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Everything posted by kithas

  1. I had the feeling (from the pyramid or maybe before even) that the futuristic duo isn't working for Madame X, but working with her. Like they both have symilar goals (probably concerning Storm-9) but Kieran actually does give the player access to Valor Mountain so they can foil team Xen plans
  2. As much as Crescent kicks Nancy around, I think we've seen black boxes from actual living characters before in V13. Maybe all of Nancy's angst is about being a clone or a copy instead of just being fake. Or maybe the captain is in the game with crescent and playing among, yes
  3. I seem to recall that Melia didn't absorb the Princess so much as she destroyed her. The "princess" appearing in hermind is just her imagination/reflection. And yeah, Huey being lord Xenadin would be the perfect plot twist lol
  4. Oof, yeah, I knew I was forgetting somethig. I don't know if we battled all her sisters yet, but maybe Novae will be an elite 8. Or the complete Star will summon her mother, who is (?)
  5. He probably reacted because he can feel evil or something like that and Nim is the embodiement of a natural disaster. Thats how I interpreted it
  6. Did anyone say something about e8 having to be, not just "not vengeful" but straight mentally sound? If Karen can be e8, then Crescent for sure can. It's even possible she was chosen in the past and just got angrier. for the V thing, we don't know V's face I think, neither does Dylan. And even if he did, it's not guaranteed they know each other: Venam didn't know half the gym leaders (didn't even know where Amber was, and her gym was in a vacational resort lol) so it could be that they just didn't talk about it (?)
  7. Hmmm I wouldn't put Cairo, not bc his role is small, but bc he's pretty recent (at least I didn't know about him prior to v13, so... Mosely has been in danger before and in need of saving so I find it difficult to think she's a very strong traier, and Cella doesn't look like the fighter type. Autustus looks like an interesting option but again, didn't battle anyone yet when attacked by Team Xen. My suggestions: Crescent/Dahlia: We know she's very strong, is adamantly against team Xen, and seems to be very advanced. We will fight her sooner or later, and an official match for Elite 8 would be a good twist. V: We know little about her and so do the characters ingame. We know she's powerful (at least economically and in GDC's underground) and helps Bladestar, which makes her anti-Xen as well. She could be another known character or not, but she's a celebrity and worthy of a place. Katsu Bellarossa: Nastasia's mom, not very plausible because she's from other time and probably either died in Storm-9 or is involved with Team Xen. But she could be as well. Deagan: He's definetly not a member right now, but he's alive, looked like he had a change of ways since WLL, and is out of work from the moment Alice takes up his role as gym leader. It would be a stretch but very funny if both he and Tesla were in the e8.
  8. I'll have to train a Frisk pokémon to search for those held items lol... and I guess it won't be so easy as to use Thief, it can only be done with the Trick-Fling-Recycle combo?
  9. Wasn't it the actual Super Rod? And a Froakie isn't so bad as a Reward, when you can solve all those grinding with Audino trainers and Exp candies lol. I mean, yeah, its pretty long, but it's not mandatory.
  10. If you go fast through certain sections of the maze (iirc the southeast corner) you can trap it in a closed passage since it doesn't know to take detours and go back. Then you can save and rest a little. But yeah it's probably the worse part of Marianette's arc (together with the tangrowth part) and one of the reasons I liked a lot more v12's version of it (the main reason was how unexplained it remained, like the MC went there to fetch Venam for another quest and then it was just there)
  11. Well I already got past the Valor summit battle (thanks to Wide Guard by Mr. Mime and a lot of moves affecting both enemies lol) and now I'm up against Amber, but I'll look through the suggestions, thanks!
  12. The thing I found is that you're not spending red essence by offering it, but checking: offering litle red essence (I think it was like 500 or so?) a hundred times is not going to fill anything. You need to offer the biggest option and then it will work.
  13. The cloning thing would help explain why the time difference (Maria had 10 years in Kugearen, around 40 years ago) and why Melia, an original component of the Archetype, gets rejected by it. They may had wanted to sped up her process with Zetta or maybe they were created as alternatives at the same time, a Solosis and just a clone. Anathea's children not being biologically hers is shown in V13 when Indriad wishes for them to appear from Arceus. And her behavior could be that she just forgot about the MC or that this is an alternative version of whoever it is. I think we could also take into account Nastasia's figure into account, not as Madame X's identity, but as someone important to her: she seems to do whatever she wants without any of the fear Madame X inspires in the rest of the Xen cast, Madelis notes that she has nothing on the line to fight for, we know she cares for Maria and remembers the past pretty well, and Xen HQ is in her old company's place. For me it points to Madame X being her mom (not very probable) or one of the Theolias (Anathea getting revenge for Maria, Marinette opposing her father...)
  14. Yeah I was already eyeing a Regenerator Tangrowth as an alternative lol thanks
  15. I don't know where the bit about Madame X's mother is from. I could see her being Anathea, it has been said (either Hiyoshi City or Zone Zero) she had originally dark hair (the golden scheme was from the Archetype, and her children we know are not biologically from her). She also would have a strong reason to oppose Indriad. She was the one who had Melia originally (and then gave her to Jenner) so I could see it tying up with the Melia-is-Maria's clone theory: Madame X took the Archetype from Maria/Marianette and gave it to a clone to harvest it later and use it as a weapon against Indriad. Regarding him, he was absorbed by Anjou in a flashback shown in Angie's arc, although I'm not sure if it was "real" or just "metaphorical" lol I could also see Madame X being Marianette with the rest of the theory keeping the same (taking the Archetype from herself and giving it to a clone etc).
  16. I have a Froslass in the previous playthrough and also like to include Sheer Force Nidoking whenever possible (Life Orb is still far away but well). In regards to the Prankster Meowstic, I have the female Competitive version so I would have to breed another one from zero but having seen how it went my first try vs Geara and Zetta, yeah, I may as well do it. How could I get the maximum capability from what I already have? I agree that sometimes I feel they're not at their best so I would be interested in that lol And I think Sludge Bomb isn't avaiable to me at this point yet.
  17. Pretty satisfied with the early game changes to Rejuv v13 even if I liked Marianette's Arc in v12 more lol although it's personal preference, I liked it better less explained, just kind of there.

