 'Selective Participation'.

    1. Sylvan Nephilim

      Sylvan Nephilim

      Flawed. Two words.

    2. Shing


      And the words is too long.

  24. Dodrio. Just Dodrio. Level 41. Drill Peck. Carnage.
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