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Everything posted by Pixl

  1. Denial of Service (DoS) attacks. But this has happened to DN before. it's the reason I stopped using it the first time I played. They'll come back. I always read luna's cause they're fun.
  2. [[iMPORTANT ACTION: Dialogue with Eppes]] [[To: Luna]] At the insinuation of perverse actions by both Eppes and Luna herself, Will felt obligated to defend himself. "H-hey! No it's nothing like that!" He was looking back and forth between the two to make sure they were not being serious. But he regained his composure, and noticed the strange demeanor in which his colleague was acting. "Not that you knew me, but, I work at the school too. I'm a janitor." Luna then went off on her explanation, and the janitor allowed her to finish before speaking once more. "But why do you seem so paranoid? I'll admit things are a bit strange lately, but you're being considerably stranger!" He was attempting to make light of the situation to perhaps get a laugh out of the man, but that was obviously not working. This man was far gone already. "L-look..." the strange atmosphere present made Will falter a bit. "I've noticed the students investigating. It's not just this crazy one either." He gave Luna a pat on the shoulder. "So I figure you must know something about this whole situation. So could you do me a favor and help this girl out? I think the sooner this stuff blows over the better." Will then took a step back to give professor Eppes some room. That, and he did not quite feel comfortable around him. However, the janitor stayed within a distance to where he could pull Luna out in case things got alarming. He waited to see, with apprehension, how the story would play out. He thought to himself that from now on, he would simply blame all strange happenings on that woman, and was satisfied by the thought. But this was Luna's hunt, and he was just helping. Not that this particular subject interested him enough to play detective anyway. Will decided to let Luna have the lead in whatever investigation was going on presently.
  3. She introduced herself as Noriko, head of the Protectors. That was Gavriil's first question. "Protectors?" He asked while picking himself up with some stiffness. Or so he thought; this healing process he had undergone had left his body in a condition as if he was just simple waking up from the night. The only trouble in getting up was that natural tiredness that came with sleep. Sure, he felt different. There was something inside of him, some innate power that he could not detect before. But he felt at ease with it, as if it was a long-lost friend. This feeling was with him the whole time. However, the girl just ordered him to transform. How could he? Gavriil did not know where to even begin with such a process. He racked his brain for an answer for a moment, and then decided that he was getting nowhere thinking about it. This got him curious about the feeling, and so the boy tried to focus more on this feeling inside of him. He wanted to recognize it and analyze it. But before he knew it, he was willing forth a power that he could not control the flow of. He felt his large body overcome by strength, and a sudden burst of energy rushed from inside his body out. BOOM. The sound of his transformation exploded around the room. But Gavriil was not shaken up by it, for he was too entranced with the feelings he was experiencing. He felt larger and much stronger. The tank top he was wearing sharply defined the contours of his newly expanded muscles as well. Once the noise subsided, Gavriil looked around the room, and then at his own hands, as if to make sure that this was all real. He could not see at the time, but his once-blond buzz cut hair had elongated to reach the small of his back and brightened to a very white hue. Once he discovered this trait, though, he would think it useless to his abilities. Gavriil looked back at Noriko. He was not sure what to think, so he waited for her guidance; this was an entirely new world to him after all.
  4. The red parts still look like organs to me
  5. Tfw classes cancelled so only have to be at school for 2 hours

    1. ArmoredGuardian


      Aww that must suck :/ we all know how much you love school.

