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Everything posted by kithas

  1. Check Amaria's mansion near the waterfall. If it's flooded, you have to go to Ciel, beat her and go back to Reborn, If not... Well, you'll probably know then (?)
  2. I think it highly depends on the team you bring to them. For example with Samson, his field also boosts Acrobatics which helps against him. Corey vs Aya I can ony compare Mist Field vs regular Aya but I think the path to her gym has more pokémon and more options to get a better team, so... I usually find Julia one of the easiest leaders, but I know that's because I always get to bring a Ground-type or Volt-Absorb Pachirisu so it isn't entirely depending on the leader.
  3. I agree with you, translations would be a great idea! I would be glad to contribute even when the only language I'm fluent in is also Spanish lol And I also agree with @seki108
  4. I think the Gyarados example was because it became a meme to continue the quest, probably the first gyms would be easy (Well, not Julia's) butlater it wouldn't be an actual concern. As for Battle-bond Greninja, it's because it's considered too OP or battle breaking, for it having so little lore supporting its presence.
  5. Fun fact is, you won't sleep if you can't hear the song, so maybe you could bypass that sleeping thing.
  6. The scaggy event doesn't happen when you get throught the slums the first time, is the key thing in here. You have to find a key to the locked door and come back later. But I think you could get Pancham (or maybe Pangoro, I don't remember evolution details) and achieve similar effects (It even can have scrappy)
  7. The fact is that not all Team Meteor is full of evil people as not all MC's side is full of nice people. Eclipse was sure on Team Meteor, but she wasn't true evil as she was just wrong. And the same you could say about TM grunts who were offed by Sapphira or Titania, or Sigmund's orderlies or even actual Sigmund. The actual point is that I don't think Anna would be somebody to let sides define people as people's inner side (or soul, or whatever) defines them. About the Bennett/Laura thing, I hope more plot-changing decisions come in EP18!
  8. She could be, but she didn't beat the E4 before, so she shouldn't be the official champion, would she?
  9. I'm fine with that, although I don't see either Benett or Laura representing Love, it could be Serra's love for her child or we could get to know about the sisters in what's left of the story. Is Anna a "hero" in this story though? Even she's with the good guys, I think she's pretty neutral and would get along with Taka or Lumi, who are with the villains but are pretty nice. I don't think E4 was supposed to be a team in main pokémon games either. And Lin wouldn't be Reborn's Champion, because MC is, that's what DJ Arclight and Victoria said at the end of previous EP16.
  10. Well, this is, by far, the best university year I've had with a full pass ^_^ now let's have an equally good summer and the same next year

    1. CodeCass


      Just wanted to say congrats! Great work and hope you have a great summer and equally great coming year! 

    2. kithas



  11. Yes, we all have haha, I guess it could remain a Noodle Incident, but I think not, if Ame wants her to have her arc as Amaria and Titania had it... And I think She and Julia deserve it as well as the other two!
  12. You have to battle with the burmy in the place, so it gets the sandy/trashy cloak, and then level up so it evolves while having the type you want. I evolved it in one of Peridot's Alleyways, can't remember which one, but both of them gave it sandy cloak. Remember it has to fight itself so it gets the cloak.
  13. I got a Sandy Wormadam by fighting with Burmy inside an Alleyway and making it level up, and for the steel Wormadam, it would be inside a building or places with heavy urban environment? Building for sure.
  14. I think we will discover why Florinia became "Flobot" as we discovered the truth about the Titania & Amaria thing. Traumatically.
  15. Yes but it was a great character. Anyways, I'm not sure because we still saw the nameless knight Titania Killed in Zekrom's path thinking it was Lin, but Lin was alive afterfwards so...
  16. I think there has been said that both Gym leaders (Hardy and Saphira) will be fought during EP18 but I could be wrong. I could also get the split into how the MC assaults the Meteor Base near Calcenon, with Onyx' people (Florinia et al) or the Orphans (Saphira). It would be great.
  17. I think we'll be able to clear the map (if only, victory rd onwards will be left) and end with Team Meteor but the last PULSE mon will be left to EP19, Meteor!Arces.
  18. Well, even when there's still testing to be done, I'm glad we're near the end What are you more excited about EP18?
  19. Well, I'm not fond of changing Mold Breaker since it allowed me to destroy the last PULSE, I'd wish I could get Choice Scarf to boost its speed but well, Sand Rush will have to do. And would krookodile be a good addition to the team? I feel like I have too much offensive power already, but I haven't considered using it... Thanks!
  20. I think Anna and Noel are trying to shut down energy base near Calcenon, the same Saphira (I think) has tried to shut down going by the circus.
  21. Free from exams at last!

  22. I made a similar team some time ago but as I'm still not very good with this I'll ask again for help: I've got this sandstorm team: It works good in most cases, I've got Hippowdon for sandstorm and rock traps, and then I go on depending on the type of enemy I go against. So I need to have viable choices to that last spot, and I wanted to include a rock type just for the Sp. Def boost the sandstorm provides. Some of the candidates are Mamoswine (For the Physical bulk and Ice cover), Cradily (Rock type for the said above, plus its Storm Drain + Sludge wave totally saved me agains Amaria) or even a defensive Mega Steelix... Or maybe It would be better to just keep Sp. Atk Lucario or Physical Metagross there, but I fear that would leave a lot of weaknesses or slow mons... When EP18 comes around, I'm going to get Tyranitar for sure, but I will probably intersect it in another mons' space.
  23. Thanks! It's always annoying; the species does actually appear though so it's not more than a nuissance. I guess just observer bias haha
  24. Will testing last months? It's not like there's a full new Gen of mons coming out to try or anything... But, well, I'm not going to complain whenever it is
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