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sound of silence

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About sound of silence

  • Birthday February 5

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    An island of deadly creatures

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  1. Happy Dogbert day to you all!



  2. [SPOLIER] Can someone be more specific as to where corin rouge will be? Really having trouble in the desert at night finding where exactly the hill to climb is [/SPOILER]
  3. So it's been a while, and forgive the stupid question, but if we've got spoiler locks on episode 17...where can i download it from? Can only see links to ep16


  4. This is very abrupt... but could you answer if I asked what was the last time you dabbled in pillars of quanta?

    1. sound of silence

      sound of silence

      If pillars of quanata is an actual game, then never


      If you've guessed my avatar to be from elements the online game...Good question. Maybe 1-2 years now? Think I just got to a point where I was constantly grinding and got over it.

  5. If you have any spare ability capsules, you can make the fight a fair bit easier by changing gardevoir's ability to trace (get the snow cloak ability and benefit from the field effects yourself) and mamoswine to snow cloak (or thick fat for ice resistance). Gigalith should also have snadstorm in addition to stealth rock (replace venusaur for this fight) to negate the hail aurorus will set up. I'd also teach camperupt nature power which is pretty brutal on serra's field ( a heavily boosted mirror shot) Also teach it to venusaur if you wish to keep it for this match up.
  6. unfortunately at this point of the game money options are limited to either rebattling clown indra at agate circus or abusing a party of pick up mons, as most of the grand hall trainers are many levels above you, and I've forgotten which day the one weak trainer rocks up to. Magmortar could be a good choice due to special defence. Having lava plume on it as one move would be a good idea. I'd also suggest giving gardevoir dual screens, or even have bronzong use one and gardevoir the other, or at least one screen and alternate it during the fights. I think from memory you can find both light screen and reflect before you do the raid. Probably teach it over icy wind. Speaking of TM's make sure you can at least alternate one move slot on a pokemon so you can teach and reteach them TM's outside of battles. I found I had to keep changing TM's through some of the fights in order not to have to restart entirely. It may also be beneficial to have a 7th pokemon around the levels you currently have. That seventh pokemon I'd suggest to be a strong flying type. Without spoiling too much, there will come a point in the raid where you know its time to use it, and then rotate it straight out after. That may already spoil it too much for you, but that should help. Also advisable for another fight in ep 16.
  7. If you do the puzzle properly you can avoid damage altogether. That being said both donphan and camerupt avoid taking damage too as the floor will not harm ground types. The biggest problem I see with your team is that its too slow. The first major plot battle of the raid will wipe your team out, and even if you got past that, the others really aren't much better. Bronzong needs Trick Room over strength. I'd axe donphan entirely since you already have a ground type. Lanturn would be an alright choice to replace it, or something with volt absorb/lightning rod (you can catch some high level manetric around the city if grinding is a pain). Please also find the strongest moves you can teach your pokemon as I'm sure scrafty has better attack choices than what you have given it. Do all the sidequests you can before going into devon corp as well. What else...oh right a 6th pokemon. Whatever choice it is needs to ideally have -a way to beat most fighting types. -Fast (faster than base speed of 85 would be a good starting point) -A strong ground/ice/dragon attack. -Should either be a fighting or fire type. That should help somewhat, but be aware that even with preparation, there is still a good chance you may have to restart from far back to get through this point of the game. Really do make sure you have every TM possible, type resist berries, ALL THE SIDEQUESTS DONE that you can (super important), lots of healing items, pokemon that can learn a variety of TMs and even then several tons of good luck.
  8. Sunburn is the worst. Even my scalp is burnt!


  9. Why is exercise so painful? I'm getting too old for vanity maybe?


  10. Seeing as its january now, we don't need spoilers for forum posts anymore, do we?


  11. Happy new year. May your parties continue into the morning and not get shut down early.

  12. Zorua should still be obtainable via the alleyways around reborn (that event does not change despite the clean up of the city) Sigilyph though...IDK about this one. It and drowzee may not be obtainable now unless Ame has placed them elsewhere (since I think drowzee's egg is a 50/50 to find in the slums)
  13. Not really. Marshtomp, especially a damp variant, cheeses julia to start the early game. It really only struggles with florinia and shelley (make surre to fight corey on the corrosive mist field) due to the quad grass weakness but half its special movepool gets buffed to acceptable levels from the fields you encounter after that. Protect stalling with T-spikes support is invaluable from something that isn't weak as piss. After shelley, it really only struggles with aya (weirdly enough, due to wasteland ground nerfs) and serra due to possible freeze dry shenanigans and having to do common candy tricks to get earthquake while keeping it obedient. It does rather well vs Noel (hint: teach it sludge wave to change to corrosive field, then spam muddy water. Makes clefable so much easier to beat), and above average at a minimum afterwards in major gym/boss fights, until at least Blake.
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