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About Stak

  • Birthday 10/11/1995

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  • Interests
    Pokemon ,Anime,Manga,and going to the gym

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  1. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a fun day 😉🍰

  2. Stak


    In E19 will it have changes on the previous E18 , Cuz I thinking of starting again and really don't wanna miss out on anything new
  3. You want a treecko, maractus, Shiny bellsprout? I got also a roserade IV trained at level 93 I can put her at level 5 or something?
  4. Thank you guys this feedback was very important ^.^
  5. the team I am preparing is what follows, would appreciate some feedback Machamp(Guardian) Flame orb Adamant 252 HP 252 Attack Guts rock slide/knock off facade close combat bullet punch Typlosion (Helios) Life orb Modest 252 SP.At 252 Speed Flash Fire Focus blast Eruption Hidden Power ice Lava Plume M-Manetric (???) Manectrite Timid 252 SP.At 252 Speed Lightning Rod Hidden power Ice Flamethrower Thunderblot Charge beam Tentacruel (Kraken) Black Sludge Timid 252 HP 252 SP.Def Clear Body Surf Sludge wave toxic spikes Scald Ferrothorn (Knight) Rocky Helmet Sassy 252HP 96 Def 162 SP.Def Iron Barbs Power Whip Toxic Stealth Rock Gyro ball Lycanroc Dusk (Twilight) item??? Jolly 252 Att 252 Speed Tough Claws Acellerock Rock Slide Crunch Stomp tamtrum
  6. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a great day 🙂🍰

    If you want to have a shiny as a gift, you can visit this thread 🙂


    1. Stak


      ahaha thank my community friend ^.^ great advise Ill take it x)😁

    2. LykosHand


      You're welcome 😄

  7. Offering deino dratini or jagmo-o or something else
  8. LF Hidden power Ice Eletrike got dragons axew, deino, jagmo-o and some shinies for trade
  9. Looking for a hidden power Ice Joltik for trade I can trade deino or jagmo-o or some shines aswell
  10. LF Hidden power Ice Joltik Got some shinies , deino or jangmo-o for trade
  11. GO to the old factory in peridot the generator floor there you will find it again
  12. Looking for a hidden power grass Cyndaquil for trade I can trade deino or jagmo-o or some shines aswell
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