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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by kithas

  1. 96%... Nearly there... At this point the only thing I am worried about is if larvitar would be available at last...
  2. So I have a little doubt that I feel I should have answered before but I haven't, so I'm sorry if it sounds stupid, but, do wild pokémon appear on a route depending on the types of your first pokémon? I mean, taking into account the species availables in a route, the percentages of each one seem to be rigged based on the types of your lead. For example, let's say Im on the Alleyway on Obsidia Ward, and I've got a Bug mon to train, then suddenly, dark-type pokémon seem to be a lot less common in that area. (I chose a random example, I'm not sure it happens in that alleyway and can't pinpoint a specific occasion where it happens, which brings me to the point of making this topic) It could be that, or it could be just observer bias, so I figured I'd better ask just to make sure.
  3. Wait, does Charlotte even have a Mega? As far as I remember the first leader with one is Ciel (Mega Altaria) so even Charizard would be free.
  4. Maybe she doesn't and has a Janmo'o with the Z-move, who knows lol But for now I see we keep advancing in not consecutive percentages so I'm cool
  5. Well, it's just by Mirage Tower, who it's there just if you go through a series of disappearing oasis...
  6. Garchomp or Salamence? Bad thing is they're both signature mons of another character (Garchomp is Solaris' if I recall, Salamence is Heather's) so maybe it's Charizard X, Mega Sceptile or even Gyarados...
  7. I'm trying a monotype ground run (or maybe it becomes ground/rock in the future) but first I have to defeat Fern with a Mudkip and a Burmy and I hate the guy already 😞

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Genderist


      Jesus this is hard..


      Get your burmy to 15 for bug bite and your mudkip as high as possible without evolving it and spam the ever living mercy out of potions and berries.

    3. kithas


      Haha that's what I'm trying to do, it's hard but it is also fun to overcome it 🙂

    4. Monochrome_Complex


      I'm not a fan of monotyping ground too much due to how slow most of them are and how a number of ground moves hit your partner as well, making them ill-suited for doubles.

  8. Well I checked like seven options on the poll haha How every mon is obtainable in the same game, the difficulty of the setting, the puzzles and the advanced AI challenge. Sidequests are always welcome as it is the plot, with its twists and its unique and likable characters. I came to Reborn for the field effects, and years later I can say I'm still in love with them and their concept and usefulness.
  9. There's a lot of let's say polemic characters in Reborn, like Titania, Sapphira or Amaría who even being on MC's side take questionable paths, but even then it's because they either think it's they best way to proceed, are going all in against someone who wants to kill or torture their family or are just in a very bat place mentally. (And even then, they can be awesome in the same way Lin can, so...) But then you have characters whose motivations and path are both lame and who are probably meant to be a hates ink, like Fern, Blake or Nice™ Guy™ Bennett, who I dislike the most. I would also hate Terra but I think there's something more to her character (her change in her backstory) so I'm still on board.
  10. I think it's as real as the garchomps guarding the desert cave are.
  11. Maybe there could be some runaways like the Latios bros or the legendary dogs, or events happening in already existing parts of the map. Heatran appearing on the top of pyrous mountain (or better, in Ametrine, as they were switched before in the lore I think) or Kyogre/Manaphy on the lake.
  12. Arceus is to Reborn as Groudon/Kyogre are to Ruby/Sapphire. I'd say the bigger ones (Dialga, Palkia and Giratina, Groudon, Kyogre or Rayquaza) would deserve their own bit of story. There are a lot of them we coud group together (Darkrai with Giratina o Cresselia, the Lake Guardians, Shaymin and Celebi, Ultra Beasts...), but Type: Null getting his own sidequest I'd say they will get one as well.
  13. I'm really eager to fight Lin, not only for the fight per se, but also for how that could come to be, plotwise. It would be good also to have permission to Rock Climb, better in E18 than in E19.
  14. Thanks! It seems like I might have overlooked it by activating too much at once... Is it the big construction that can be seen buried in the sand when not, well, active? Edit: I just got to it! after several hours of searching (maybe wrong searching but the Max. Repels were wasted anyway), thank you Also, how would this item be gotten? I searched but, after finishing the quest in that area I don't seem to be able to go through there...
  15. Regarding the first one: And, the another one... I post the save just in case someone could help me with any of these (mainly check if I messed up or if the place is wrong in the first) Game.rxdata Thanks!
  16. There's a side quest in EP16 in restored Reborn City just like that in which you have to use Dive.
  17. And, well, I've got another question on my own:
  18. I'm not sure how to navigate that, but sooner or later you'll find a ladder out.
  19. I can remember the debate in Obtainable List Changes' thread but I have to say I think that in that field it would be Scizor.
  20. I began training my noivern frenetically after hearing about Multiscale Dragonite and then I just remembered: I have a Mold Breaker Excadrill. This can and will be fun. (Ha, not even I believe it)
  21. kithas

    Vs Amaria

    I am actually seeking to introduct Palossand just for her in my sandstorm team. Although a well placed/supported Freeze Dry HydroRest Lapras would do some good if she takes advantage of the rain.
  22. I also think this Hydreigon is a powerhouse of Sp. Atk. It will probably blast rains of OHKOs...
  23. I mean it's not that there was a Gastly at that point, considering what a force Gengar can be...
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