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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by kithas

  1. I guess the time sequence would be: Anjou meets Melia & the PC in Sheridan --> Anjou meets Melia & The PC around Hiyoshi city, and with Nymiera and Hazuki goes against Indriad --> The PC sees Anjou trapped in the rooms behind Indriad/Marianette's manor--> (Presumably, the optional flashback we see in Tower of Theolia) --> The mad woman known as Angie seized Kristiline town and took residence in Theolia's church The only "missing" points in her story would be her future (we will see her again, I'm sure, and we will face her Regice) or the exact point Indriad fuses with her we saw methaforically. But I think we already got filled in what happened with the flashback, so I'm not so sure we need it.
  2. The easiest way to find your last save file is to look for a file named Game.rxdata, located in a folder referencing Pokémon Reborn, which is the one read by the game itself when you start it. If you don't find it, you can still search for older saves, which will have the same ending (.rxdata) and iirc a name consisting in your PC name, the badges your PC had when saved, and the time played, I think. Keep in mind that other games may also use Game.rxdata savefiles (e.g. I know Rejuvenation does, and probably any game made with RPG Maker) so make sure the file you found is in the Pokémon Reborn Folder.
  3. I also think Lin was a Dragon-type Leader in the original Reborn League so I think her team would in some way reflect this. I agree on her having a Palkia, Dialga and Giratina, but I think the actual Arceus (or Arc-Pulse in the worst case) will be saved for a Solo boss of the story mode, with a huge event for itself that could even merge with its capture event marked in the development blog. For the others, I'm not very good at making competitive teams, but I also wonder if they'll depend a lot on their terrains (tailored to them, but able to be destroyed or abused) or more competitive teams that would be more versatile.
  4. I think they were a bigger issue up until v8 I think, even Dr. Henkel had something to do with catching them. But, well, after you destroyed the factory in Sheridan and finished dealing with Xen's Admins as the big bads in Mt. Valor (after that Bladestar was introduced) they would stop being in the spotlight too.
  5. It was an easy to miss hidden scene when going through tower of Theolia (the same as if and only if you completed the maid's sidequest on Theolia Manor, you could see Anjou was captured by Indriad during or after Storm-9 and doesn't even know what happened to the world (she asks you for Sheridan, Kristiline, and Hiyoshi pass, iirc) so her lore is hidden, but it's there.
  6. That difference is currently the biggest game changer of the game, and it would boil down to your character valuing more ideals (I think, battling Taka to maintain his idea and his position in team meteor, which would allow another character to still believe in ideas which could be beautiful but fake) or truth (not battling Taka to make him face reality, that's when you end up finding him later, while making another character tragically face cold and harsh truth).
  7. If Kenneth was an Interceptor maybe that could explain why team Xen hated him so much?
  8. If you're talking about the magic square puzzle, it has its own pack of rewards apart from the password.
  9. Er... I think the event still happens, but you need an ill-fated doll and maybe? Some character's death lol
  10. For hitting us where it hurts, as in "I've killed your friend the Champion and these are all her pokemon" and also for Rylin's encounter by Titania's castle, for hiding her own team from us.
  11. I would count Regional forms as different species regarding specific items and stuff like that.
  12. Check the OT of the event Absol you got if you caught it... And Ame wasn't the actual Champion, just the nominal one, by organizing the Pokémon League she put herself temporarily on the top, just until an actual champion defeated Elite 4.
  13. Well, base Claydol has an overall better design, a better typing (I know I'm biased when talking about ground-types), a useful Ability (Even if Synchronize is also interesting) and better defensive values. That's for starters. Then if you take into accound Claydol's Crest, you've got a Ground-Psychic levitating pokémon with a 105 defense and a breaking 120 Sp.Atk with its 120 Sp. Def. The crest also gives Claydol a bonus for Beam attacks, taking out their charging turns and giving a x1.3 boost to the likes of Hyper Beam or Solar Beam. I like more Claydol's design before the crest. After it... Well, it's just not fair.
  14. I think, speaking about the gang in Rejuvenation comparing it with the one in Reborn, the main difference would be Melia's role: in Reborn the PC (even if starting as an outside force coming by train from outside)) is part of the plot, the others are kidnapped, attacked and are losing until the PC comes to the rescue or helps them move forward. In the other hand, in Rejuv, one has the feeling that, even being the Interceptor and actually having plot points made about them, with Nancy and Crescent for example, the PC is just there, the gang is well defined with Melia at its head (and in the heart of the plot), and if the PC wasn't around, another npc would fill the task, be it Ren, Aelita, Erin or Melia herself. Speaking about Melia's status as Mary Sue, I understand why people think that, but I think her power does not actually work as an actual power but as a Plot-moving force, is not compared to the magic of Madame X, Crescent or the likes, and her plot importance comes from, well, being the Main Character.
  15. You have to complete the gym puzzle I think, fight him and then in the case you didn't face him before (I don't remember exactly the secuence) exit the gym leader room upwards (to the opposite way you came from) and there will be Crawli.
  16. It says that Spacea & Tempa had their own kingdoms/domains of Space & Time but both ruled from Griselda's castle. Plus I think Rejuvenation's lore is that Griselda allied herself with Ieisel to gain access to his magic (e.g. Crests) and then went mad with power, conquering or trying to conquer the other kingdoms. It was definetly not a rebellion lol And for Ieisel, Zygara's King and maker of the crests (but I still doubt his relation with garufan) is not related to Isiah and Isaiah, who were two medics at maximum 50 years ago, both having the letter "a" in their names
  17. Great! tbh I though TRs were the new TMs but I'm glad there won't be so many changes!
  18. I also didn't play SwSh but I think they made TMs consumable items again? don't do this, also. Bad decision.
  19. Oh mbd I didn't see that, then yeah it would be cool
  20. I think they will just add the new mons and moves and that's it
  21. It's not implemented into the game as in Rejuv but you always can have multiple game.rxdata files that you renamwe when you don't use them and name "game" when you do. Like a manual version of the multiple save system.
  22. I'm still not sure about Indriad (even being able to associate him with Yvetal, the current Yvetal's trainer, Madame X, seems to be against him and Storm-9 in general) or Nymeria (With Aevium's protectors being the Regis I associate her more with Regigigas, while Xerneas could be more a Melia thing).
  23. There is a door behind the waterfall next to the gym/theatre, just in case...
  24. I'm pretty confident the only one in Valor area is the one I told you... I think there's one around Kristiline (It could be Route 11 since I seem to mix them) but they're the only ones around
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