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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by kithas

  1. I may or may not need this implemenmted sooner or later Anyway, I'd go for the new generation pokémon only after the main story is completed, something relaxed like a bonus after the game or something...
  2. Oh there goes the lake, blue again I like it even with so much pink
  3. Or maybe each one of the personalities feels their way, so the one that's in charge at the moment feels their own sensations. It's like, say, three people are in a car and the one at the wheel decides to go to a road full of potholes bc they love the pothole sensation, or a very bendy way. And they like it, but the passengers do not.
  4. Yeah, more attack animations would be pretty cool
  5. I'm wondering if we're gonna know about the whereabouts of the pokémon thief on this chapter lol Idk it's been a long time since whe're after that one so it would be great just to make some advances on that subplot haha
  6. Well the good thing is that we're gonna have the whole Reborn city to roam again and to rediscover like its very cool
  7. The volt-absorb + bide Pachirisu made my first half of the game, seriously.
  8. Well a lvl 100 E4 would make the post-game more interesting for completion or sidequests than for leveling your pokes. And as it has been said before, bring it on with fhe 19+ AI for the E4, after taking Charlotte nothing can be so horrible... To think I won Ciel the first time... Probably luck tho, I'm not a good trainer lol
  9. When I got in this thread I was wondering how could I do to get over that Arceus, and then with a mixture of Torterra's leech seed (plus a Big root), a Sturdy Steelix with Dig and four other mons who didn't honestly had a chance against it (apart from giving the leech seed turns to act), it was over.
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