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Everything posted by Pixl

  1. Yep, yep, we do both! Criticisms are welcome, because maybe something was thought of that we missed, and maybe it looks cooler! Of course, eventually it should be finalized, but it's not yet, completely. Don't worry! You're good. The "wanted" shiny alterations are guidelines that generally come from community ideas/Ame's idea/past obligations(take rainbow unicorn Samurott for example...) and things of those natures. It's not wholly necessary that your shiny ideas follow these guides, though do keep in mind that they were chosen for a reason (because it's what's wanted). However, there are some shinies that did not have very definitive suggestions, such as Beartic previously (using this as an example because it's one I thought of something for), which left a lot more free range on brainstorming. Once again, however, feel free to contribute what you make so long as they are still accepting shiny edits! And as a final note, I suppose this is as good a thread as any to post your shinies of this kind, but if you want to contribute to the current priority as far as shinies go, head over to the 5th Gen Shiny Thread where we are currently working on the last gen that needs them (if I recall correctly. Though we may almost be done there are certainly some sprites that could use a fresh set of eyes!). The semi-updated list of what is needed is in the OP there, but I wouldn't go by that alone. If not just to look at all the pretty shinies (like that Volcarona), I recommend scrolling through the thread to see what people have worked on, and reading Ame's recap posts on what has been accepted already or not (of course, that is not to say that changes are 100% impossible, I think. After all, you are suggesting changes here). Thank you for your help and interest! :]
  2. Hakumen - Rotom-F (Permafrost Kingdom) "Ihihi... Roht the Raikou graces our presence. And you say Surodnal, the Landorus, is here as well? Interesting... very interesting. Ihihihi, he must be quite the daredevil to venture into our Ice type kingdom as a Ground and Flying type... quite the daredevil, I say." The Frost Rotom eyed the Raikou before him with open curiosity. He shortly, however, turned to Brandon and gave a quick gesture to signal his departure, as he was not inclined to remain a party to a conversation between the two. With his words said, Hakumen moved over to a regiment of his forces to further condition them. This group had a makeup of two-fifths Cryogonal, two-fifths Vanilluxe, and the last fifth Glaceon. The commander proceeded to run the regiment through tactical drills that covered basic combat field techniques suck as air movement, dodging, and moving into formations--the last of these activities was particularly interesting, for Hakumen's technical forces were able to form a variety of interesting setups that had their various niches: The Cryogonal had one such formation where they formed a barrier of their bodies, setting up various protections and barriers while also bolstering their defenses in order to create a defensive line for the artillery fire behind them from Vanilluxe and Glaceon. And so the refrigerator continued to train his troops, as was his charge for the time being, until the return of Lady Artemis and her scouts. With the two new arrivals, perhaps things would become interesting...
  3. You're as cold as ice, you're willing to sacrifice our love!

  4. That was a nice and scary scene. Permafrost sure has its share of scary Pokemon...
  5. Hakumen - Rotom-F (Permafrost Kingdom) The refrigerator hovered in place for a minute, unmoving and unblinking--though he did not usually find himself blinking, the lack of motion in general exaggerated this feature of his, causing him to appear creepier than usual--as he looked at Brandon. His permanently-eerie smile in this setting would be enough to unnerve even those steeled in their psychological barriers. Finally there was movement in the form of static sparks dancing around the tips of his plasma appendages. Perhaps to outsiders it would look like a volatile action was about to take place, as an Electric-Type seemed to confront a Water-Type. Those within the Permafrost Kingdom, however, knew that their quirky commander was too smart for that. Though this entire scene lasted a whole of thirty seconds, onlookers might be fooled into believing it was an eternity. An eternity which was ripped from their minds by an unnatural, robotic voice that seemed to scrape at one's soul. "Y E S. O F C O U R S E. P L E A S E P A R D O N M Y T R A N S G R E S S I O N S." Following this bizarre display was another silence without motion, one that would cause a body to feel uncomfortable or anxious. But just as soon as the entire scene had begun was its iciness broken by Hakumen's normal voice--though it was a mischievous one, it was hardly on the level of creepy as all the elements previously had just come together to create: "Well then. My troops shall not displease your standards by the return of Lady Artemis, Brandon." And just like that, the Frost Rotom moved into position to oversee his forces while the Cloyster went to do the same with his.
