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Everything posted by kithas

  1. While doing my grass monorun, I've hit a rock with the name of shelly, whose team tears through mine with Struggle bug alone without losing one of theirs. Any ideas to what to do with my team to make it not happen? Also, as I know this is going to happen with the likes of Serra or Charlotte, any advise to making a better grass team? Roselia | 35Rose InciensePoison Point Timid- Giga Drain - Magical Leaf - Worry Seed - Toxic Spikes Tangela | 35NoneRegeneratorDocile- Mega Drain- Knock Off- Growth- Poison Powder Venusaur | 35NoneOvergrowTimid- Nature Power- Poison Powder- Leech Seed- Petal Dance Pumpkaboo | 35None PickupHasty- Razor Leaf - Leech Seed - Trick-or-Treat - Shadow Sneak Alternate form Carnivine* (Grass/Fire) | 35NoneLevitateLax- Nature Power - Bite - Leaf Tornado - Incinerate(*) From the Mod Pack: here Ludicolo | 34 None Rain Dish Quirky - Mega Drain - Bubble Beam - Nature Power - Mist Thanks to any help that can come!
  2. Happy Holidays to everyone! 🙂 

  3. How can I unsee Jurassic World II it's too bad

  4. I thought the Ferris Wheel had something to do with Agate or Labradorra/Victory Rd...
  5. Well, I'd like to not be annihilated by Shelly while doing a Grass Monorun... SHELLY--Your current team--Roselia | 35Rose InciensePoison Point Timid- Giga Drain - Magical Leaf - Worry Seed - Toxic Spikes Tangela | 35NoneRegeneratorDocile- Mega Drain- Knock Off- Growth- Poison Powder Venusaur | 35NoneOvergrowTimid- Nature Power- Poison Powder- Leech Seed- Petal Dance Pumpkaboo | 35None PickupHasty- Razor Leaf - Leech Seed - Trick-or-Treat - Shadow Sneak Alternate form Carnivine* (Grass/Fire) | 35NoneLevitateLax- Nature Power - Bite - Leaf Tornado - Incinerate(*) From the Mod Pack: here Ludicolo | 34 None Rain Dish Quirky - Mega Drain - Bubble Beam - Nature Power - Mist Thanks to any help that can come!
  6. Well, was doing a grass Monorun and Shelly single handedly destroyed my ass without losing even one of her mons wtf

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Starry Knight

      Starry Knight

      I tend to have troubles with her even when I have a fire type with me

    3. kithas


      I've got the form pack mod and it's very fun, for now I've added to my team a fire/grass carnivine. Very fun in Jasper & Beryl vs the PULSEs. She offed it without a second thought. 

    4. Starry Knight

      Starry Knight

      interesting, I installed one of the earlier version but never got around to playing around with it

  7. Battling Lin would serve both as the ultimate Elite 4 challenge (since she offed the previous champion) and again the big bad
  8. I remember Serra's interview ending with her "Gardevoir, take me to my son" which was pretty recent at the moment
  9. 1st time with a plant monorun vs Corey: I use a plant/fire from the form pack mod to end the toxic gas, I try to use confusion, I lose spectacularly

    2nd try: To hell with it, I take the poison gas to the face with a Roselia and a Venusaur and abuse Nature Power-powered Acid Spray to destroy him. Never more satisfying.

  10. I wouldn't be as a bad thing because there's a whole lot of content to cram up to 1 episode (subplots, secondary missions, Team Meteor Plot, Taka's Plot & Anna's wish, which could all three be tied up in one thing, plus Labradorra's extras + Saphira's Gym, and that alone would be enough for one episode, and then we've got Victory Rd and Elite 4 wich will be also one with Team Meteor's plot. Then you have to add postgame with all the legendaries and probably a challenge or two more...) But yeah, it's more probable to make the last one very long (As it will be the wait) and then ending it.
  11. I did get a shiny mudkip by chance when I started a ground monorun, so its possible ^^
  12. There are places where you could potentially enter the building (Onyx & Beryl Ward, 7th street, Ametrine City, Agate...) but it's there usually to remark that, even though you're only visiting the lobby, that is a real building with other floors that you actually can't enter in because you're not living in there.
  13. Last chapter changed that puzzle, so to unlock that place (and Aron, and those hidden floors) you have to get to where the train started from in the first place, find a hidden way in the wall (rock-smashing it) and then going through a long passageway until you end up just at the other side of the barrier.
  14. So I'm training a Gastrodon up to lvl 90 just for battling Amaria n___n

