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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by kithas

  1. Thank you all very much! I'm taking your advise (I don't know why I went for two leads and not with getting swampert Ice-punch). Dig is going to be changed when needed (I used it mainly as a field move back then). Gliscor I was trying to use it as a baton passer for the sweepers, and as for Magnezone... Yes, I just realize it xD I wanted to take it as some water coverage but I don't actually have a fixed moveset for it.
  2. @HongaarseBeer In the list it shown with the evolution cell haha that's why I said it. It also happens with Zebstrika or Gigalith.
  3. Wasn't spewpa already available on the wild? On Beryl Ward, if my memory serves well, or the Malchous forest... Also, I found seadra on the wild and not limited through "evolution or breeding", but, well.
  4. Sigmund is the boring type of villain (As in that's his character role, not that his parts are indeed boring), while Sirius and Solaris (and El) are Pokémon Villains (as in Giovanni or the heads of the resident teams, nothing less, nothing more). But Lin gives just that unsettling aura of being almost somebody (Her design reminds me very strongly of Fern and Florinia's). For the reason why could she be protecting the player: - The simple (And fun) posibility: She's actually all about power, and she just want to grow another champion to triumph against just like she did to Ame. - The Plot posibility: The main character has an important role she needs completed. Going by the loop theories, maybe they (we?) were the ones who started it all, or the ones who started Lin.
  5. But as we know they're probably going to be starter-available, Ame's going to take this "two mons a day" game to show us the other ones.
  6. Seeing how Cofa is now wild, how about some ghost-themed ruins in the middle of the desert? Also I imagine Gen VII mons would be in already explored areas, so...
  7. kithas

    Lucky egg

    Also pickup around the eighties can give you some.
  8. You mean Charlotte and her sisters? Eve/Lumi? Either way, those are mostly cleared I think. I was referring to Noel and Anna
  9. I'll go to the point: I am trying to make a sandstorm team (absolutely not because EP. 17 looks like we're about to go to a desert) but I am currently a mess, knowing I lack coverage and have too much leads. I've got this: And I also have these mons on training (They're not actually in their 80's yet) And I would like someone else's opinion on who should go and who should I take to complete a team. Thanks!
  10. That was my thought haha but I had to check first if only there was an obvious hint I was missing.
  11. So while waiting for the episode 17 to roll in, ep 16 still has its sidequests and I think this is the last one I have left for now, so better than writing, I'll show it: So I just hit a dead end right there and don't know if that's a sidequest we were supposed to solve or it's just ongoing for the next episode... Thanks!
  12. We already had a Steelix boss digging holes. If we go by environment: - PULSE Hippowdon: Massive sandstorms - PULSE Golurk: Mega Centinel, some colossus theme? And if we wanted to take Gen VII into consideration, PULSE Vikabolt: Also a Cannon, I know... PULSE Shiinotic: Faerie themes, for example a forest area with a recurrent map when "lost", something like that. Also would get it a PULSE Trevenant for the same reason.
  13. I think gyms serve a purpose: Level cap, serve as a main quest line between the evil-stopping business, setting guidelines (city orders, level caps...) But I don't think they are an absolute need. Open world pokémon rpgs focusing on sidequests and with leveling trainers along the player, for example (or simply the toughter mons crushing you if you go the wrong neighbourhood), or even a fixed questline game with different control points to increase the level cap. Besides, pokémon games could focus on so many things besides battling (Catching, breeding, contests, exploring...) that expanding our views, the gym system is only a very specific one. But it's the one we're used to, so there's that.
  14. She already got Aegislash to be a Knight, lol. Also agreed on Skarmory, Scizor and Excadrill.
  15. So I'm sorry to write after myself but I may or may not have encountered another obstacle in Angie... And seeing how easy is for her to sweep through my team made to counter Ice types I thought I could use some help... If only, about the choice of the team components... Mons in team: In the box: Again, thanks a lot!
  16. Thanks! I already did crawli anyways, with the help of the magcargo and underleveling a level my mons (I hate-love that weird thing when they go easier on you bc you have lesser levels lol) but I think I'll do the thing with Swoobat. Thanks!
  17. Oops, nevermind, I did evolve the slugma and with a big bunch of luck did win ^^ Lately crawli has been having the annoying habit of 1HKOing my whole team, even when I started training specific mons to counter him... So now I've got: On team: And on PC (Actually all in one bc I've changed everything trying to beat him...) What can I do? Thank you in advance And well I obviously have other underleveled mons on the pc but I'm not going to put here two full pc boxes whith mons under their forties... Unless my team is hopless, that is.
  18. Well I suppose the save will be the same, won't it?
  19. I mean, it's not like we've never seen any enhancing dark armors, right? ... right?
  20. Maybe Reborn version of Shadow Pokémon would be Pulse Pokémon.
  21. Ground and fight moves are in! Specially if she has, say an aggron or a bastiodon, or any ground/steel (fire and ground being less effective) like Steelix or the must-be Excadrill, a good fighting one would come in useful.
  22. I'm also not sure if it's for Adrienn or Titania... It would look good in both, but I think is for the latter. I mean, Fairy types are anti-dragon without power-charging effect, aren't they?
  23. That's why I'm saying the thing about a post-game implementing maybe, like "I'm gonna be relaxed and introduce it with lots of times after the game is actually completed".
  24. I'm going for the unknown island wit moar pokemon post-game, and, well, I have a feeling that I won't need any kind of special field effect to suffer and cry an die in front of the E4. Period. (Which is kind of nice, it wouldn't be fun if it wasn't so impossible)
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