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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by kithas

  1. I don't remember if it was Jan or Ame (Reborn) the one to say that each time someone asked when the game was going to be ready, that date went back two weeks. It was a joke, but usually that question isn't very well seen around here, the games having no official release date on top of being personal projects, and in this case on top of the actual pandemic situation Speaking about Saki I think her being a Gym Leader, probably on Risa/Freya's side, and one of the ones that knew Nim makes her a pretty easy target for Norna.
  2. This game is a gift, so we're grateful it comes be it at the pace it does. I think I'm not the only one who thinks a good state of mind comes first. Take care, more in this situation Speaking about the screenshot, finally we see Labradorra! I guess we're going to die after seeing the Absol (even though we already cached it) but if we already were sucked by a black hole, I wonder what will await us that could surprise us!
  3. I think Saki's intended to be at Axis high, one of the only places in GDC we've not yet visited, and she named Risa (a student there, at least apparent) and finals.
  4. I think the talking NPCs are no longer in there and that way was the way to the abandoned pier to Neverwinter!
  5. That's why I consider it a valid theory. There's a lot of things for it to be just a coincidence lol And we're forgetting that Risa apparently is simultaneously the best student, actress, model, cinema director, fighter against an evil team, great battler, and probably I'm forgetting somethin. So everything adds up to us being against her in this next version
  6. Well, it's mainly an odd coincidence between the sprites, her point of being the one that single-handedly controls Team Xen in GDC, when we know Cassandra, the mayor, is actually a member of said Team I would say pretended win would work well for Team Xen to establish a covert control over the city. Then we have whatever she was doing around Zone Zero in last version, and most of all, her strange party-themed Jigglypuff with, iirc, the same moveset of the Naganadel owned by Freya, a character we already known to be adept on illusions. As I said, it's a theory, but I would said a well-funded one. PS: Sprites! Notice hairstyle similarities and color: I would see interesting Risa/Freya (if they're the same person) manipulating Saki to be in their team, both being brainwashed/with illusions or just talk from the time travelers team.
  7. And what do we know about Saki's plot? I don't remember if we got any lore about if her and Risa were friends before GDC's arc, but given we know (or at least, suspect) Risa Raider may be Freya (Time traveler woman) that could be something to take into account, already knowing she's in Axis High
  8. I'm not at all convinced, bc not only it doesn't fit Saki (Unless, again, they go for the princess idea, which she could be said to be as the child of a rich and successful famiy) but it was already used by Reborn's steel gym leader
  9. I always think "yeah, I wish main pokémon games are like that" but I also think about how Rejuv or Reborn have been ongoing for several years now and, in Rejuv's case, is not even close to finished. But I always wonder what would these obviously talented creators make, when given a professiona team and freedom. I am grateful with what we have, tho
  10. Well, Duraludon, Metagross, Scizor, are, as said, easy picks. I think there's a chance she has a Registeel, the one from her grandma the (ex?)Protector of Aevium Hazuki. It would be an interesting twist for the rebellious Saki to have been tamed into being the Blakeory's heir and taking their mantle or something like that. The Twitter seems to contradict this, but let's see. Maybe she doesn't have an actual Registeel in her team but we have to fight a Rift Registeel in her arc.
  11. I also changed her field into Cave field, I think (in at least 1 of the playthroughs lol) who buffs ground-type moves. Also you could change it into Ice-cave and then her fire will make it water, which also helps you.
  12. You enter Amethyst grotto, right before the bridge, go to the east/right path, that's where the plot goes
  13. Ah great thx I got confused in her last scene. And wait, according to Twitter, is Saki Ax-crazy now? Could that be the change? We still don't know what made the changes and the blakeorys are still sketchy...
  14. Let's not forget Saki's original place (gone to Volta & then to Erick) or Souta being an actual GL. And then, I don't even know what was up with Amanda. Did she exist on the first case and was abducted by the ones that gave us mecha-Amanda? Or was always a force of chaos to de-stabilize the league? And who for? The time travelers? We know it's not Xen or Bladestar. The Storm Chasers? Indriad's faction?
  15. About Damian being the Dark-type leader, he was pretending to lure Nim/Lorna to transform him into a statue, as he said in his second appearance at the Hospital of Hope. He's actually the dragon-type leader, having a Mega-Latios as his ace from what I remember. Alexandra will probably be the champion or close to it. And for Alice & Allen, they don't seem to fit into becoming suddenly gym leaders or having pokémon at all besides the unowns or the pokémon fabricated by the unowns. Cosmia & Comet, in the other way... But, yeah, since we got Saki on real actual Twitter, I guess she's the next one to be defeated!
  16. I think it would help to give the character dynamics some deepness. If Crescent would end up being MC's real/biological mother, she would, at best, be some shade of grey as an anti-hero (with oh-and-now-i-must-leave-my-offspring-without-knowing-our-bond drama), and it could be the player's choice to like her more, or to go back to the "Mother" we knew, Nancy, the "fake" one but also the one that showed us love.
  17. I feel if Crescent and Melia were the same person but the first one time traveled to get to us, the other time travellers (aka Freya and skateboarder guy) would have given a hint about that since they know Crescent enough to know her real name. Plus, her powers differ in style from Melia and in origin (Melia's come from Arceus, which is what made her hair golden... This is independent of the goodness of her like look at Melanie). In a meta way, Melia's versions always share the name beginning with an M: Melia, Maria, Marianette, Melanie... However, nothing is to say Dahlia couldn't be actually related to Melia, like an older sister or her mother's relative
  18. Given we haven't seen other red-eyed Charizard, it would seem less plausible for it to be a race, and more a mutation. Red-eyed chariza is actually a mutant, belonging to the X-Charizards
  19. Yes, it is supposed to be updated (not the quote lol, the first post) so we're at 41% there now
  20. Wait Alice & Allen aren't pretty main characters in that quest?
  21. You need to go to "saved games" folder in your computer, "pokémon Rejuvenation" folder (if you play Reborn too, it's the same way only changing the folder it's in) and then you should see a bunch of files with your character name, badges and time played, that are your previous save, all in rxdata format. The last one, the one the game file loads and the one you should post here, is called "Game.rxdata", but the savefile for Pokémon Reborn is called the same way, so check the folder it's in before uploading
  22. Maybe post your team/most powerful mons or even upload a savefile of your game so other people can have some insight to your methods and can suggest strategies?
  23. Isn't it Flora who is sleeping and waked up by Dr. Jenkel?
  24. Oof in Blacksteeple we actually get to battle using Sylveon and that's where the confusion comes from, thanks
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