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About Cgamer12

  • Birthday 12/23/2000

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  • Location
    Canada, New Brunswick
  • Interests
    Pokemon, Starcraft II, league of legends and Heroes of the Storm

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  1. Though this is not as helpful for reborn as it is for competitive You can also use Smogon for some tips on what you can give your Pokemon
  2. Some of the gym leaders kill themselves I guess it's just a thing they do
  3. You can also look up https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbr6TI0Mujw2iFAQE4R8yrQ Shofu
  4. I chose Torchic and had no idea it would have speed boost on it. Torchic is quite a usefull starter especially if your running speed boost on it
  5. Thank you for explaining how to find and backup my save file It helps a lot
  6. These are some good sprites love the designs
  7. This is one of the toughest Pokemon games and proves a much bigger challenge then the mainstream games from Game Freak. We need more Pokemon games like this for the players who want a challenge and not breeze through the game amazing job Amethyst.
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