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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by kithas

  1. I think adding just the mons (either the starters or every pokémon) without doing the same with the mechanics would be unfair to them and unbalanced, and trying to introduce Gen 8's mechanics would be a lot of work and a probable rework of the game. So I don't think so.
  2. We've technically battled Vivian's Regirock tho (or, should I say, Vivian as a Regirock?). Jokes aside, I think Jan's (character) ace would be zoroark? Idk if you want to count him.
  3. Well, if you don't want to use up a Dragonite as a HM Slave you also have Smeargle, I mean, not naturally but it can learn them.
  4. I'm pretty cool with the "People going to challenge the champion, aka, the MC" because I think that's an idea that had to be put to work long ago in Pokémon Main game after obtaining the champion title but it wasn't.
  5. I like how he's indirectly, the one behind the plot, by setting the Ralts for Indriad's encarnation at the time to find her. And I'm still not sure he's the Puppet Master: He's outside GDC in the route with those stantlers near Yui's ranch, and I believe the Puppet Master/Nightmare City is not so new to GDC.
  6. Well, we still don't know if this makes any difference whatsoever or it's needed more to change the events.
  7. Yep, I did the bladestar thing in a playthrough and still got the trusting. But maybe it's not the better ending, if Zygarde is meant to be the balancing of Xerneas and Yvetal then we're not impartial now.
  8. Then you have T3RR4 who has disappeared (and no as in "just entered a portal/hole" but like "was disconnected from the net" like four episodes ago) and her badge still stands. I think it could be that the leaders would also register your win or something like that. Or else, everyone would start looting every dead leader for badges.
  9. Funny bc in a way Reborn already had at least a Dynamax pokémon... Remember that Steelix from under Tanzan?
  10. just saw the Direct and you know


    Neon Genesis Evangolurk

  11. Plus, the first two are dead, end of line, the have tombstones. The other ones are just "missing".
  12. The trusting thing is something that varies over gameplay a depending on the players decisions. My characters were always trusted by her.
  13. Yeah I'm still hyped by the night club updates and the big legendaries updates, but I know it's a long way to the release, so I try and keep the hype steady more than high (?)
  14. We at least know Team Xen's plans have something to do with Storm-9 (the catastrophe who destroyed the region like 50 years ago). We also know they want in some way to get Melia or Melia's powers, and in turn we know that Melia is (or have been in another identity) the child of Indriad/Sirius (even though Venam doesn't recognize her nor her ghost mother) and was also taken by Stormchasers. And for the third part, we know Storm-9 had something to do with the plans Indriad had in the long play (Vivian's sacrifice hints thad she softened it but couldn't avoid it entirely. So we got it narrowed down to the triangle between Xen-Melia/Maria/Marianette-Indriad's catastrophe. I also thing a lot of mysteries are for sidequests to resolve, but I think we are already able to infer some things. Having said that, I also agree that, while is good to know how to set mysteries up, is also good to know how to solve them satisfactory (See: Lost, Fringe, etc)
  15. I also think not every pokemon have to have the same amount of power. Let's say, Gyarados. It could potentially level a city? Probably the most powerful Gyarados whe sufficiently angered could, probably, given nobody counters it. But a lvl 20 Gyarados who just evolved from a Magikarp? Hell no. Maybe not all Magcargos have a 10000°C skin, even if such Magcargo was possible, or not all the Tyranitars would change the landscape the way the most powerful of them can. Plus, trainers usually train them to not lose control. I find it more hard to swallow the entries about some pokemon being special or unique when they can not only breed, but just evolve.
  16. Then you've got Kadabra evolving from Abra even though from the pokedex you learn it was actually an esper kid or Nanette being a possessed/cursed toy when it also evolves from another Pokémon...
  17. You need to go under the Opql Bridge, which is the Bridge in the Opal Ward, the one that goes from the Grand Hall to the Grand Stairway and the Lapis Ward. You have to get under it, and there're two ways to go there.
  18. Yeah, Xerneas is for Melia what probably makes Zygarde for us.
  19. Ah, right, I forgot if you didn't get it by the Mystery egg or by trade then it's not available. Maybe a Steelix? It's not so offensive but more defensive (and available)
  20. Between the two, although I LOVE Torterra's design, I think he's a bit low on stats and too weak to Ice (x4 weak) while Roserade is a good and solid choice. As @Gheist said, a good ground type could be Mamoswine (Good typing, attack, speed, and movespool, with some priority options) or Excadrill if you want to get a steel type (knowing you're about to go to Electric gym, you might need it)
  21. I like to say Reborn is very immersive. There is something with the atmosphere or the city and the characters that feels like you could actually be walking around some ward looking for the next quest. And I really dig that.
  22. I actually managed to finish and publish the Reborn fanfic already! You can take a look here to read it! Now with more characters and more twists!

  23. And, as I knew I would eventually update it, here it is the second part! (not plot-related, but somewhat an independent sequel). Or the time Avani goes back to Reborn City and realises it's not without its memories. Again, you can read it here in Archive of our Own (this time only in english because I just wrote it like that) or just scroll down and do the same thing. Thanks for reading!
  24. Fun fact: I am finishing writing the second part of the Reborn fanfic (here part one)!

  25. It seems that the other comment I made I was slightly wrong lol, Not actually south, but down from the main Mt Valor entry, like it was in its basement. The garufan part is true, though
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