  6. Oh my lord I hate myself. I was in the middle of writing a response that was very time-consuming (due to a certain aspect of it), and accidentally returned tot he previous window so I lost eeeeeverything. R.I.P. Ok, here we go again... EDIT: Ok, you can see why it took time. That one freaking quote took forever because I used Size 8 font for the spaces between letters and Size 12 for everything else. Also note Yash that I am not trying to start any hostilities yet. I'm just establishing the characterization of Hakumen as one really creepy dude. But I'm going with the assumption that he's been in the kingdom and is a commander so most people, especially fellow commanders and the king and all, already are accustomed to his creepiness (that's not to say, however, that some soldiers or even those higher ups aren't still a bit disturbed by him, though they'd probably keep that as a gossip sort of thing or a personal thought to themselves).
  7. Oh, uh, neat. **goes to change his Underdark Champ to Commander** Actually, I'll erase him for now since he hasn't been in the RP yet. I'll think of something different.
  8. I haven't posted with my Underdark yet because I wasn't sure where he was supposed to be yet >>
  9. No reason to remove them! (though, as attached images, you may find your capacity maxed out eventually. I prefer image hosting and using links to insert images)
  10. The only one I even like here is Vullaby... But I'm excited for that. >> << >>
  11. Hi hi Ame Ame this this is is a a cool cool field field. Wait, mirrors don't echo... But the cool pun was still intended! Anyway, I was kinda wondering, with the Illuminate Acc debuff and the Bright Powder, Flash, Mirror Shot, etc, all lowering Acc, I was thinking that the list of moves you listed to never miss and get damage buffs should also lower Acc (Dazzling Gleam, Luster Purge, etc), since they're all shiny like the other Acc lowering things. That was just my initial thought, but this looks to be a fun field nonetheless! You're a superstar! Or bicycle tire, whichever you prefer!
  12. 5.18.15. What are you allergic to? Absolutely nothing
  13. Hakumen - Rotom-F (Permafrost Kingdom) The figure of the refrigerator Commander hovered by the side as Brandon, Artemis, and the King had their discussion. As a mischievous spirit, Hakumen's interest was piqued at the idea proposed by the two. He was not one to sit back and train when there was action going on; if he could get his hands on a task he would. Following the Cloyster's suggestion, Hakumen's voice could be heard. "Pardon me, My Lord, but I would be willing to command my forces ahead for scouting, if you so desire it." His eternally-devious smile was not one to be concerned about, for that was the only facial expression he was ever seen making. The Frost Rotom gestured toward his forces marching on the bridge, which consisted mainly of Vanilluxe and Cryogonal, with a few Glaceon making up the core of the regiments. They were the technical branch of the military, and a scouting charge was not one out of their field of expertise. As for Hakumen, his nature permitted him to be quite the good stalker. However, he knew his place, and simply awaited a response from his King.
  14. I know that was the suggestion, it's just hm. I mean I like the blue one better. Iunno, colors are weird
  15. Only reason I haven't posted anything is cause my characters haven't been accepted yet Also, what is the ice bridge connecting to anyway, the other continent?
  16. Dang Commander, you'd think you would have an Avalugg to carry that box They can surf too Edit: Ignore me, I can't read
  17. As for the Carracosta, the blue does look awesome and I like it best but normal Carracosta is blue and black too :<
  18. [[To: Klive]] Will looked up in mild surprise. The question brought forth an enthusiasm that made him forget all of the previous anxiety with the student's onslaught. "Oh? Ancient Egypt, you say? Interesting, a fellow classmate of yours came up to me yesterday about that very same topic. Or, at least, about ancient Egypt in general. I told her about the friend of mine that was in town, Ike Johnson, and that he was staying at the Heart Hotel. He's quite a fanatic in Egyptian antiquities and is here for something to do with the museum. I'm a fan of the subject myself, but I don't go to the museum often." Having a topic he could elaborate on finally, the janitor's eyes beamed and it was his turn to look intently into the student's eyes should he have anything more to say on the subject,
  19. I didn't catch your idea, but that might be something I'm interested in.
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