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Everything posted by WakelessTitan

  1. ok thank you and yeah the move tutor is available in the agate circus so I'll just swap out thunder wave for roost
  2. I'm currently stuck in agate circus area I want the dragonite to help me fight solaris in the double battle and also I mean why not get a psuedo I'll probably go with dragon claw iron head and thunder wave also doe dragonite learn iron head by leveling or by tm
  3. so I"m leveling up a dragonair to add to my team it has the lonely nature and it's ability is marvel scale and it knows dragon dance, dragon tail, thunder wave and aqua tail and I'm just wondering what a good move set would be I figure keep dragon dance for sure but other than that I"m not sure. any and all help is appreciated and thanks in advance.
  4. It does help I might shelf him for now I have a gardevoir instead of having them both might bring magneton in for some type coverage I’m currently at work or I’d post my whole team stats but I have a swamper, ryhperior, gardevoir, arcanine, snorlax and gengar ATM
  5. Yeah I’ve been thinking about reworking him I only taught him destiny bond to try and kill terra’s garchomp with it but I actually ended up killing the garchomp with my snorlax. So any ideas for what I should replace hypnosis and dream eater with?
  6. so my question is should I get rid nightmare or dream eater for destiny bond
  7. so after using it for a but the script seems to hang up pretty often not sure why but it's like every couple of minutes that it does it
  8. it doesn't work the game just says the script failed EDIT: sorry it does work just forgot to copy it over and I'm testing it now 2nd EDIT it does drop the save in the reborn main folder and it doesn't create a back up from what I can tell
  9. so I have 150+ hours on pokemon reborn but my laptop might be dying maybe and I was wondering if there was a way to make reborn save in the reborn folder itself that way I can just throw it in my onedrive folder so I would always have access to it and wouldn't have to worry about losing my save any and all help is appreciated
  10. where do I go after I get the 7th badge?
  11. that is one I want to add in rotation just not sure where to get it
  12. here's the rest of my team Arcanine moves:flamethrower, outrage, crunch and flare blitz att:135 Def:104 Sp.att:124 Sp.def: 93 Speed:156 Vileplume moves:petal blizzard, acid, giga drain and moonlight stats Att:110 Def:114 Sp.att:138 Sp.def:99 Speed:92 Magneton moves:magnet bomb, flash cannon, charge beam and discharge stats Att:90 Def:119 Sp.att:130 Sp.def:103 Speed:94 Gengar moves:shadow ball, dream eater, hypnosis and dark pulse stats Att:102 Def:82 Sp.att:143 Sp.def:92 Speed:162 Swampert moves:earthquake, protect, Muddy water and rockslide
  13. so it's lvl 52 attak:97 Def:100 sp.att:122 Sp.Def:88 speed:187 EV&IV att:80/18 Def:12/20 Sp.att:34/24 Sp.Def:6/19 speed:202/22 Moves:air slash, bite, roost and super fang
  14. you want the stats of my whole team or just the noivern
  15. so my team is an arcanine, vileplume, gengar, swampert, magneton and a noivern and noivern seems to be the weak link my pokemon are all lvl 55ish so I was wondering what a good replacement would be for it? edit:spelling
  16. so is ditto not a surfire way to get an egg anymore because the old man tells me that my swampert and ditto dont seem to get along. So am I doing something wrong?
  17. so if I breed a mudkip would that be acceptable?
  18. derpy simon I could use a gyardos so what would you be looking to get for one of your magikarps?
  19. so brianwee2013 what would you want for your ghastly?
  20. well if your in the aqua base I'll assume you joined them after you help them steal a pokemon you also help them storm the team magma base and after you do that they give you a carvhana EDIT:I just reread your post and realized I read it wrong so please ignore what I said I am not a smart man
  21. this is so useful really appreciate all the effort helps me to decide if the event pokemon is worth the effort though I'll probably end up getting them all but either way thanks a lot
  22. I just like the dual types not really sure why but my little growlithe has grown on me so he'll be on the team for a long while now I'm gonna work on some more of my other pokemon gotta get them up to snuff
  23. hmm so seems my arcanine is still a bit far away. well appreciate the help stay classy people.
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