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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by kithas

  1. Didn't Garchomp get Sand Rush/Force/Veil somewhere? I don't remember if hers specifically but
  2. I think pressing A served to sort alphabetically the bags. And re pag/av pag to go down/up by a screen.
  3. So yeah, that makes three PULSEs Excadrill has OHKO (Muk, Abra & a previous save Magnezone).

  4. I think it's bc route 1 puzzle is a whole route, you can grind, go back, search other paths for items, etc... While magic square puzzle is just a math puzzle in a meteor basement without anesthesia. I think.
  5. Would Steelix be a good addition? I know its repeating exka's types, but it's more a wall and in late game it's mega could be interesting...
  6. The first time I did it I didnt even know about how to know if I was near her or not (the thing about the lights, I'm not even sure it happens in both branches) so I just had to find Amaria with no clue, which was even more frustrating.
  7. Thanks! I was already thinking of Excadrill and Camerupt for Serra but wasn't too sure about the rest of them, or if it would be worth it to get the rocks. I've never played seriously with Sandile so I'll have to see how it gets along, and yes, I am waiting o put my hands around hippos! I've used Hippowdon+Excadrill before and it's a good one, but I didn't know if there were better ideas since I didn't want anything too similar to previous teams, even when I knew I would be using exca again). On the Garchomp thing, I would look how it works around, but it sounds like it would be an easier time if I got a pseudo-legendary on the team. But, well, there's a long way to that.
  8. So I am trying to make a Ground Monotype run on Reborn, trying to stick to the type the most I can. Now I am at Spinel Town before entering the gym, so the point would be, what mons would be more effective on that battle? Also, which of them should I keep in my main team (I try to stick to a team while a few rotations, or so)? Here's what I got: Thanks, and I will get back with more
  9. Okay, thanks. I did renovate the city and cleared the Aggrons in another save but since I hadn't seen it from this side I didn't associate it. Thanks you all!
  10. Do I need to go to the Aron room to get there? I was already there but I didn't see any way.
  11. It's easy: How do I go from here, to there? Last Time I had to make this puzzle this was different
  12. Oops, I thought you asked because you already had it and you wanted the other one sorry haha
  13. The band for Megas and for Z-moves is the same in Reborn. As far as I know, Z-moves are powerful more advanced (like Z-Splash did take your Atk Stat three times) and/or personalized moves that each Pokémon can do once a battle (like a Mega evolution) if they are holding the corresponding Z-Crystal (like, if my Excadrill is holding z-Grondium I can make it do Earthquake or Z-Earthquake), and some Pokémon have their own personalized Z-moves (like Pikachu, Snorlax or Mimikyu). I can't name any of the Z-moves for my life but they are all on any Pokémon wiki page you can think.
  14. So now I'm wondering where would be Fiore Mansion (Amaría's) in relation to the power plant O.o
  15. So... Should I try and use Stealth rocks on Aya or a full offensive ground Monorun is enough to defeat her?? 🤔


    1. kithas


      Well... Nevermind, she ded. Excadrill made all the work here, as always. But it was fun anyways.

  16. I agree with you, it's insanely difficult for a battle not against an actual boss (and more difficult because of the 2vs1)
  17. Isn't there any additional requirement to see the ghost? Like some kind of dialogue or maybe a minimum level of Relationship?
  18. It might have been in another fangame? Link Stones are actually Reborn's answer to not having an online system, so other people may have other solutions.
  19. Woah difficulty bump with Kiki, she did setup fast and then hit faster... Maybe ground is a slow type after all 🤔

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. kithas


      Yes, I've suffered it hahah, and Calm Mind boosts both Sp. Atk and Sp. Def by two stages. That special Lucario did hurt a lot. Anyway, I finally got to defeat Kiki, but it was probably the first hard Gym battle in the Monorun

    3. Nebulazure


      Congrats on winning! Although Ciel might prove to be problematic for you, for a particular, self-explanatory reason xD

    4. kithas


      I live in fear of Serra and Ciel. I plan to have a Mamoswine prepared for then, but I know I'm going to have a bad time 💀

  20. When playing any "serious" playthrough I always try to play it as it was intended to, with no excessive ways to easy it. I mean, I could technically give myself any mon I wanted to, Mega Stones, 99 Big Nuggets, but then the fun would run out pretty quickly without the effort to get it. If Reborn is supposed to be difficult, I'll enjoy suffering it. That being said, I'm very cool with using mods that basically just save me time that would be wasted (e.g I'm grinding a specific mon and it faints, instead of going half a ward for a pokémon center just to heal that specific mon and keep grinding, heal it on the spot. Or maybe on the stance of IVs and egg moves, I admit breeding (and the amount of free time/patience needed to hatch all these eggs) isn't my favorite part. So I try to keep the moves to which ones I could "legally" get (not givin Ice Beam to a Nidoking for example) but otherwise I'm good. I also from time to time like to watch what could I get in some other playthrough abusing the mods too, lol.
  21. Should I try and train Stunfisk for my Ground Monorun or maybe it's better to try and catch a baltoy on Beryl Ward? 🤔

    1. Nebulazure


      I feel Like Stunfisk is a better option, since it has better bulk and has a good level-up movepool.

    2. kithas


      Well I have to consider also beating Kiki (toy's psychic type) but I guess just more leveling will do lol

  22. It's nice to see a good sweeper like Excadrill who can OHKO at least two PULSE mons 🙂 

    1. Nebulazure


      Gotta love Excadrill 

    2. kithas


      I'm actually thinking I could edit that number to 3 if I manage to get to Mr. BIGGLESWORTH

  23. Both Kanto graveler and Alolan one evolve into their respective golems when traded, or in Reborn, with link stone which is the stone equivalent.
  24. I also think weather mod and unreal time mod are different files?
  25. It would have been much easier defeating Shade if Gear Grind!Nature Power hadn't missed twice in a row, letting Mimikyu setup to sweep. Eh, Diggersby??

    1. Nebulazure


      Gotta love hax in Pokemon

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