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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Spurgun

  1. I'd like to trade a shiny ralts for an axew/one of it's evolutions
  2. I have finished it several times, that isn't an issue. I just enjoy playing with the same team from start to finish
  3. Thanks for the answers, though i have another question. Can i via trading get pokemon that still aren't available to me in the story? For example if i want to play through the entire game with my "final" team from the start can i trade for newly hatched versions of the pokemon from another save file of mine or is this considered cheating?
  4. I'm gonna start another playthrough of reborn and i thought i'd like to a try a team that's focused on just beating down the enemy team without caring about defense at all. What would be a good team setup for that?
  5. So yea, i kinda massively messed up and traded away a pokemon holding the xp share to an NPC. Is there any way to fix this or do i have to go on without it?
  6. I can't find find the room that would open the third last gate in the water treatment center, does it have something to do with the machine next to the voltorb, or should i find my way into the G.U.M. room somehow?
  7. Also, even though Torchic is supposed to have speedbost as its hidden ability it doesn't seem to have it, do i need to get speed boost as it's "main" ability in this game?
  8. Can i get a Frostlass (or snorunt i guess) before i have access to ametrine city? I accidentally rushed through the dialogue in 7th street and now i'm not sure how to continue the story, but i'd like to gather all the pokemons i want before i run around looking for the storyline.
  9. How do i get access to the black market?
  10. Thanks a lot for the answers. you have explained pretty much everything thoroughly And yea, while i know of Bulbapedia, i didn't know if Reborn follows it
  11. So i haven't played pokemon at all in a long time (played Emerald mostly), and even when i did i play it knew more or less nothing about the game. Now i've been playing a fair bit of Reborn recently, but i have several (most of them quite basic) questions about the game, and just pokemon in general. 1. What does breeding mean? I have seen several posts on the forum about how you can breed skill onto a pokemon, but i haven't been able to figure out what how you do it. 2. Is it still true that pokemon improve more when you level them than when they level in the wild, so that getting a low level one is better in the long run? 3. Is there any wiki for the pokemon in reborn, or rather, which version do they take after? 4. What does a pokemons nature do?
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