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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by kithas

  1. I hope so but I'm not sure since we're already able to catch & register zygarde so for "completion" they're not necessary
  2. They completed EP19 early because if the big N discovered Reborn they could still be able to release it quickly and hand out a "complete" game of sorts, but I think it's a good idea not to just release it and the postgame separatedly because, well, postgame also has its lore, its story and sidequests (like every legendary ever), and also places like the nightclub people might be discouraged to wait to if they already had the game up until Elite 4. Plus, yeah, the story is great, but without its difficulty Reborn wouldn't be Reborn. And it IS great.
  3. Do evolution stones take away move learning for pokémon? Link Stones work exactly like trade: You have a Haunter, you use a Link Stone, and you have a Gengar. The thing with evolution stones is, usually the evolved pokémon doesn't have a very large movepool to be learned by level, I think, but the ston has nothing to do with it.
  4. You have to had finished the sidequest in Beth's farm. Then, at a specific time of the day (I think it's at night iirc) the main character of that sidequest will be at the doors of the castle, and you'll be able to enter with him.
  5. I'm no developer , but I think just programming them into the game (adjusting not only species but also abilities, moves, and the like) would difficult enough even without including them in a normal playthrough, difficult enough so Reborn's team don't want to pile such a difficult task in addition to everything they have to do (post-game and everything). So I think the most probable way you're going to see Gen 8's mons in Reborn will be if someone else takes it upon themselves to make a ginormous amount of work for a mod.
  6. Wait, iirc the azure hair being re-dyed red already happened, didn't it? Cal went back to his red color because he didn't want to be related or following Blake's steps anymore.
  7. Golurk crest: Atk, Def & Sp. Def, x1,5 Volcarona Crest: adds Dragon-type STAB and resistances. Sigilyph Crest: Doubles its defenses Wobuffet crest: Give it prankster Palossand Crest: It increases x1, 2 its spd and gives it Arena trap.
  8. Are you sure you got all the Aqua members? Even the one that's in the elevator?
  9. I also think it will be the easy way, to just add the new mons and regional forms without taking out the others, but wonder if we'll see Return/Frustration, Hidden Power and the others used by Galarian species.
  10. I think rowlet can actually be caught in the Grove just north of Terajuma Jungle, by the bridge that is rebuilded in the sidequest.
  11. I think you have a point, but starters are usually more than "a mon from each type": Not only are they from specific elemental types, but their evolution line and power curve usually lets trainers use them for a long amount of time, longest than, for example, a Butterfree who could be left obsolete once you need actual power, without being a Noibat, Larvesta or Litwick, evolution lines who stay too weak for too many levels to make them useful on early game. I think it could be cool to include other pokémon as starters, but it can't be just anyone. (also you could always take debug mode or other mods to just give yourself the starter you want)
  12. If you want to go to the plot you should go to the apartment in the residential district in GDC.
  13. The dreamyard is the closed place beyond the Darchlight woods and manor, with a guard currently saying it's closed. Also we shouldnt forget how we went right next to Team Xen and how we currently can go straight up to their doors. That part would be explored too..
  14. Maybe (iirc) you should go to the -past- Darchlight manor?
  15. They will probably be available later. And no, I don't think it's vital to get Zygarde to the plot, as like you said, gathering the cells is a completely optional action. Maybe, like with the Hidden library sidequests, Zygarde will appear, but won't be just with the cells we've collected.
  16. I still have hope the place is not going to be dulled, only we've seen a little part of it that didn't show everything.
  17. Good luck finding your glasses! The lovers bridge is the one in Terajuma Jungle.
  18. I think at the end, every pokémon on the pokédex is going to be available (just like in Reborn) so rest assured hahah
  19. The Keta we lost in Carotos was the actual physical real deal, only that severe alienation and emotional suppression had send his emotions and "true self" away, which is the one in the spirit world we face with the team he had in his youth.
  20. You can fly there (If you got to Kristiline I think you should be able to Fly already) or use the train from West GDC which should leave you at Grand Dream Station in the Dream District...
  21. So I've been trying Ledian Crest in Rejuv and what in the OP things is this

    1. Autumn Zephyr

      Autumn Zephyr

      Just enough to make a pitiful base 35 Attack feel oppressive~

    2. kithas


      This quadruple Drain Punch is giving me life! Literally! 

  22. So we've got Dark, Fairy, Steel and Dragon, iirc. We know Saki's Steel (and we're possibly facing her soon, since she's the only one who we know nothing about, plus now we know her grandma) and Damon's Dragon. I still think Nastasia or Cassandra could be one of them. It could be V (the shady character from GDC's Underground who claims to own ANA). I think we still don't know if Dylan could be (it doesn't seem the case as he escapes GDC without looking back).
  23. I also see the black box as the Mega-Z-Ring... The weak point with Black Box-Xerneas is how it seems to be more associated with Melia (light, colours, direct counterpart with Madame X) while the Interceptor could end up being something akin to Zygarde as they've been said to be the balance outside of fate. As for the other legendaries, I would incude the obviously associated Registeel-Hazuki (metal weapons, armor, rounded hairstyle, completing the triad) and the (although weaker) Regigigas-Nymeria (the leader of the other three, references in the lore).
  24. If you can enter the scholar district already and they're not in the Athanaeum then you must have gone through that yet. Did you go to Sashila already?
  25. That would make ANA a sort of Interceptor or something related. At the least, I think her sidequest is going to be as important as Karen/@lice was for the plot.
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