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About kithas

  • Birthday November 28

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    Pokémon world. In a cave, probably
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    Pokémon (Duh...), monsters, fantasy, surrealism, and biology and other related stuff.

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  1. I'm trying a monotype ground run (or maybe it becomes ground/rock in the future) but first I have to defeat Fern with a Mudkip and a Burmy and I hate the guy already 😞

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Genderist


      Jesus this is hard..


      Get your burmy to 15 for bug bite and your mudkip as high as possible without evolving it and spam the ever living mercy out of potions and berries.

    3. kithas


      Haha that's what I'm trying to do, it's hard but it is also fun to overcome it 🙂

    4. Monochrome_Complex


      I'm not a fan of monotyping ground too much due to how slow most of them are and how a number of ground moves hit your partner as well, making them ill-suited for doubles.

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