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Aha yeah, I get this. Back when I played League, I would constantly be scared that other people would yell at me. Not because I really cared that they were mad at me, but because if I got yelled at I just felt... Useless, like I didn't belong. I actually wasn't bad at the game but it was so stressful to think that others might think of me as a waste of space or a bother. I don't like bothering people, so playing a game where I might do so worries me, and so I would avoid the game generally. I guess it's a form of insecurity for me? I don't think that's exactly it. I mean I love the game as a game, but when it comes to playing with people I just can't. And then when I do, I need to play alongside a friend so I feel more comfortable. Like I said, I wasn't bad at all, but being scared kind of made it a cyclical thing. I never really did find my groove for it, but I wish I had, because it's fun (if only I could get all the money I spent on it back ). But I'm not giving you advice, just sharing my story, maybe you get something out of it.
If it's this week I /might/ have to be out.
By Kiki, he should have Delibird, Snorunt, Cubchoo, Vanillite, Swinub, and Smoochum.
I enjoy this. Especially the puns.
Will decided that he should return to his duties, and so left the hallway of class 2-2, but not before returning his tools to the supply closet. From there, he headed towards the school auditorium, which was located on a branch hallway from the cafeteria's entrance. There were no assemblies being held at the time, so the auditorium was empty, save for him once he entered. The newly-added staff room was attached to the auditorium via a specially-locked door near the stage steps. The purpose of this room was unclear; there were not many professors who regularly operated around this part of the school, and the main staff room was located in a much more central place. Nevertheless, the project was continued and completed. Will even wondered why there was such a high security for this one room in particular, since the normal staff room was pretty much open to the public. "Yet," he sighed, "they still put this place on my list of duties without preparing an updated keycard in advance." It was a minor inconvenience, and would probably be solved in the near future, but it still bothered him. Will shook his head and took out the piece of paper that Gawyn had given him. After Will entered the code through the manual keypad, the door let out a short, affirming beep and the red light on it turned a positive green. He pushed the door open and stepped inside. The door shut itself with a click. Looking around the room, he stopped a few mostly-barren desks--after all, the teachers didn't have much to put in this room, and barely any of them used it. He spotted the trash and recycling and walked over. Inside each bin, Will found one apple core in the trash and a single, crumpled sheet of paper in the recycling. He sighed once more and wondered if it was even worth it to replace the bags over this.
If it's a reference, I'm not sure. He's the Meteor Grunt that's in Jasper Ward to the right of the Police Station that blends in super well with the background so I just never noticed him the first time around. I'm pretty sure he's completely useless too.
I would agree with the Snorunt thing. If it wasn't for Delibird sucking, I'd've chosen that. But remember Vanillite can be obtained once the player has access to Obsidia, so I feel like that as a starter just limits the pool of usables in the beginning =/
My reason for choosing Delibird isn't the novelty of it but rather that it's the one to fall off the quickest... By the time you'd get it in-game, it's kinda sucky.
Alright, just trying to help cool things a bit on the "true guy" thing. What KosherKitten says is good, but I think some people are reading into it too much. He says that, as a guy, he feels a moral obligation to protect girls. That's not to say he wouldn't step in and help if a fellow male was being threatened. Just because someone says something doesn't automatically make them think oppositely about the flip-side. It's just his way of saying he doesn't like to see people, women especially (since the topic is on girls, he gave one of his reasons for protecting girls. Nothing in this conversation is about helping guys from being treated badly. 'Nother topic entirely) get treated badly. Because he notices this other guy doing that to "Jenny," he feels some animosity towards him. I think the sexism comments are reaches for reasons to get upset with him, and while not everything he has said has been the best, it is important to stay professional. It is his help thread, after all. ...I'm only saying this because I can see how it is easy for people to be against what's being said on his part, especially the way it comes off.
I'm assuming it's a Shingeki no Kyojin reference. The walls being those that protect the city from the titans, and in the beginning Armin's a really wimpy character.
Speaking of noticing stuff not noticed before, hello, Meteor Grunt Simon.
Granted, but they never turn back, so every Halloween, restaurants must hire all new staff, which will also all become penguins the following year. Also penguins can't take food orders 'cause they're penguins. I wish I could materialize any food I wanted out of nothing.
...Well, in the spirit of trying to be helpful here, that list you made isn't cutting it. Those are hardly "flaws" to you if you find it cute, etc. Even the emotional thing, you mentioned gives you a stronger connection to her. I think the purpose of the list is not to notice quirks about her that you like; it's to really think of things that would turn you off of her. You don't start to get over someone by suddenly realizing how great they are. Somewhat counter-productive, if ya ask me.
[[To: Gawyn, concluding the conversation To: Anna, and is still in the room for other interaction]] "Thank you." Will gave a short head nod to the man. However, it seemed as if things were getting more exciting in the room. One student blatantly ignored his teacher's commands and jumped out the window. To this, Will only had a few dark images of having to clean up any mess outside. But those were quickly pushed away. In addition, the girl he had noticed earlier had accepted a duel offer. There also seemed to be some commotion with a couple of students over sushi? "Well, kids will be kids I guess." He was smiling as the scenes unfolded before him. He was glad that the students were not completely despondent and solemn, and as such was put into a good mood of his own. This mood prompted him to make a remark at that woman. "What a lively bunch you have, eh?" Will did soon notice his comment at her, and his smile faltered for a moment. It wasn't that he disliked her, exactly. There was simply something discomforting about her presence in the entire situation. Nevertheless, Will shrugged it off and decided to linger in class 2-2 for a bit. It was lunch break, after all. Though he had no reason to be there as a janitor, he thought he'd take it easy and watch how things were going. Though he made a point not to stick out by being a faculty member playing among the students; no, he simply stood by the doorway for a moment longer. Perhaps he'd watch that duel that was about to start. It had been a while since he had viewed such a spectacle, after all. The two had made a point to head for the garden, though, and he watched them pass him by as they left the room. "...Nah, it's fine. Wouldn't want to be seen as a stalker or anything. They're just kids." Will laughed to himself. Though he would not get to watch a duel, he did still linger for a bit longer as he thought to himself some.
