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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by kithas

  1. Yeah, I'm certain Melia's AI in chapter 15 remembered soft-resets and items by my pokemon lol
  2. Wait what was the Interceptor's Wish for again?? Bc i may have gone through the Diamond Route without using it and maybe I should have used it??

    1. Autumn Zephyr

      Autumn Zephyr

      From what I gather,


      it lets you use your team while playing as other characters.

      Dunno if it has any other effects on karma or whatnot, though.

    2. kithas


      Oh, thanks, I'm one of these player that don't like spending useful items bc "what if I need it for later" even if it's the final boss lol... So the item doesn't disappear after using it once??

  3. Well, I just saw this riddle and the one before and think...
  4. Since it's not going to happen (and it shouldn't, given the amount of work and the impracticality of trying), I could imagine the MC actually winning whatever has to be won in Rejuvenation, becoming champion (we suppose, in the case Melia doesn't take the spotlight again) and then travelling around, arriving at a completed Reborn region and challenging the league, up to its champion, Reborn's MC.
  5. To be honest I would also love if the dev team took the relationship points and alternate answers into something of branching paths (like Flora's). It's a cool device and I think they are already playing with it
  6. Yeah a Honey-Gather Teddiursa sponsored my way through the first half of Reborn, up until the point I was able to overlevel two Linoone (who now are in the high 90s) to Pickup my way to fortune getting me Big Nuggets once in a while. They are excellent HM users, too.
  7. Well Zygarde is right there lmao... We'll get to catch every legendary at the end I think, all pokémon will be available in the end, one way or another...
  8. I think it was said we wont loose any previous items, only add new ones?
  9. What I like about Goomink's quest is that it is like one of these episodes when they remember every plot detail that has happened in a series, only better because there is another actual story happening.
  10. And there are a lot of possible locations for it, like the voidal chasm, Zone Zero, the Pyramid... any Garufan place actually lol
  11. That's the best reason for Flareon to have a badass cool crest lol
  12. I think Neverwinter is like a new area (the fourth in the Fly menu, like Florial Island iirc), which would probably have Neverwinter city at its center and Blacksteeple castle around it.
  13. Así there is a hard level cap, having the dark type and then changing it to a high leveled mon, who wouldn't earn experience
  14. Yeah I think all those characters do choose to have their companion pokémon/their aces. As such, the MC/the player also can choose to have an important pokémon who doesn't leave the team, (or choose not to have it, lol). I had a shiny Medicham in the team since the first adventure with Melia, and along with a few more, will probably be from v13 on. I don't really like the idea to force a pokémon on the Main Character, like yeah as a symbol (like on Insurgence the main gang are chosen by a mythic pokémon) do what you want but I choose what pokémon goes with me, thank you very much. Plus, yeah, I'm not against linking any character to a legendary/idea, like the Regis/protectors, Dialga/Palkia/Giratina and the three sisters, Melia and Arceus/Xerneas... I go with that other comment saying the Main Character would be linked to Zygarde. But I don't think this is about symbol pokémon.
  15. But Shadow Gyarados is not evil per se, but the psychic typing would be appropriate because it's said to be a whole bunch of magikarps together with rift energy
  16. I particularly love Claydol's Crest. I did like Claydol's design and idea before, and the crest gives it the ability to use its firepower accordingly. I also love Ledian for similar reasons: Cool style, poor mon. Crested Ledian is probably still not an Uber but it's more of a threat now
  17. I mean it also depends on which mons are your favorite, like if your faves are tyranitar, garchomp, lucario, blaziken, etc, yeah, it may not be a challenge at all (more than reborn usually is) but if you just love pokemon that do mediocre in battle (say, Ledian), it WILL be a challenge lol Specially in Reborn
  18. I do suffer bc the new field/terrain distinction somewhat nerfed my Misty Clefable but I'm also eager to see the changes, like Route 4 (which won't be complete until 13.5, I know, I don't mind waiting)
  19. When at 100%, v13 will be completed but there will still be testing and polishing it!
  20. tbh I'm about to lose count, between mega-evolutions, Z-movements, primal reversions, stance changes, dynamaxes and Gygamaxes, I would gladly do all the game without new battle changing dynamics lol. And I haven't mentioned crests because crests are good, actually. We need more crests.
  21. They should also sell repels (and everyday objects like balls and potions) in the mall in the shopping district iirc
  22. Tbh I think considering everything that has been happening and the size of the game, I don't think neither Reborn nor Rejuvenation have been in development too long lol
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