  6. [[iMPORTANT ACTION: Dialogue with Eppes]] [[To: Luna]] Will stood dumbfounded as Luna just walked right over to the suspicious man and started talking. "Hey-!" He started, but then held his tongue. Would this work? The janitor attempted to maintain a casual pace as he approached Luna, who was already close to Eppes. Will looked at the man and said, "Huh, interesting meeting you here, Professor Eppes. I see this girl has already been bothering you." He said no more, however, on the account of him letting Luna try her own thing and see if it works.
  7. I like Baz's Golurk the most. He'd just need to do the bigger sizes and match Golett I suppose. EDIT: Here's a quick'n'simple recolor of Krookodile to look like King K. Rool. Colors. Just a quick check on the color scheme (if it's decent), then I can go back and do fancy things to it if I want. Like give him a crown and a cape (jokes, cape is a terrible idea with the way that back sprite is)
  8. This will be a showcase of my pioneering accomplishments now. -Felling Fern -Experiment 001 -Evolutionary Trial
  9. [iMPORTANT ACTION: To Heart Park]] [[To: Luna]] Will was suddenly being pushed by this smaller girl out of the bar. She sure was vigorous. He was caught off guard a bit, and so shouted after Jack behind him, "Woah! Alright, Be seeing you around then, Jack!" He then registered Luna's comment. "Are you always like this?" And with that, the two were out. The man looked at the girl once the door closed and pointed to his car in the lot. "Right there, let's go then." He unlocked the doors and got behind the wheel. He sighed at the mess he was dragging himself into, but shook his head and decided it was the proper thing to do. Once Luna would get in the passenger seat, Will would drive off toward Heard Park to the north.
  10. [[To: Luna]] Will raised his eyebrows at this bit of information. Shadows? Just what was Eppes up to? And why was this girl from the class involved? Then the man thought better of himself. Of course a girl from class 2-2 was doing something strange; every last person he had met today had been a girl from 2-2 doing odd things--first was Blair, though she was just interested in machinery, second was Setsuna asking about the myths tied to Duel Monsters, next was Red, whom he had mysteriously appeared in the garden with, and now this girl investigating one of his colleagues. As Luna made her remark, he couldn't help but chuckle, "No, of course not. I see you have a sense of humor about you. That's a good thing to hold in this world!" As the girl was turning to leave, Will called out to her. He thought in his head of why he was even doing this in the first place; he could just leave well enough alone, but maybe he was just paranoid lately. So many things going on, probably all because of that woman. "Hey, wait up!" He stumbled for words, realizing how awkward a situation he was in. "I, uh, am a janitor at your school. Eppes, well, I sort of know him, so this is my business too. Besides, the way Jack here was describing him, he seems to be muttering some nonsense, huh?" Once again, the janitor realized he was rambling. "Look. I'm not saying you're incapable of surviving on your own. In fact, it's probably the opposite. With your wit, I'm sure you'll go far. But as an adult, I can't just let a kid go off after some strange guy by herself. At the very least, let me drive you there. I have a car, and it will be much faster than walking or the bus." He pointed outside the window of the door. "Plus, the day won't last forever. You want to get as much done as possible, don't you?"
  11. Wait Commander, don't make your post an important action yet. I want to say something in dialogue first (besides, we can have a small exchange before the next update)
  12. The anxiousness on the faces of the six was obvious to the boy laying in the center of their ring. However, there was no need for him to be anxious himself; he was already resigned to his decision. Then, a familiar feeling hit. A strange sensation it was, as the boy had only felt it once before. Gavriil did not know what to think of this, but he did his best to assess the situation. Some swell of feeling from the core of his very being surged forth within him. Did he feel stronger? He wasn't sure. But he did feel... different.
  13. I think we need to recognize our lords and saviors Thousand Arrows and Thousand Waves
  14. Ahh I can't decide between the nice and wonderful Stealth Rock Regirock or a bulky Rotom-H ...so have your pick, I suppose.
  15. You and your dynamics. Well anyway, Commander, I'll let you post first since you still wanted to answer my previous question
  16. So many girlfriend assumptions here. Tomas, are you trying to say something?
  17. [[Don't worry, it's fine! I was just making sure]] Gavriil looked on in awe at the scene before him. This girl... transformed? What sort of magic is this, he wondered. There were many aspects about this situation that he could not quite understand. "Japan, eh?" The boy thought a moment. He then nodded, as if he understood that. Gavriil's mind, as a protective measure, went through the events methodically, in order for him to better understand them. Once he accepted his location, he thought about the next bit of information; it was definitely a more difficult mountain to tackle. Magical power, in him? He looked down at his hands, opened and closed them, and returned his gaze to the girl. She was clearly changed. This was no joke. Gavriil had a strong enough confidence in himself to believe he was not hallucinating. This was real. Then he remembered. He remembered his past life, being brought out of the burning house and into the arms of the Russian mafia. "Save me, and I join you, is it?" There was almost a minor twitch of a wistful smile in the corner of his mouth, but if there had been, it was for less than a millisecond. In fact, such a smile probably never materialized itself on the boy's face, though one might imagine seeing it there if one had the imagination to emulate what his thought process was; indeed, anyone who knew his past might expect a display of emotion in that sense, but at the same time, anyone who knew his past would also know why it could never happen. Gavriil looked around at the various faces in the room once more. He had already accepted it. He knew there was nowhere else for him to go. What kind of life could he live, excommunicated from the Russian mafia and with no knowledge of how to live a normal life? The decision was a practical one. He probably knew his answer before the question was even asked. Thus, when he returned his gaze once again to this defender of humanity, this leader, this girl, the words that came out of his stone face were strong and showed no signs of wavering; "Very well. I accept."
  18. Just did. First one's voice is a little weird. Second song is good for a character theme, but I can't help but imagine the sound starting at 0:45 to be like eating flesh.... It's Acqui's fault for making me read Saya no Uta. You have not, but thanks Yanma is adorable
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