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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by kithas

  1. I think one of the main problems with the sprites is that you can't make the pokémon's face out of the Plasma, so maybe it have to be another color, or with thicker lines.
  2. I guess you're talking about a plasma ball Electrode like the image. If so, I think it couldbe fun bc I don't think there's any plasma ball pokémon yet (the closest would be Rotom) and they look enough sci-fi/fantasy-ish so they could fit very well
  3. I'm having trouble winning the plater battle in the Beryl Bridge as it just gives me this message afterwards:
  4. Yeah, she's the true mastermind behind Lin and Team Meteor.
  5. Thanks! It seems that the same thing is happening to Firecracker!Sunflora. And it seems that badly poisoning doesn't happen anymore, not from Poison Fang, two rows of toxic spikes nor Toxic.
  6. Yeah, but there's the issue of who is occupying the Poison Leader position without Corey. I think the best way would be that he's still the gym leader, just he doesn't battle us in his gym or officially.
  7. You're right about wasteland's status. I could see Corey battling the player when ambushed by the cops, saying the same thing about going to the gym (so the police will follow him) and then skipping to the bridge scene
  8. Thanks! I redownloaded it a few days ago (the Ep. 0 version) and was having that bug. I'd also want to report another bug, albeit (i think) inocuous: each time the game has to show the backsprite of Piranha Carnivine, it shows this error message, mentioning the backsprite name present in the folder: It can then be dismissed and the backsprite gets shown and everything without trouble. So I guess is more annoying than else.
  9. Aya's plot starts being about her relationship with Cain and how she's his replacement. There isn't really a lot of time between Crain's beginning (right when we have ours) and Corey's arc, from which we've got Aya as gym leader. So it's not a stretch that she's still new after taking over her brother's gym.
  10. I agree with OP that between the timer and the chasers, the puzzles are pretty annoying lol. I don't mind long puzzles to think (like the Carotos one) but having to think and move fast for a long time in a game whose battles are explicitly turn-based strategy gets old fast for me too. I don't mind a Quick-time event but I kinda liked that arc more before.
  11. Well, it doesn't matter what's in the Penthouse right now bc we know there's a reworking happening for EP19 so it might as well change lol
  12. Yes, Reborn's Sirius has nothing to do with Rejuvenation's, which is, in fact, another character entirely. The only other characters Rejuv and Reborn share at the moment are the ones who arrive to Neo Gearen and the ones Ame chooses to include in EP19/Postgame
  13. I don't use Mac, but from what you're saying I get is symilar to Windows in that you have to merge the folders from the patch with the folders in the main folder from the game. So if you have a scripts file in the main folder and one in the patch, you have to replace the main folder one with the patch one, and the same with all the files and folders from the patch.
  14. Yeah it was Eve so technically part of ZEL (?) Didn't we already get a taste of it when against Sirius Solaris on Agate?
  15. A gauntlet in which you'll have to prepare to fight against more fields/strategies, like a fairy specialist just to counter any Hydreigon we could have before
  16. Allen and Alice become part of the main storyline and Karen can be found in Alamissa Urben iirc, although I'm not sure if certain plot conditions have to be met for her to appear.
  17. The possibility of mimicking her is always there. Like at this point we got enough mon variety to be able to tailor a team just for the New World Field effects lol
  18. I think in previous versions of v13 the Rift Matter you "threw" into that den didn't get spent. Like you could take the total quantity of Rift Matter, throw it, check it and still have it in your Gather Cube lol. But sadly it got fixed so now you spend it.
  19. I think Beldum's quest changed in V13, you have to fill the Raid Den in the wetlands with, I think ,30000 Rift Matter (the thing you get from Raid battles on route 4) and then a purple glow lights up and you can battle it.
  20. tbh Endgame wishes I had for it half the hype I have for E19 lol
  21. I may have kicked three gym leaders' behinds in Rejuv v13 all thanks to just 1 crested mon lol

  22. uhhh I remember its Sp. Atk using Sp. Def (which makes sense given it's its best stat) but looks like either the description or the actual item got changed. Either way, according to the wiki, Defense stat boosts do not modify Special Attack, while Special Attack boosts still apply.
  23. I would compare Taka with someone involved in some sort of cult: is the cult doing bad things? Yes. Is the person whose entire family is in the cult doing, by proxy, those bad things? Yes. But, to what point can you blame them if that cult is the only thing he knows? It's like individually blaming each grunt who wouldn't share the same degree of control that Sirius and Solaris had over Team Meteor's decisions.
  24. For me the difference is that I do feel sorry for Fern, like one can see how all he does is because some twisted inferiority complex. He started the game like a school jerk and just went down from there. He probably joined Meteor because he already thought he was the bad guy. Like in the final act, when fighting for the Fate of the universe and the likes, Fern will probably be just a speck of dust to sweep before facing the actual challenges. And he knows it.
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