From what I remember from the lore, there's roughly a one day travel between Kugearen and Hiyoshi (said by Anju and Hazuki at Hiyoshi's time travel) so it is connected by ground. Goldenwood area (Griselda's castle) seems to originate at a northern place than Sheridan, given how Amethyst grotto pushes it into its actual location, and having a dock for Anju's ship before. Or maybe... In WLL we can actually see River's end and Goldenwood's area just west of Sheridan's area so... Most likely Storm-9 pushed Kugearen south, thus why Goldenwood park is north of it and west of Sheridan?
Thinking about Terajuma area, both them and Blacksteeple islands seemed to be south of Aevium, together but not connected to the mainland. And we also got Neverwinter's area north of Route 9, so we still don't have the full picture. But it's a good thread anyways.