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About Enkhidu

  • Birthday 08/16/1999

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    PokΓ©mon, Dangan Ronpa, Haikyuu!!, Fate and mostly everything that is action.

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  1. you need to have started the "Missing Children" quest to unlock it, you need to do just like the first 5 steps to get it. If you don't know where to start it, the help center is in the central building on the left elevator.
  2. Huh that is really interesting. Do you know if there is a scene of Flora hearing the news of Rune's death? Because normally she would hear them from prison, but now that she is free maybe there is a small difference in what happens?
  3. [Spoilers for V13] For what I have seen it looks like the bad ending happens in a certain moment in chapter 15. I was checking tvtropes to see if any info was added after the new version came out and it looks like it did (btw huge props to the one that added the info, that was really fast). There are many new bits of info there but the one that got the most of my attention was one in the "Characters" section, under the protagonist part to be exact. It talks about the "bad options" the character can take and, I suppose with enough points, you can betray your friends like it says here: I would really like seeing someone get this part in their let's play, but let's be honest, it's really difficult to "screw up" that much not intentionally. The same thing happened with Florin's excecution, I was only able to find about it again due to tvtropes, but no playthrough had the scene because of the specific circumstances that it needed to happen.
  4. Happy Birthday πŸ˜„, i hope that you will have a great day πŸ™‚πŸ°

  5. Since you read the extra diary entry I would recomend to side with Shiv and fight Aurora. As for the consequences... (spoilers for E4 and soft ones for E5).
  6. Yes it doesn't need own tempo, just level it up to 25 between 17:00-17:59 and you are set.
  7. Happy Birthday πŸ˜„, i hope that you will have a great day πŸ™‚πŸ°

  8. Where you fought the PULSE
  9. Well that's weird, are you 100% that you were in Reshiram's in that save file? Do you remember seeing Taka die? If that's the case then it should be a really nasty bug.
  10. Reshiram. You must have, somehow, missed it. If you want to see what he said search for Lord Wallace's Reshiram route gameplay.
  11. It's supposed to be a sidequest but not for this episode at least, so we will have to wait till the last one to know.
  12. This are all the old sprites that I have: https://imgur.com/8w01BwD https://imgur.com/0epg4ye
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