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About Aros

  • Birthday 11/08/1997

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  • Location
    hollister California
  • Interests
    playing games. doing math. i love math. want to learn how to act around kids so i can teach

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  1. i am looking for someone who wants to trade for him, i have some shinnies to give you if you have him i'm not asking much lol
  2. Aros


    i was wondering if anyone had a snorlax for trade, since i lost mine when i had to play the new update, i might not have much for it though since i am in 2 badges, so if you can thanks in advance.
  3. Aros


    so i was wondering cause i saw some videos is it possible to get him cause i sort of want a snorlax cause i like my big boi if this is suppose to be in another category i am sorry in advance its been a while
  4. Aros

    Alolan grimer :P

    @Zero1Six alright, i'm online now waiting lol
  5. Aros

    Alolan grimer :P

    @Zero1Six okay thats good now, do you want any shiny i have on me, i have tons
  6. Aros

    Alolan grimer :P

    @Zero1Six i can trade, if you want to or still have it, just let me know when you can do it, if the other person that pm me doesn't respond in time thank you
  7. Aros

    Ditto :P

    @Zero1Six oh yeah i forgot bout that part of the game, thx, lol i could try doing that, now i will look up how to break the rocks to get started in that
  8. Aros

    Ditto :P

    i need a ditto to breed some pokes of mine, i think i missed the event for him, if i can have one to breed some good pokes i will give it back to you once that poke is all done and everything, its for like two pokes, my ingame name for online is aros24363, so if i can have it that be nice thank you for listening in and taking your time,
  9. if anyone has Alolan grimer it be nice for me to have one on the team yes i am super serious about this pokemon as i have the black sludge to help it, its typing is really nice as well, my in game name or online name is aros24363 so if you i can please have one that would be nice, thank you and again thank you for taking your time to do this for me if you can i got shinies to give for whoever gives me the alolan grimer for my team,
  10. Aros

    Need a tynamo

    hey I need a tynamo if anyone has one I have two shines in my shiny box so far on my team is marshtomp, combusken, loudred, metang and noibat the reason I need it is I like the pokemon, in general, its moveset and the way it looks so please let me know if you have one, thanks, my online game name is aros24363 if you wish to give it. the 2 shines i have so far is golem and pidove, golem i got from a trade from wonder trade. thank you for taking your time to comment and to give me your time
  11. @Paul25 thanks. and i had a feeling you were the same guy who helps me. lol
  12. @Paul25 yeah i can wait. i'm waiting online lol
  13. @Paul25 no i just need a duskull thats male. lol
  14. Hey i know i ask to much but. i'm in a pickle . i got a new computer cause my old one broke. all i ask is if someone can give me a male duskull. this would help me out a lot. thanks. my in game name is soultaker24363. thank you very much
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