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  1. Where is this mystery egg? I think I saw someone mention Route 3, but I can't find it there.
  2. Bait the Kecleons into using Sucker Punch by using a Ghost- or Psychic-type, and then use a status move like Will-o-Wisp or Curse. They'll just keep trying to Sucker Punch you.
  3. There are definitely one or two somewhere, but I can't remember where, sorry. Stones are sometimes rewards from help quests.
  4. Shiftry has Chlorophyll and Extrasensory, as well as Growth, so it could sweep if you set up correctly. I think Nuzleaf is in Sheridan somewhere, and hopefully you have a spare Leaf Stone. If not, Nuzleaf miiight suffice, but will require another Growth probably.
  5. There's a girl you meet in an earlier quest who uses Garufo (spelling?) magic, and she appears at Jenkel's lab in the library quest too. The only thing I can think of is that maybe you have to complete that earlier quest first.
  6. You enter it in Hidden Library 2, which is one of the Sheridan help quests. It's pretty straightforward, just follow the instructions for the quest. Is there a specific part of the quest you are stuck on?
  7. Nice to see some correct math for once haha, people have a habit of miscalculating probabilities like this.
  8. You can get a Prism Scale with Pickup It's a 1% chance and the 'mon needs to be level 51+, but it's still possible.
  9. There's one on a narrow horizontal path hiding behind a tree that's easy to miss iirc. There's also one in the bottom right corner that's quite easy to miss.EDIT: A lot changed in version 6, so idk if they're still in those locations actually.
  10. Now we just need a Horsea in the game...
  11. It's a quest series that starts at the Gearen Help Center.
  12. Considering I beat Amber on my first try, and Charlottle took an awful lot longer (I had to catch a Bronzong specifically for her), I say Charlottle was harder. On the other hand, my Rejuvenation team was better suited for Fire-types, as I had both Greninja and Milotic.
  13. Thanks, I found it! You need to fish in the sewers with a Good Rod.
  14. Ahh, I know who you're talking about. Yeah, I didn't speak to her. Thanks.
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