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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by kithas

  1. Hmmm iirc there's the possibility of obtaining a very good, if not perfect, IV Sylveon around Blacksteeple? Or am I imagining things?
  2. Melia got the Coronavirus, v13 is quarantined
  3. It usually depends on the new changes added, as if you save in a new area, the versions that didn't have that area are going to be unable to load, or if you have a pokémon that didn't exist in the older versions. When a new Generation is added, a lot of changes are done to the savefile (like variants, adding the new mons to the game, etc) so it's going to give a lot more errors than, say, a savefile that got started in v12 then loaded in v11 in the first stages of the game, when content was pretty much the same. Then, in between versions or episodes from Reborn, the dev team actually does give a list of the areas they changed and in which you should not save before changing version.
  4. Both a direct opposition and an addendum to Indriad/Angie's Arceus cults (given Melia/The Archetype is heavily associated with Arceus), minus the maid theme.
  5. With Gen 8 addition I'm not entirely sure the V13 save will be compatible with the v12 game tho... The fact is that the savefile (in both Reborn and Rejuvenation) is saved apart from the game files, as Game.rxdata, so even if you delete all the game files and download it again, as long as you saved that Game.rxdata, your save will be ok
  6. You could go to the Theatre, south by route 9, and take the train next to GDC to the GDT again then.
  7. I think now you have to actually search for Venam since she's not in her gym, right?
  8. Yes, Mega-Altaria is a Fairy-type so it gets it
  9. I think it's more interesting to see more, say, colorful casts in fiction in general. It helps to give people who share characteristics with them (in this case, queerness, but it could apply to PoC) characters to identify with, but for me, it feels like it's more realistic and varied. As in, it's not a direct effect on me, but I like to see more diverse casts who allow to more diverse plots and stories.
  10. Uhhh Idk how to say this but if you're aready up to game then you'll know we're not going to see her in the future...
  11. My memory is not good and there are sure tons of good moments in both games I'm forgetting. But, to go with ambiance I would say Titania's castle looks pretty cool and the overall magic feeling gets me. For Rejuvenation I like similarly the mansion in the sewers for its feeling of it not being completely real or completely here, like an alternate timeline, and stay unexplained for a lot of versions afterwards.
  12. I don't think there's a Bad Ending per se, like it would be every time we lose a battle. And even plot-wise, we have the Doomed Timeline. I think there may be many endings in which the characters end in different places emotionally (like having friendship with some of them but not all) and then a Golden Ending where everything is how it's supposed to be.
  13. The point was (from my point of view) that Corey was nihilistic after his wife's death, saw life as suffering and that's what he tried educating his daughter in. And then Heather had her angst against a father that didn't give her the freedom she sought (in part bc she was a child but in part bc life as suffering) and then potentially discovers what is Corey doing. So I'm saying there's a thing about neglect going out there.
  14. So yeah, a ten year-old kid wants to be a kid hero in a pokemon game, you'll have to admit it isn't unheard of. Also, don't expect the better judgment from a kid anyways
  15. Before being officially multiple saving in Reborn I went to the folder the sabes were stored in and renamed the one called "Game.rxdata" (aka the current save) with another name, and then when I wanted to go on playing it, I renamed it to Game.rxdata again (and changed the previous save). The game reads the file called Game.rxdata as the actual game, so try and play with that. Bonus: Now you can have multiple saves at once, naming them "Game_1.rxdata" and so in.
  16. What led you to Pokemon Reborn? It has been a long time since, but I've always been a fan of pokémon, and shortly after I kinda grew out of the main games (Gen IV, Diamond & Pearl) I saw in Tumblr a post regarding the game. I might have played another fangames in the past (mostly hacks and stuff, nothing serious) but the graphics made me curious on Reborn, and I hasn't been disappointed since then. What do you think about the battle system in the game? Regarding the differences with main Pokémon games, the field effect system provides another good layer of complexity to the battles, and from my point of view also kinda helps with immersion a little by making it important what field are you playing in. As in, it's more viable to be a water-type trainer when battling on water. What do you think about the stories/narrative in the game? I like that it's more complex than the main games. It has a lot of characters, and a lot of relationships between them, and while it can fall sometimes on the dark side too much and be difficult to keep everything in mind (specially between episodes) I like that it's not, at times, as linear as a main game. In particular, what do you think about the queer characters in the game, like Cain and Adrienn? I think that queer characters give a sense of realism and kind of diversity to the cast. One can like them more or less individually, as their expressions change, but I think that them being here is way better than an all white cis hetero male cast.
  17. I meant in the way that both were bullies (Snape even came from a position of power as a teacher) and imagining a scene with Fern being killed by Lin after showing the good guys how he was actually always a hero by sacrificing himself.
  18. Right now, Fern is more or less a straight out Hate Sink character, just like Blake or maybe Elias. He could well be playing a long con with Team Meteor, but from what we have seen until now, it's not easy, and it will anyways leave plenty of things for him to be hated for (just like characters like Severus Snape from Harry Potter)
  19. It could be bad, I've read about people whose Poochyena/Zigzagoon in RSE/ORAS was Shiny (and uncatchable) hahah
  20. I can think of two different theories: One, Prologue!Anathea and Past!Anathea come from different dimensions or timelines, like Melia and Melanie (And probably Marianette too) but Chrisolia Hotel's existance means the manor was there at one point.
  21. Yes, it is clear that Vitus, Sirius or Indriad is involved in some sort of age-stopping magic, as we saw him Kugearen City (Timetravel) and in Marianette's manor, which is implied to be around the same time period, that being roughly 50 years prior the beginning of the game, and the same happens with Nymiera's arc in Hiyoshi.
  22. Hmmm I don't think so, not remembering the details but she played it as "an old forgotten legend" that at best, ran on her family lore. I seem to remember it also sounded quite similar (or linked) to the story of Griselda, with the "Man" being one of the forces behind the treason by her sisters and daughter. Then again, Griselda being Giratina would make sense, as that story is like a cosmogeny for Arceus, Dialga, Palkia and her.
  23. This sidequest is complete, but the complete story about the Darchlight Manor is not. You may want to complete the quest that starts, iirc, by visiting the Goldenleaf Gym/Theatre after winning against Narcissa.
  24. Will be better to do an only event pokemon run on Reborn, or on Rejuvenation? 🤔

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