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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by kithas

  1. I have the feeling Anthea is not actually Melia's mother, but Indriad probably want to "crack Arceus/The Archetype's code" by using magic on Maria/Marianette and using Anathema as a cover, while saving the others
  2. Isha is only a sketchy doctor around Hiyoshi City back before the Cataclysm, who escaped when authorities catched up on his evilness and then implanted himself in his son. Right now I think he's only what we've seen at the end of V12 and the most he will do will be escape to make trouble again. His name, in fact, is similar to the name of the King of the Zygara kingdom (the one from the castle down in Sashila and the Pyramid who was Griselda's ally) who was King Ieisel (spelling may be inaccurate but they're definetly diferent characters).
  3. I also think them giving Aelita the Time Gear and then taking it from her happened because they're tricky, and for not giving clues about how the MC and Melia were going to need them. To inspire a sense of coincidence in a planned situation.
  4. Chinchou is available late in the game in its natural habitat.
  5. I mean, if Spacea & Tiempa are actually Palkia and Dialga (which is all but confirmed), the protectors of Aevium were strongly associated with each Regi and Griselda was transformed into Giratina, what more characters are actually pokemon in human form? Is Crescent a Cresselia? Will we find the one giving orders to Spacea and Tiempa wearing white and gold? Will it be an adult Melia since she's been associated with either Arceus or Xerneas? (although I'll say it would be fun to see an actual Arceus talking to the sisters)
  6. I still like to think sometimes that Nastasia's lack of distress of what would Madame X do with her (the other team Xen Admins we've met were fearful from the consequences of disobeying, while even Madelis asked Nastasia once about her lack of stress) has something to do with the fact that team Xen's HQ is located in the exact place her mom's company was. She either has actual personal ties with Madame X or at least knows her very well (I'm not going so far as to speculate Madame X to be her own mother but you know) and that's the reason she knows her boss will let her on a secret mission that goes straight next Team Xen's HQ for rescuing the good guys and even one of Ren and Melia's friends. And yes, Risa Raider being actually Freya is too obvious at this point.
  7. You should search for a big surface that looks like a huge solar panel next to a small building.
  8. I think you can get to kristiline using Tesla's yatch from the resort
  9. It maybe isn't exactly new, but for now I'm liking very much the Misty Terrain as Reborn improved it, if only because how my Clefable uses it. Thematically, I like the cave field (except for the cave-ins when using half of the ground moves) and the mountain field. The one that I like less, I'm not really sure, maybe the absence of field because then it seems more boring (?) or maybe fields like the water field or the chess field (Not sure if those are the official names though) because how they are specifically made for a single type/battle.
  10. It depends on the time you went back, because he changes places (and loses his function) later on the game.
  11. The punishment is clearly becoming a kriketot for the rest of your life, obviously, and having to live and survive as one. That's why the one in Reborn City looked so down, it was an early prisoner of queen Shelly and she wasn't curing it, she was watching it.
  12. Sure, you can enter the "graphics" folder on your file and from there search for the specific sprite/sprites you want to change (for pokemon, in battles, for trainers and the such, in characters).
  13. I love a lot of things from this game. Specifically about this game is the plot, the continued and assimilated sidequests (like the hidden library ones), the specific versions of some pokémon (even if not catchable, like the guardians on the garufan pyramid) or the posibility to control temporarily some npcs, I think they're original! And yes, for v12 specifically my favorite thing (not by a big margin, I liked a lot of things) were the battles against the robots/sentinel pokémon in the Pyramid, specifically its soundtrack. But overall the whole segmet was pretty awesome.
  14. I think the question is, does AI look at the pokemon we're going to send and acts accordingly or it just predicts it based the info? Or it is just coincidence? It's something I've already thought about it, how the opposing pokemon lands the perfect move for the pokemon I send in the perfect turn
  15. Then I see it clear that you should go beat Zetta & Geara on top of mount Valor, for the door quest in the Amethyst cave you have to find the Moon Vial around the cave.
  16. Can you enter GDC's Athanaeum? (the library in Scholar's district) There should be a cutscene or a clue where the npcs are. Or maybe at the theatre north of there in Route 9?
  17. I think there was actually an Audino trainer just before Amber's gym, even if it doesn't matter anymore hahah
  18. I always assumed it was just. you know, a female Delphox with personality enough to name herself lol
  19. I think a -kind of- good thing of these games is that you can't just go throught them with a single (or a couple) of strong pokémon and that makes you rethink your strategy. As a result of that, going through the game with a single 6 pokémon team is very difficult because you'll have to to change your strategies to adapt to your foes. But, yeah, sometimes bosses can be a little op.
  20. I think "event versions" like this or the infinite amount of pikachus or Ash-Greninja aren't thought to be in Reborn.
  21. Well, not to speak in detail because it was a while ago but I never thought of her as a particularly insurmountable foe. For Rejuvenation, that is. The supports she brings can only sleep one of your pokémon at once I think, so maybe target/disable them first?
  22. You'll need to find those three and you can explore the new Reborn City in the meantime. I think Victoria is in the Cementery, Adrienn in the Coral Ward, and DJ Archlight I'd say either the Grand Hall or the Ace club.
  23. You may want to build a tank Infernape, as it can be used both ways.
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