  15. You can also fly to the scrapeyard if you've already gotten there, and from there you can reach the desert from a route similar to the one used to get to the "gym"
  16. Yeah so I thought when I caught Mimikyu Taka would make a "so you take in unloved creatures like you and me" but, well, it got better. I like ghost cave maze now.

  17. ... So how on earth did Ciel, who usually was a pain to get over with, went down so offensibly easily when I'm ground type? And with only two down? Are mamoswine and Nidoking too good?? 

  18. Maybe it was a gambit that it/she knows isn't going to happen (as the PULSE Abra didn't actually work out) or maybe it's hoping it will give it something akin to a Power high... Or maybe the theory is wrong hahah it's a pretty wild one I think but also very fun
  19. So I came to Reborn favoring Tyranitar and who would have guessed Nidoking of all of them would shine along Excadrill...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Alistair


      I find that his performance falls a tiny bit behind past a certain point, so I didn't use him with Life Orb much. However his versatility is great as you said, he makes playing around some fields very easy. We can thank Aya for Sludge Wave.

    3. kithas


      I'm using him in a ground monorun. And it's basically my main line of defense against water types in general and Gyarados in particular 

    4. Alistair


      oooh, neat! I hope he keeps serving you well

  20. I have a small side-theory that Lin is a vessel/possessed by (baby) arceus or is outright a robot body for it. We know there was a Lin somewhere in the past on the orphanage, we know Adrien saw Lin climbing up the wall, and I'm still thinking the one who told PC to come back soon to play (and the one who Terra referred to in her simulation of Mewtwo's birth report) was (baby) Arceus. Abra's room is the first place we see Lin in (not counting Shade, who could even be Giratina) and that was just after we just destroyed team meteor's chance to get into the sealed chambers with the original meteor/arceus. And then we've got the self-proclaimed "act of god" which Lin immediately does... So I'm not actually sure on this one, but I think it would make sense Arceus is just having fun toying with the lifes of humans and Pokémon alike. That's also why Lin favors the PC, because she sees it at the most fun to play with.
  21. Do you need to check in the Meteor Grunt who Resigns in the old Reborn City for his quest to go on??

  22. So now I'm at that point on the monorun where I'll soon battle my worst hated Pulse, Swalot, and the only psychic-type I've got is a mere claydol who isn't even in my main team... 😭

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. kithas


      I know it will be slow and painful, (even having a Nidoking and Excadrill for resisting the poison) and I'll search for snarl when I get home, thank you!! 

    3. Q-Jei


      You’re welcome 🙂

      By the way, I noticed that Excadrill is not affected by Poison moves and can survive Swalot’s Discharge for the same reason. In the end, the only damaging move that should affect him is Infestation. I would recommend the use of Strength or Rock Slide to take it out cause Ground Type moves are ineffective on Murkwater Surface.

    4. kithas


      Yes, that was the idea... I've got  steel claws to boot, plus shadow claws, plus rock slides, so... 

  23. So I thought my ground monorun was already free of ice bosses with Serra but hey, Blake, are you going to wall me now??? 

  24. Yes, it should start automatically once you find Doc and he sends them to you.
  25. What skill would fit better a Golurk in a Ground Monorun, Iron Fist or No Guard?? 🤔

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Wolfox


      that is true, yet Dynamic Punch offers type coverage for dark and Ice types. It's really just up to you, do you wanna use Dynamic Punch a lot or do you wanna remove it?

    3. kithas


      Well, I'll keep it until I can consider some other options like Drain Punch, thanks 🙂 

    4. Wolfox
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