  18. I recently started over Rejuvenation v13, and somehow haven't been able to maintain a balanced semi-stable team, being forced to train or even breed new mons for each big challenge. I realize this is somewhat inevitable, the game's difficult and all that, but I would like some advice in how to build a semi-stable team to go through the game. Specially now that I'm at the point I'm about to enter Mt Valor and the Geara/Zetta battle is around the corner... Thanks in advance, current level cap is just before Amber, so around lv 55. Already trained pokémon (which I change constantly for each big battle lol) Somewhat trained (like candidates to be included): I know I lack certain types and lean to others lol I tend to favor event or significant pokémon
  19. Aelita is a reincarnation of Vivian/Taelia, but simultaneously she's her own self, shaped by her experiences, like being Keta's daughter instead of wife, etc. I find it interesting, in regards to Maria/Marianette/Melia, that we've seen her live in two different lives: The house in Zorrialyn coast and in the prologue, where Maria watched Indriad sacrifice Anathea, and then Chrisolia Manor, where we battle Marianette, and also see the original Maria in Kugearen and Anathea also gets sacrificed. Then we know Melia is given to Dr. Jenner by team Xen (Madame X) until she grows up. Normal-type gym leader Marianette seems plausible to be an alternate reality (the badge is not recognized but seeminly official) but given both the house in Zorrialyn and Chrisolia Manor (now Hotel) both exist in the "main" timeline, I guess Indriad could have tried using Maria (to bring Arceus or take Arceus' power) more than once and then resetting things once it didn't work. After v13 it could be also possible that Melia is actually Maria's clone, which explains her rejection of the Archetype/her Genesis syndrome. She would have been just a vessel for the Archetype to be harvested by Madame X, be her future Melia/Maria, Future Erin (I can't stop thinking of her wanting to play Devil to Indriad's god) or even alternate Anathea, who was described to be of darker constitution before the Archetype.
  20. I have found Mankey in the exterior of the Sheridan Wetlands (the "mysterious shore" I think its called) and I'm sure Arbok spawns in Zorrialyn dessert around the area with the Poiloethal Forest (idk if I misspelled, the red forest lol)
  21. to the moment v13.5 gets released, I think. You're at the end of the sidequest by now iirc
  22. I had read so many people having bad times against Saki's gym that I expected something different than...Sturdy Metal Bursting all her pokémon into oblivion lol My bastiodon wasn't even at the level cap yet

  23. I'm not sure if it's some condition that changed, or just a bug, but there are several places where the wild encounters just don't happen to me in tall grass (they DO happen while surfing, and the overworld encounters) like Route 4, Yui's Ranch area (the zone with the stantler/dodrio), Zorrialyn desert, and the Darchlight Woods, although I think there are more. EDIT: Also Sheridan Wetlands (which has overworld gastrodon) but not Route 6 (which has overworld krabby). There are overworld encounters in all these zones so it may have something with that. EDIT: I have just realized that I posted the thread in the wrong forum, if someone could move it to Troubleshooting I would be grateful :)
  24. The fear I had for the Saki Battle... My dear Bastiodon, his Sturdy, Crest and Metal Burst did all the work lol

  25. For me it was the (bugged) double leftovers-wish-misty field Florges, as most of Melia's team is Sp.Atk
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