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  1. Awesome, my name's Antilegend onlnine. I'll be waiting for you. Thanks so much again
  2. Here now, if you're available!
  3. Sorry for the late response Starry. I'm available all day today if you're still up for making that trade. No worries about the Heart Scale, I've got a few already :). Thank you so much, btw. I really appreciate it. Is there anything I can offer you in exchange?
  4. Hey guys, Having completed the game and sidequests, I feel the urge to begin breeding Pokemon once again. Starting over from my previous file, although painful, has been totally refreshing. As there's an entire subreddit dedicated to trading "Perfect" Dittos, I figured I'd try my hand and see if there were any up for trade. Preferably would like an Adamant nature'd Ditto, but perfect IVs would be more than sufficient. If there's anyone willing to trade, let me know what you'd like in return and I'll see if I can accommodate. Thanks for your time.
  5. Antilegend


    Awesome, thanks very much. Very appreciated.
  6. Antilegend


    Apologies, wasn't sure what the appropriate forum for it would be. Did you want anything in particular in return? Really appreciate the help.
  7. Antilegend


    Hey there, So like it's been said before, I'm catching up on sidequests now that I've completed the episode, and unfortunately I'm out of luck when it comes to breeding/trading the Growlithe, ultimately causing me to miss the opportunity at a Larvesta. I was wondering if it would be possible to ask for a trade for Larvesta. I've got a multitude of Pokemon I can trade for, up to and including Gible, Riolu, and Magikarp. Thanks for your time.
  8. Hey guys, Just downloaded the new episode. Fantastic so far, as to be expected. Was just wondering if there were any new areas that might evolve my Magneton to Magnezone? Thanks in advance!
  9. These prior replies also work under the assumption that Misty is of legal age. Is she over 18? Because if she isn't, then this guy could be quantified as a predator. If she is, then like it was mentioned before, you can only be delegated to a supportive role. People in life are going to make mistakes, plain and simple. Even though you can see your friend making one, it isn't your place to correct them and exert control over their decision. Sometimes you gotta burn your hand before you learn to wear gloves.
  10. Exercise. I couldn't be a bigger advocate for it. Lifting weight on a regular basis has improved virtually all aspects of my life, from superficial outward appearance to, more importantly, how I feel about myself. I have had an astonishingly low self esteem throughout my life before I started lifting weight due to some past circumstances, but after you watch your own body change, it changes how you feel about yourself. How you feel about yourself is, what I learned too late in life, the most important aspect a person can have. If you hold yourself in high regard, that opinion of yourself is going to be directed outwardly. It does the mind and body so, so well. Maintaining good hygiene is also very important, both on yourself and within your living quarters. Doesn't matter if you live in a house, apartment, or room in your parents place; If the place is clean, you feel clean. It might now sound like much, but it occupies your mind in the sense you're accomplishing something. Occupying the mind with goal oriented work gives one a sense of accomplishment.
  11. All these flavours, and you chose to be salty.
  12. STOP POSTING ON THE FORUMS AND DEVELOP THE GAME, KURO. Also, I can't pay your salary, but I'd be willing to have an armchair seminar with yourself and other developers of the game on time management, the value of which is most certainly on par with your average bi-weekly pay period. I await your PM to hash out the details.
  13. How am I spending my anniversary? I'm sacrificing a small goal and part of my soul to thine lord Satan for Sega to develop a halfway decent Sonic game on the next generation. I'll even settle for Golden Axe revisited at this point. sega plz
  14. Whenever a company decides to do a "restructuring" to their current business model, you can bet your ass that it's all about the bean counting. One can only speculate on the details, but it's likely that Konami has seen the business model of some of its competitors and has decided to down the route of micropayments and payable DLC. This decision was almost certainly motivated by money, and Kojima was having none of it, and likely did not want to relinquish creative control over a franchise he's been the head of since the release of the first Metal Gear game. It really is unfortunate that when a man who's been with the company for almost 35 years was so uncerimoniously let go from the company he worked for, but Kojima doesn't seem to be the type to rest on his laurels. He has remarkable business acumen and a great penchant for story-telling. He's going to be just fine. His new IP, Death Stranding, looks extremely promising and looks like a quintessential Kojima production, right down to the ripe symbolism seen in the trailer. Lets talk about Silent Hill for a few. Silent Hill 2 is my favourite game of all time, and Kojima's hand in that game is what made it that good. The symbolism of the enemies, the story, the atmosphere, the music.. everything in that game makes it simply a masterpiece in my mind. It's unfortunate that there hasn't been a single thing from the franchise since that has come even close to captivating my interest since. Silent Hill has been utterly mismanaged for over a decade, with each title in the series being, at best, mediocre. P.T. was to be a reboot of the franchise, with Reedus has the main character and Del Toro directing. It's not often I get excited for new releases anymore, but P.T. had me sitting on the edge of my seat from start to finish. Then it's gone. Simply gone. Back unto the ether whence it came. Again, one can only speculate why, but it seemed with the creative control collapsing during MGSV, development for Silent Hills began to crumble along side it. This again shows Konami's utter mismanagement of now not only one, but two huge franchises helmed by one man they saw fit to terminate. Unless some explanation is given to everyone, every spiteful comment Konami receives will be deserved and then some. Their current business model is in serious question, and as a company, they need to really start controlling the damage Kojima's departure has wraught. The whole Fantastic Four debacle was just as much Trank's fault as it was Fox's. Fox needed to intervene on set several times due to numerous complaints lodged against Trank for not only his deplorable treatment of actors, but he and Miles Teller would often show up on set high out of their minds. Not to mention Trank's leaks to 4chan about the production of the movie, and how his dog trashed the appartment he was living in during production, and constantly going over the budget Fox provided for seemingly frivilous reasons. Trank'll likely never rebound from that, and he has only himself to blame. Trank directing this movie was a mistake to begin with. His success with Chronicle was only as good as the writing was for that movie, and Max Landis doesn't get nearly enough credit for the movie. But I digress. Comparing Trank to Kojima is like comparing kindergarten fingerpainting to Picasso.
  15. Can I just say that I love how each of these elements remain within the game, yet, Charlotte's cigarette was removed as of Episode 15? You can drop all that "Rare Candy" all you want, but I'll be damned if we're gonna broach COPD in this game!
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