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  1. Name: Iori Species: Greninja Ability: Protean Item: Life Orb Moves: - Ice Beam - Dark Pulse - Extrasensory - Surf -------------------- Name: Chandra Species: Volcarona Ability: Flame Body Item: Firium-Z Moves: - Heat Wave - Quiver Dance - Bug Buzz - Morning Sun -------------------- Name: Suzuhime Species: Gardevoir Ability: Telepathy Item: Gardevoirite Moves: - Psychic - Moonblast - Calm Mind - Shadow Ball -------------------- Name: Masamune Species: Scizor Ability: Light Metal Item: Scizorite Moves: - Bullet Punch - Aerial Ace - Swords Dance - Roost -------------------- Name: Holloway Species: Gliscor Ability: Poison Heal Item: Toxic Orb Moves: - Earthquake - Facade - Roost - Swords Dance *Certified MVP award* ------------------- Name: Guinevere Species: Aegislash Ability: Stance Change Item: Leftovers Moves: - Shadow Sneak - Sacred Sword - Swords Dance - King's Shield -------------------
  2. I'll congratulate you for beating the game when it's actually finished and whatever sadistic fight that is still in store for our hapless pokemon. To be fair Hardy and Solaris aren't very difficult fights.
  3. Also forgot to say congrats for beating the Glass gauntlet! It was what I warned you about a long while back, but i'm glad you powered through!
  4. Also Battle/X-items raise the stat by two levels. In other words they are: Swords Dance Iron Defense Nasty Plot Amnesia Agility Respectively. And you can buy these for cheap. And spam them. They're basically having a fifth slot dedicated to buffing. They're a lot more valuable than you're giving credit for.
  5. You're welcome! I'm not saying your criticisms are or are not valid! What bugs other people may not bug me and that's fine. What is objectively bad and subjectively disliked are both very valid things to consider and I can't expect someone to have the same experience as me with the game. I enjoy seeing and hearing other people's opinions on things I like for better or worse. As for the corrupted ball, I just remembered the event got moved back WAY later for it. You'll know it when ya see it.
  6. - The constant hyperbole, or scathing ranting about roadblocks is a little offputting. The entire game relies on gimmicks (Field effects) which are always stacked against you, but fighting a singular high leveled pokemon isn't that hard even! I won't rag on you for using the method you did, there are plenty of ways to do so, but you seem to dislike changing out your team unless a fight demands it and i'll respect that. As i've said earlier, I brute forced my way using the same 6 mons no matter what all the way up to the steel type gym. I can personally guarantee these fights are possible the 'normal' way if not requiring some luck or judicious use of items. - I completely skipped Route 1 my first go round. Just went through it to get to Radomus and that's it, wasn't till recently that I went back and picked up all the goodies within the forest. - I don't know what to tell you about Cain. When I played through the game (in previous episodes) Cain didn't have the Mimikyu, it wasn't until the usual fight in the most recent where I had to deal with it. - Well it's not like the Gym leader is gonna fight you without his ace. - Yeah people just yoinking stuff off of my character gets on my nerves too. The good news? Chances are you'll get to beat their face in shortly after. - Take the Corrupted Pokeball to the Pokeball shop - I can't help if aspects of the game irk you. If you don't like it or love/hate it than that's you. Reborn brings out a lot of feelings for me at least when it comes to overcoming dumb stuff. Although my reactions to seeing massively overleveled mons try to take on my team go as follows, "What the f***, how am I supposed to beat that? Oh that's its' moveset? You're mine now hehehe." or something to that effect. As much as your complaints may put me off as I enjoy the game, it's nice to see what someone else thinks even if I may disagree with some opinions, but it's good to see what aspects can be improved upon. I encourage you to keep at it, but if you stop finding any enjoyment and quit for good then that's okay too, all your mons (friends) are there to help you succeed, there is more than one way to do anything in Reborn! Well, battle wise. - You got me on the puzzles. I have a tiny smooth brain that make me do the hurty thinky thing so I google stuff.
  7. As loathe I as I am to admit it, on my first run through, Shelly -> Aya is my least favorite part of the game. I'd claim it's one of the less than stellar parts of the game, and have even ranted about it myself to some friends. I share some of your thoughts, although some are a little extra than even I disliked. I like to think you've gotten past the lowest point of the game and it gets better from there, as after Aya is when I got hooked on the game myself. I had gotten stuck on Aya on my initial playthrough and then opted to start again and not be a dummy about my choices and what pokemon I used. (I brought a lvl 34 Carvhana to Aya). Although I tend to not pay attention to the story, and if I remember correctly it's based off of the roleplay from the Reborn League Online thing when it was still around which might have something to do with your points. Anyways, it's okay to have a little bit of fun with your team. It's fine to get attached to pokemon you want to use over others, as the game gets much less restrictive now that options are opening up to you... However there is one part of the game that may very well break you. It nearly broke me and I tried to prepare for it even.
  8. Grats on beating Shelly. She really is a huge road-block for some people. Especially since you don't have access to many options to fry her field before you face her.
