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About teloKaihafiz

  • Birthday 09/19/1995

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  1. hey,i got togepi.i'll trade it for your shroomish. Anyway,I'm looking for a few mons such as audino,cottoonee,clauncher and most of the fossil.tell me what you guys want and i'll see if they're in the box.
  2. looking for axew,larvesta or eevee(iv's don't matter).i could hatch some torchic,karps and togepi in return,but i can't promise good iv's tho,so it's win-win
  3. wait,you guys have ep15 already???? where do you get that? p.s. sorry for being off topic
  4. nvm,slash the meditite,i'd like the froakie or charmander instead,especially froakie.sorry if it's too much tho. I don't mind waiting really,i'm on a 3 month holiday
  5. umm,i'll be very thankful if i could get that meditite and eevee please
  6. I think i missed a lot of poke events

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