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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by kithas

  1. Thanks for clearing, I was actually stating that fact: the game is already prepared, so now what we're waiting is to beta testing to end.
  2. Well, I think it is ready but not available haha it's not that Ame hasn't added the lines to the game yet, is it?
  3. But if we challenge Amaria in her current gym we should have to deal with the sidequest of the twins being missing (as they are pretty important to the plot) which we can't probably do without Rock climb... And in regards of the 4R50N, I think we know from EP16 Sirius was the one responsible, so... It could just be Ame messing with us.
  4. The 100% on de Dev blog has been there for some weeks now. EP17 exists, now on beta testng and probably one of these days is going to be released
  5. Are we sure there is only one more gym in E17?
  6. My bad then, sorry haha I just think it would be cool if the event was related. So there's two lines left to show? (I think she said silvally is considered legendary but I may be remembering wrong)
  7. And what if Honedge's event is in any way related to Titania (whose only 'mon that we know of is Aegislash)? Also, how many more lines are we getting for 17?
  8. With Phione there's sure to be an oasis in the middle of the dessert haha
  9. Are you talking about this menu? It can be accesed through right-clicking on the game window (as in, when you're actually playing the game) and you can activate the soundtrack ("BGM and ME", the folders with that names on the game files) and the sound effects (Like pokémon cries, "BGS and SE"), in the Windows version. EDIT: The option is the same for the engine/program, so all games using the same (Reborn, Rejuvenation, Insurgence, that I know) get the options changed at the same time. As in, you deactivate soundtrack on Reborn, next time you play Rejuv you've got them already deactivated. I hope this helps ^^
  10. I'm okay with the "not replacing movements" part and the "only breeding, not leveling" (Honestly I only used the leveling part as a "let's forget this mon here and come back later for laughs") but I just think some ideas (multiple breeding centers, external hatchers, easying maxing IVs) would make an aspect of the games that needs an effort to be perfected, easier. Good IVs are a great help in core Reborn, and while I get they're almost needed in competitive, there's no need to do breeding at all for that. But that's my way of playing and thinking about pokémon games ^_^
  11. You could always just spawn the 'mon with full IVs from the beginning if you want to sped up the process. Imho things that are overly easy doen't present a challenge and can end up boring people. I also think the only-breeding Daycare would be a good thing, but let's be honest: Those things are overly simple, and Reborn was never meant to be that.
  12. Heart Scales can be "found" by Pickup or in luvdisc, so it's not that bad. But maybe breeding chains could go bad if a mon forgets their own egg move in the Daycare (Since that doesn't appear at the relearner)
  13. I also think changing movesets it's not cool for that very breeding reason :/ Also, maybe a bit offtopic but still on the same direction, will Exp. Share be also updated to the activation key item? It could be a bad thing for farming, in regards to level caps and all :/
  14. Well, here's Axew's egg from the game files: You do the math. Also, yes, you need rock climb for that.
  15. @iDunno, white means also repeatable event, as in the minum you get in the Obsidia alleyway, or as in "You can get more than a Root/Claw/Shield/Helix fossil if you're lucky enough or you soft-reset enough". It would be very cool if there were a Lost World area though.
  16. trainer name: Shin trainer type: Veteran Favorite type, types or theme for a team: Kaijuu inspired mons: Nidoking evolution line (Baragon), Volcarona evolution line (Mothra), hydreigon evolution line (King Ghidorah), tyranitar evolution line(Godzilla evidently), Slaking (King kong)... Him having either evolution (e.g a nidoran, or a zweilous, or a pupitar) depending on the point in the game, not going to ask for a level 15 volcarona lol Ace Pokemon: Tyranitar Character traits or personality: Someone who likes pokémon based on their skill for destruction and tries to show the player their way. This is proved either right or wrong for him when he wins or loses at the hands of the player (Regarding to their text lines) (optimal): if you were an important figure what would your sprite be like: Either one of these is good for me
  17. Or maybe, considering by that point we will have been throught both Titania and Hardy by then, he'll give us good ol'quake. I don't know who is first, Amy or him, but it doesn't really matter. The fact that Larvitar is probably going to be still out this update bugs me not only because its my favourite line but because I want the damn rock climb already
  18. I'm no expert on Sun and Moon inner mechanigs, but we already have Umbreon and Espeon, don't we? (And a plethora of night-evolving mons actually)
  19. So the starters are starting (lol) to be in "Available", there's little waiting now!
  20. kithas

    E17 release?

    Yes and there are ghost types just before him... either way, I said Flo bc she's not bypassable with a well placed volt-absorb pachirisu (Like Julia) but doesn't let you build up in mons. I found a personal hell in Charlotte in my first playthrough for example.
  21. I found it in a post on Tumblr I think... I remember thinking the screenshots were super flashy, looking in awe at all those field effects ("OMG the environment is going to be finally useful") and maybe the fact that every starter was available... And here I am (?
  22. I showdown I used Minior with Shellsmash, Mental Herb and Acrobatics or Earthquake (depending on the foe) so it was is a beast... I really hope it is an event pokemon xD And also I like Mimikyu's lore too for example
  23. Kommo-o (I don't really know how it is written) is technically the tyranitar, metagross or goodra of this generation. Whishi-Washi is actually terrifying also bc its ability, and even though Minior is still not available, its basically when you make Aegislash but the right way
  24. or just search in your computer "Game.rxdata", I don't thin there're going to be a lot of them... And, if they are, they're probably stored near the Reborn one (as in "Saved games" or similar haha)
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