Right so I'm gonna come from experience in saying this, and I'll tell you something you probably won't accept or want to believe. I'm saying this because the way you said that comment actually reminded me of something I went through before. You can talk to her about it, but she might not listen. If she doesn't take advice from her friend over what she just thinks of some guy, or at least just consider the advice, then she's the one with the problem now. The issue here is time. I know you've waited your time and felt like it was enough. But well, if you feel this way, then it wasn't. It's just one of the stages. But like I said, I went through something similar. I was certain that I'd "love" this girl forever, and no matter what anyone else said about moving on and all that, I wouldn't accept it. I mean, she was a great person to me. I wanted to like her. Just to keep that hope alive that it could work out (because, well, she never actually gave me a proper answer which, by the way, is evil for girls to do). Sure, it was naive. I even knew that. But it could happen, so what's the harm right? Turns out, it's pretty unhealthy! To constantly think about that all the time really got in the way of everything, and it was not exactly a happy time in my life. I tried meeting other girls too. Didn't work. because it felt too forced. But one day, I met another girl who happened to like me, according to all her friends. I thought nothing much of it, but over time I came to grow used to the idea. This is because I was so used to my feelings not being reciprocated that it was frankly strange to me that anyone could like me (like I said, that kind of pining over one person is not healthy for your mentality and self-image). Long story short, it didn't work out with that girl either, but that's not the point. It was fine! Having another person admit they like me was strange, and nice, and it made me forget about the first girl. And I was even able to get over the second one rather quickly because it didn't even get that far to begin with. And then I was free of pining over either of the two. You just gotta let what happens happen. I was the strongest believer that I would never meet another person, but hey, by complete coincidence, I did! It's not a romance novel, but that stuff does happen, and when you least expect it too! Don't go searching for it, because you'll never be satisfied. Now, this wasn't a post to try to rationalize any answer or give psychological or scientific reasoning for what you should do and why you should do it. The girl just might not be worth it in the end, but I completely understand that you can't accept it. After all, I couldn't either. I was thinking logically during the whole thing too. It's not a matter of being confused or misguided; it's a matter of experience. It all changes perception. tl;dr you'll get through it, even if you think you won't. There's no advice any of my friends gave me that satisfied me. And I really don't think there ever could be. I'm not telling you what you should do, only that, believe it or not, you will move on. And it does get better. Just don't fall into despair over this, because it's just one trial out of many. Also, this piece of advice I'm about to say meant absolutely nothing to me at the time, and I suspect it won't mean much to you either because you "already found" the girl you like, but really, once you get to a point, you do notice just how many people there are in the world. Now even I think it would be a cosmic joke to meet the love of your life as the first person you love. Especially in high school. I mean, that's basically just striking off all the millions of other names on the list without even looking. Maybe you don't think someone could get any better, but you don't have a reference for it. Meet more people, and expand your idea of the type of person you are attracted to. (After all! If a man who has never seen a car in his life sees a relatively nice Volvo, of course it'll be the best car he's ever seen! But he doesn't know about the wonderful Mazeratis and Ferraris and Lamborghinis out there!) And as an edit to reference posts that happened while typing this: I agree with confronting her, but just know that it might not produce the results you expect. It might not get you over her at all. Happened with me, confronting didn't help.
But not Water 3 because we don't want Drapion swimming freely :]
- 20 replies
- underwater field
- dragalge
(and 1 more)
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About the Focus Sash, I actually obtained one in my first playthrough without knowing of either of the two presented (Grand Staircase or the Grotto). I think it must be the earliest possible one as well, since I was silly as used it up in my fight against Shade. Anyway, it's in the cave near the Beryl Cemetery. I don't remember exactly where, but I am almost to that point in another playthrough, so I will try to provide evidence asap. That is, unless it was moved between Ep 14 and 14.6.2
Yeah, it has Dark Pulse
Honestly if you want an easy out, just use the pokemon represented in my avatar~ Technician Fury Cutter wrecks everyone.
So.... I was supposed to be going to bed but I guess I got... bored? Somehow, and decided to try my hand at Golurk again. I will conquer it someday. Anyway, this time I went with a Gundam theme! I guess you can say this one is customize-able? I might want to try making a new chest for him too, but I just went with the Gundam head for now. Just gauging opinions~
^ Yeah, as a rule, if you find yourself treating a girl like an "object" or a "goal to reach", you're treating her wrong. Plenty of my female friends talk to me about this and how offended they get when a guy starts to act in this way. Just take a step back and try to be conscientious. If you assess the situation with a clear mind, you might find a better way of looking at things (and, if she does like this guy, maybe you can put your mind at ease too, and move on quicker).
Cottonee is at somewhere around Calcenon now I think. Get something that can survive a hit (Escavalier hi) and use Struggle Bug.
Neat. Is this satisfactory?