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16 Fledgling

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About WSGreen

  • Birthday 11/20/1996

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  1. So I downloaded the jackpot mod and I'm having trouble figuring it out. I've tried and failed to get the jackpot starter and I did some looking, it says to replace map 308 on the main page, but the zip file has map 304. So I'm not sure what to do at all.
  2. Quick question, idk if i missed it but is there a list of changes to pokemons abilities? i noticed the gorwlithe i got has a ability it normally doesnt get
  3. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a great day 😄🍰

  4. Oh boy its that time again, time to see what the rejuv team has been up to in the past 2 years. I cant wait to play.
  5. WSGreen


    *deeply inhales* SCREEEEEEEEE- that was a hype trailer, you guys did an amazing job on it.
  6. MC and Aelita? so something about her?
  7. did you figure something out?
  8. i bet jans laughing knowing that the answer ir right in front of are faces and where looking in every other direction
  9. damn trying to figure this out but its stumping me, idk where to even began for hints.
  10. it looks promising, but ngl, im abit sad now (i was going to make a fangame called redemption)
  11. looks at the post and tapu lele looks like ep 19 is going to be fun
  12. would it be possible to make the alt form doc simpler? its hard to make heads or tails on what the new typings/abilities/moves each new form has.
  13. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a great day 😄🍰

  14. Dont fret to much over it man, good things come to those who wait. Also when you say no dlc for v13, do you mean no new pokemon from them or no move tutors?
  15. oh good i didnt miss a chance to add something else greninja crest-grants the effects of battle bond( no stats boosts, just the water shurdiken boost) delphox crest- harness the power of delpha, grants the type, ability, and stats of delpha these where last sec and im glad i got them in
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