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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by kithas

  1. Depending on where are you plot-wise, GDC may be closed temporarily. But that you cannot change the map with the up-page or down-page (chek if you got the num lock and all) is actually strange. You should be able to go to Sashila by yatch, and from there, talk to Damien and his Latios to fly to Route 9, or with the Claydol from the desert to be teleported to the park in the scholar district.
  2. I think I said it before: Yes, I also want to get my hands on the Mega Ring, but with no quantity limit, and no reverting when fainted, some crests are almost better than the Mega-Stones lol
  3. It makes sense Voidal Chasm was Gregorian Lake, that's where Geara's parents get lost, probably during the catastrophe.
  4. From what I remember from the lore, there's roughly a one day travel between Kugearen and Hiyoshi (said by Anju and Hazuki at Hiyoshi's time travel) so it is connected by ground. Goldenwood area (Griselda's castle) seems to originate at a northern place than Sheridan, given how Amethyst grotto pushes it into its actual location, and having a dock for Anju's ship before. Or maybe... In WLL we can actually see River's end and Goldenwood's area just west of Sheridan's area so... Most likely Storm-9 pushed Kugearen south, thus why Goldenwood park is north of it and west of Sheridan? Thinking about Terajuma area, both them and Blacksteeple islands seemed to be south of Aevium, together but not connected to the mainland. And we also got Neverwinter's area north of Route 9, so we still don't have the full picture. But it's a good thread anyways.
  5. Nastasia's ship is just outside of the tournament building meaning you have to take the train from route 9 to get there, or, if you already started the quest, you should fly to Sashila's Island and past Alamissa.
  6. It's 1 Gym-1 project since you come back to Reborn!
  7. I think each shock took like 1/6th or 1/8th HP (don't remember which) from your whole team, bar Ground-Type pokémon (I did a Ground Monotype in which this was very fun bc my MC kept being shocked buth the mons suffered no damage). I think the exception with Ground-types don't exist anymore so if you don't want your pokémon to suffer damage before the last battle, you'll have to avoid being shocked before the battle. It is doable, I assure you. Although you'll have to do it several times to nail it.
  8. I was thinking and maybe what was said was that no longer would crests be suggested by fans, as it was at the end of that kind of thread. Anyways, I'm very happy this isn't the last we're going to hear about them
  9. The point is (I think) the releaner does a check on the "moves available to the species" lisr and lets you choose from that, like you won't find TMs, HMs or RMs in there even if you used them except if the pokémon in question learns them by level (Salamence-fly). You can get to add "egg moves" to that list with mods and stuff tho
  10. I think I read in some thread that Kiki was the first with, iirc, perfect IVS. And she's a Gym leader, all things considered. But I can be wrong.
  11. I also did start a few days ago, I think it is fun (even if ice cold winter is not the best season to star walking around lol) and I find it fun how the pokestops are distributed. I would have liked less cooperative things to do with friends (like raids) but that's just me, and this is pokemon, so I guess I knew what to start from the beginning (and it's not mine the game is new anymore lol) Anyways, my friend code is just 6824 9633 4656 if someone else does pass through and wants to receive a present ^-^
  12. Well. It seems that the Mega-Z ring is going to be among the updates so I see no problem with talking about it a little. Except I, for one, I'm almost more interested about crests. They're less a battle mode and a design change yes, but they also lack Megas restrictions and in some cases add (not substitute or replace) very interesting effects to make pokemon competitive again. I wonder if there are any crests still to be discovered, even if I think I remember Jan saying the opposite?
  13. I remember the two news reporters at the entrance of GDC having lost Volta, so I think it will be solved too hahah And yeah I like she has again appearances jn the game
  14. Now in the same topic but a different place we have got Kristiline, home of Anju, which was in the same place Teila Resort is now, and Kakori village, just a cave to the east, which wasn't inhabited at all before Crawli and his father. So, which is it? Are they older than we think? Or is the Kakori area and the jungle younger?
  15. I was interested in the abandoned manor because location-wise it could have been Marianette's house, and that could help the theory that different "Maria" versions do not differ by their dimension, but by only time. I also think Anjou or Hazuki mention they came from Kugearen area in a day's worth of travel from the south of Hiyoshi, and looking at the train map, it makes sense.
  16. I think you are right and that it's an interesting story, with the bonus that some NPC (can't remember who, I think west to the Dream district?) talks about how GDC is built in a dome which is actually over water. And I'll definetly have to check that abandoned manor again!
  17. They're talking about Rejuvenation, and I think Keta is going to be a staple on the early run. I think it may be important to get the Riolu early, but it can be viable
  18. I think the Mudkip place is independent from the actual puzzle, as you can skip the panels section completely after solving it by using the teleporter
  19. You need to take the train at the end of the original segment. I think this is made possible by previously helping Madelis? But I don't really remember how.
  20. Hatterenne also could fit Crescent's theme very well (the only unfitting thing being the color)
  21. I heard Bennett's trick may be to use an oricorio. Like every Quiver dance, every dance move, plop, free setup, free damage! Plus as it's already a flying type you get STAB advantage.
  22. I would understand if there was at least a perceived insult to Team Xen, or just jerkness (as Geara did to everyone) but I don't get why he deserved manipulation through his whole adulthood from before knowing anything about Team Xen. Why was he so important to them?
  23. Happy new year to all human beings who celebrate it! ^-^

  24. Wait, where was it confirmed as part of the main story?
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