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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by kithas

  1. I remember a canon Big Nugget maybe at the Fortune Teller's? Or maybe in the Lake, I can't recall. I know it wasn't in any restoration project. The rest of them (Like 8 or so) I got them the same place I got the Sacred Ashes, an OP Linoone with pickup
  2. I have also great stocks of shards, money and useful objects, but I'm saving Big Nuggets for when money in EP17 might become scarce (Or maybe for sponsoring the other city projects)
  3. As I have never played seriously with Gen VII mons (bar a couple battles in Showdown) I'm pretty excited about them! Also I think the desert/Scrapyard is going to be a good place for my Steel and Ground mons
  4. Do you see one of the new available mons (specially Gen VII ones) eventing in a preexisting event? Like for example I see Kiki's event in Byxbision wasteland pretty in lore for Mimikkyu... PD: In regards to luxury, I am currently stacking myself on big nuggets thanks to my overpowered pickup squad Being a hoarder is actually well paid off in Reborn!
  5. Did you actually got every policeman? There're five of them, two on the first area (That I can't remember the name of Jasper Ward) and two in Beryl Ward, with a Growlithe in the library signaling the third one being... not good. The growlithe actually comes back to the station so it is also part of the quest. I think that part when he is discovered only happens in EP16 but I'm not sure so it depends on the version you're playing in.
  6. Then you take shadowsneak (An usually weak attack an unboosted by any abilities) and then hit it. I think Aegislash is only matter of knowing how to hit. I mean, I like very much Aegislash, its design and it's ability and movepool, but it can be countered.
  7. The second one? From what I've read it can be pretty badass with the right combo as a lead, so who could overpower it? Slaking? Wishiwashi? (I have little idea of high-tier competitive battling as you can see haha) I already saw the point on Scizor actually, that set seems an actual breaker... Lucky me for having a fire move on my lead then
  8. Just realized Smooth Rock is not a consumable item

  9. I mean, at some point is definetly going to be controlled by a ball and a trainer, so... I don't think Arceus could be actually a PULSE: - PULSE Mons are usually not high-tier (Tangrowth, Abra, Muk, Swalot...) - They are fused with the PULSE and killed/destroyed after the battle (A Mercy kill if you will) and every legendaries are supposed to be available post-game. - The Meteors want to use them to recover the original Reborn and accessing Arceus' chamber (That's what PULSE Abra was for), so it wouldn't make sense if they had it connected too.
  10. Oh, I'm sorry then :/ Either way, the only evolution line being held up not being either legendary or pseudo-legendary is Scizor line (Even though I don't fully understand why but, well)
  11. Let's play full canon tribute and beat the original PULSE pokemon
  12. I'd say wait until EP17 comes around, just because there will be full Gen VII to enjoy it with, not only for your own team but for other trainers'. I'm not beta tester or anything so I don't know about story changes.
  13. ... In the obtainable list Growlithe is marked as "Available in the Wild". And as Ame said it was already fully updated I'd trust this for now. (Also, when I get a 'mon, first thing before having to give it back is to breed with it, isn't it?)
  14. I want a lot of 'mons for the sake of having them (Mimikkyu being one of them or A-Ninetales) but wanting to add to my actual sandstorm team... From Gen VII: Palossand is pretty sure, Minior could be cool From earlier generations: I am pretty interested in Garchomp but I'm already using Metagross and I'd feel like too much to introduce another pseudo with it not being Tyranitar.
  15. If she hasn't needed it to kill Champion's A-Ninetales, I doubt it she even needs it to give us nightmares. Also, PULSEs usually made sense in plot (Tangrowths as living jungles, WTC's Swalot...) and I don't really see what could be amplified in Hydreigon that hasn't been made yet.
  16. I think what OP actually wants is an Exp. All, as said in this post in a thread with the same intention as this one posted the same day as this one ^^
  17. I think the scrapyard could have a surprise for us, as Reborn!Reborn City had with the plot moving forward. And maybe we could get to encounter a PULSE mon there like the lost Garbordor prototype in Byxbision (Am I spelling it right?). Or maybe is the desert where we will find it, a PULSE Flygon, or a PULSE Hippowdon. It could be really fun. And by fun, I mean, hell. I actually got the idea of a PULSE Garchomp. Specifically, Sirius' Garchomp, made to suffer in a PULSE by Lin because its master's failures. It would be terribly cruel but I would like it very much. It's a shame Garchomp already has a Mega (Who I think we will have to fight eventually) but dreaming is free.
  18. Wouldn't Shelly have a Vikabolt?
  19. I think Titania having a Scizor/Mega Scizor was almost confirmed. And I still fear the day I have to confront Julia with a Galvanize Explosion A-Geodude/Graveler...
  20. To they who sleep before the screen

    glazing words and counting sheep

    Find the seer of the unseen

    deliver her from flat-line creep.

  21. I go with "Titania & Desert area" plus whatever Meteor Team has prepared and Amaria + Hardy + Rock climb.
  22. I don't know if that was a typo, but yes, in pieces is the only way new players are going to be able to rest hahaha
  23. Weren't the leaders based on real people on Reborn original league? People with actual teams and stuff? I also don't think they will change a lot because of that.
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