  9. - Cain is a dude - You CAN muscle your way through a large chunk of the game with the pokemon you want through abuse of X ___ items. But it is a strategy that will not last forever (I got up to badge 15) - If you look around, the game throws pokemon at you that can solve all your problems. (You can catch a Numel right after facing Julia). Reborn always gives you a free pass if you look for it. - Being Stubborn is going to make it much less enjoyable. I speak from experience, I got stuck on the 5th gym leader on my first playthrough for a long time before I realized my team just wasn't built for the field and gym. - Hold X to Fast Forward through Dialogue - Swapping pokemon out occasionally is perfectly reasonable and you can still be attached to them. Even Idiot Hero Ash would still swap out mons when he had to. - Good luck. If you think Florinia is hard, you haven't seen anything yet.
  10. A set up like that is why I keep my Storm Drain Cradily around. In order... Julia: Pincurchin Florinia: Possibly Applin line but I think her current team is fine Corey: No changes Shelly: Orbeetle Shade: Runerigus Cal: Centiskorch Kiki: Falinks Cain/Aya: Toxticity no question Serra: Mr. Rime and Frosmoth Noel: No change Radomus: Hatterene Luna: Morpeko maybe. Grimmsnarl for sure Samson: Grapploct, no contest Charlotte: Galarian Darminatan Terra: Sandaconda Ciel: No change Adrienn: Galarian Ponyta Titania: Corviknight for sure. Possibly Duraladon Amaria: Dracovish for singles. Arctovish for doubles Hardy: No changes. MAYBE Stonjourner Saphira: We don't know her team yet. But Dragapult and Duraladon are on it
  11. Charlotte and Titania are the only gym leaders who actively halted my runs before barring Aya. Radomus gave me some trouble as his mons could slaughter my aces. (Gardevoir and Infernape) and I didn't have much at the time to counter him. Noel forced me to burn the living bejeebus out ofhis flower field to not deal with his BS. (This was before fairy typing). Aya was the leader that made me quit my very first run (Back in Episode 15), and is what got me to try over again with a new starter and stuff. I think the team I brought to her was... Vulpix, Noibat, Chestnaught, Luxray, Sharpedo, Hariyama. No wonder I got trounced. Shelly never gave me trouble after I restarted, Infernape/Monferno just kinda ran her over, Ciel scared me shitless at first but she went down way easier than I was anticipating. Samson was easy money once I gave Infernape Acrobatics, Terra just got flattened by my Leavanny. Shade got run over by my Luxray, Kiki got run over by my Espurr, Serra buckled under Mach Punch Infernape, Luna couldn't survive Close Combats, Hardy can't handle high defense mons. I smacked down Adrienn with an underleveled Metagross, I was actually surprised I could. Amaria I raised a Storm Drain Cradily and paired it with something weak to water or something I don't remember. The battle never went underwater because Cradily's precense made her completely not use any water attacks, so my secondary mon ran all over them while Cradily tanked hits repeatedly. Corey can't handle people blowing up his mist field (flame burst opop). Julia wasn't terribly hard, but i fought her at around EP16. Florinia couldn't handle Monferno.
  12. Getting a mon with Prankster just kinda stops Samson in his tracks. Spamming Will-o-wisp or Thunder Wave makes his mons sitting ducks for the most part. You would have to be careful of trying to Status his Hariyama or Conkeldurr though. The above mentioned Hawlucha who is a solid mon for this fight. And you should have access to much better flying types than Noctowl by this point (Unless you just wanna keep it around). You should also have access to a Dusk Stone by now to evolve that Misdrevious!
  13. I would highly recommend getting your own Excadrill which is catchable in the desert. Excadrill slaughters most of her team, and I managed to beat Titania (After many failed attempts) with some random Excadrill I caught in the desert and leveled up a bit. I gave it a magical seed, snuck in a X-speed and the Excadrill just swept her whole team with minimal effort. I think it got all the way to Aegislash or Mega-Scizor before finally going down, where my Infernape scorched the remaining ones.
  14. Bench Primarina for this one, replace Kricketune. You should have access to Meowstic by this point, who is a very good option for this fight, both Female and Male version. If you're willing to train up a mon, you can get Pinecos from the Headbuttable in Reborn City trees for a Forretress, who invalidates a lot of Aya's team, knows spikes(which is boosted), and has attacks independent of it's attack power. (Heavy Slam/Gyro Ball). I can't really stress how good Steel types are against Aya, as she only has a handful of answers to them. If the egg you got from the Slums was Bronzor all the better. If you can find an answer for Salazzle and Drapion, Forretress can run amok. If you don't wanna go out and find more pokemon, Training up Baltoy could be beneficial as Claydol can learn good attacks for Aya (Extrasensory and Earth Power). Gothitelle is also a good choice, X items are always a viable option if you have a mildly tanky pokemon like her, especially with access to screens. It is particularly easy to buff the bejeebus out of something like Forretress, Gothitelle, or Grumpig so they can tank hits and just go to town on her, as her starting two aren't to big of a threat. There is a Lunatone or Solrock in the Grand Staircase if you're willing to explore. You can grab a Meditite from Apohyphll Academy from a girl on the roof and Medicham can take a couple of hits and dish out Psychic and Fighting (to deal with Drapion). Iirc there are Alolan Diglets in Pyrous mountain who have almost perfect typing to fight Aya with. Bringing your own Nidoqueen can work depending on the moves it knows, and if you have a means of evolving Porygon, that's another psychic attacker. Trubbish/Garbodor can also act as an effective wall and set up.
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