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5 Fledgling

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  1. Just like the title says. Does Nintendo takedown of Pokemon Essential has anything to do with episode 19 being the last one of the Pokemon Reborn?
  2. Things I would like to see in episode 19 -Team Rocket cameo with the Meowth Boss Fantasy -Humiliating public punishment for Fren the looser -legendaries -Ame canonization by Arecus -Ame resurrected by bird Jesus Pidgeot (if you do the fossil sidequest) -More cult stuff it's the best part of the storyline
  3. Is there way to restore old voice cries? I copy and paste the old ones from 17 episode and they get modified into new ones from 18 somehow.
  4. There are no special instruction for updating when I am still before battling Radomus psychic gym leader?
  5. I was wondering storywise if encounter with Zekrom was real deal or was it some part of once upon time fairy tale world created by Titania.
  6. I noticed that even mons with high special attack don't deal great damage with hyper beam. Which mons could utilize hyper beam more effectively? Feels like it was nerfed.
  7. Not ture. All her mons outspeed my sharpedo and dargonite. This field will cut in half your speed regardless. She and Ciel are the most rigged gym leaders there are.
  8. Ludicolo, Swampert, Kingdra, Lapras are suppose to have speed below 300 at level 100. How come they outspeed my mon who has more than 300 speed?
  9. zelazko

    Gyro Ball?

    What's so useful about gyro ball? Even if enemy is slow it does not do lots of damage. Does it have other uses in battle?
  10. I noticed lately (around after beating Noel) we get fewer and fewer neutral trainers to battle. In the old games your road would be shit piled with them. All you get to battle with others are Team Meteor and gym leaders. Needa Moar!
  11. Get one fighting type for her tough Umbreon. I don't know if Brelom can handle Umbreon but my Primeape could with exceptionally high speed. If you play with SWM modular modpack check field effect dexter. As far as I know earthquake destroyed her field. For Umbreon (or any her mon) if it gives you trouble you can go kamikaze and make ceiling collapse with two earthquakes. It be good if your mon knew at least one bug type move it helps a lot against her Malamar
  12. Mightyena. You dunno how easy it easy to beat Julia with it.
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