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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by kithas

  1. Half-Life 3. For anyone who doesn't know about it, here's an idea of what would we be dealing with xD
  2. kithas


    So that's why it's Absol's signature move (or, was), because Absol is just a weasel with a razor on its face?
  3. I think the game would let you go from Route 9 to the Tournament by train (like the first time) but, well. Now you should be able to move freely between fly screens with the equivalent of PgUp or PgDown then...
  4. Then you should be able to exit the Tournament building (or to return there by train) and find the ship that should take you to the plot
  5. The last version lets you fly from GDC to other GDC districts only and from outside of GDC, to other outside of GDC places either. But after you exit the tournament you're not supposed to be able to enter GDC (that's why it's on lockdown) but the plot takes you from the tournament entrance itself.
  6. I think you have to actually use the yatch from other places to get there first?
  7. Wow I don't mind waiting at all if it means getting those cool designs!
  8. It's Corey's gym. Which can be considered abandoned, depending on the point of view (?)
  9. Wow this IS a christmas present. Santa Delibird has definetly come (?) Its very cool how big v13 seems to be going to be, and I, for one, don't mind a little bit waiting. Keep it up, the hype is still going
  10. You paste the scripts file into the Data folder (the one that should already have a Scripts file). A message should appear bc you can't have two files in the same folder with the same name, so it will make you choose. Choose the one you're pasting, and that should be it. PS: I usually just rename the old scripts file (like "scripts 1" or something" so I don't just lose it)
  11. You can download the two last released episodes here, actually! in the original place and not going through romstation lol
  12. I guess Crescent being in Nightmare City after the pyramid could be a remnant of the original time the player entered Nightmare City (like how most NPCs maintain their place in old maps). But then, after the pyramid giving us flashbacks about what happened with Crescent and Delpha and de others, it supposedly happened long before the PC visited Nightmare City, so... Zetta was transformed into a Solosis and is still a Solosis (probably in Crescent's power). NC's Zetta is there as an actual nighmare of Melia.
  13. I'm very sorry for all Rejuv team but each time I read Eclysia Pyramid I think it's calling it Eclampsia pyramid 🙃

  14. Well, Zetta-Geara are the standard hellish bosses on their own due to the MC having to battle basically at 1vs2 the whole battle. I also found myself a little bit against the ropes when fighting Erin In the gym leader variety I think late-game leaders are more easily countered bc we've got access to more pokémon, but I found Marianette to be what it's called a Wake-up-call Boss more than Keta
  15. Somehow EP19 being completely deleted was right on my bingo card of things happening on 2020, and not even the wildest one (?) Anyways, it's cool to see development being advanced, be it fast or slow. Reborn is a great game and can't wait to see its final act! (actually I do. I will wait don't worry)
  16. So you say its too much for one update, then you go and say that both updates are going to have more content than before? I think we would be good with just normal v13 content split in two updates (bc it truly looks like a lot) so this is very very cool and not at all something to be sorry about! Thanks! I hope this year doesn't throw more crazy stuff at you! (or all us, for that matter haha)
  17. Hello! I've been loving this mod so much, and it's great every time I see any update on it However, I seem to have a few bugs with sidequests (or maybe I'm just too advanced in the plot to do them, I already completed everything):
  18. I'll try! Quagsire Crest: Increases its bulk, and gives it Simple. Flygon Crest: Applies Sandstorm by entering battle, giving it a x1.5 bonus in evasion Bronzong Crest: Multiplies x1.3 the power of sound moves; applies the Ability Regenerator. Spinda Crest: Hitting Spinda with physical moves or being hit by its physical moves results in confusion Golurk Crest: Exchanges Atk. for Def. and Sp. Atk. for Sp. Def. Landing any special moves on it triggers a 1/16 damage from it (Rough Skin with special moves instead of physical) Shiftry Crest: Leaf-based attacks powered up by 30% and ignores downsides. Gives it immunity/resistance to Bug-type moves.
  19. Uhhh I may had missed that Applin early on hahah I caught mine in the glade... Where does it appear?
  20. Is it possible to complete the Monster House (i. e. getting Dreepy) event after renovating the city?
  21. Randon moves in lieu of HMs does happen in Insurgence
  22. Uhhh I think I may have found a bug in the Northern Undernet the part where Galarian Meowth's spawns, after going through a Rock Climb wall, the screen goes dark while the soundtrack keeps playing. The bad thing is that it prevents me from accessing the menu from wich I guess I could have just Escaped. And I don't think I could restart an older save bc for some reason (the fact that I was using the Game-z file?) the last backups didn't exist. So as this happened into the Mod area I'm reporting the bug, and also leaving the file here in case someone could help me Game_2.rxdata Thanks! P.S: Also Octolock is bugged, displays an error message and doesn't have any effect, but this isn't probably new lol
  23. Hm, so doing a Grass Monorun in Reborn, would it be more worth Chlorophyll or Harvest Exeggutor in a Sunny-themed team? 🤔

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