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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Scandude

  1. Thats great! I love platinum One of my favorite games
  2. Make sure to Follow this topic for updates and make sure to keep reading the original message as that is where i am updating the information of my adventure
  3. Love Diledo for when he eveolves XD With my Pokemon Blue playthrough i've enjoyed calling mine after gods or characters from Roman and Greek stories
  4. What is your favorite nickname you've ever given a Pokemon or ever seen a Pokemon being called?
  5. When it comes to my first Pokemon game I have technically 2 I had pokemon blue that my sister had that i would borrow and play, yet i was only around 5 so didn't really know what i was doing in 2007 I got a copy of Pokemon pearl for the DS as a Christmas present and i often count that as my first as it was the first one i took seriously and actually knew what I was doing I love both games though and both of them hold a special place in my life My first Pokemon itself was either Squirtle or Piplup, but like i said it depends on which of the games count as my first
  6. I am thinking that Pokemon Soul Silver is going to be the longest of all of the games to play, As the end game for me is to defeat Red on that game Anyone have any suggestions on good Pokemon for Red? as i know he is very powerful!
  7. In all fairness i can see what they mean with the double posting i will edit the post to add any information about my adventures and stuff and will stick to replying to messages with new comments
  8. That does sound like an awesome idea for a game! I would love to see that made However i think if it was it would have to be a Fan-made game Nintendo wouldn't ever make a game like that, as there target audience is kids and families and making a game where you are primarily a villain could send out the wrong message to children. Never the less i think this is great and if anyone would work on this sort of game with this story that would be great! I would love to do it as i enjoy programming however i dont think i am at the level of making a full out pokemon game! Personally i would like to see a pokemon game with all of the regions in it, and for once make it able to actually catch them all but without having to rely on trading
  9. Picking Squirtle FTW!

  10. Ahh man that sucks! Sorry to hear that Oh Hai Fancy Seeing you here haha
  11. Here we are guys have all the games in one picture As mentioned earlier the pearl may change to platinum but will still be the same region And i need some advice Think i should play Alpha Sapphire as a part of the new games? or shall i Try and get a hold of the original? I find i have different opinions on them all I like pearl a lot but i think it is mainly because it was my first proper Pokemon game so it holds a special value in my life however i think diamond is good as Dialga is much better than Palkia in my opinion whilst i prefer platinum overall as it was a singular game, whereas before it was a choice between either pearl or diamond
  12. I do actually own a copy of platinum however i have lent it to a friend (I Own a copy of Pearl, Diamond and Platinum haha) I will look into getting that back from them, however i only put pearl as a precaution incase i couldn't get it back And thanks for your support ive been wanting to do something like this for a while, and a friend recommended blogging this on this sight as he uses it alot Yeah im going to have a field day when it comes to playing the Sinnoh region That was the first proper pokemon game i got and have played it through many times Starly is always on my catch list
  13. And So It Begins! Well I am about to Start Pokemon Blue! Our Adventure begins in the Kanto region! Of course i will be picking Squirtle! Because he is my favorite :3 (P.S if anyone knows how to upload pictures into the post i would be grateful :3)
  14. Well Im About to Start Pokemon Blue! Love this game

    1. Felicity


      Red Supremacy

    2. Scandude



  15. Well Im About to Start Pokemon Blue! Love this game

  16. Hello, My name is Scandude and I am going to playing a Pokemon Game based in each of the regions! Here is the List of Games: Pokemon Blue - Game Boy Pokemon Soul Silver - DS Pokemon Alpha Sapphire - 3DS Pokemon Pearl - DS Pokemon Black - DS Pokemon Y - 3DS I will be playing all of these games in that order and keeping you updated along the way Feel free to leave any suggestions of Pokemon i should catch, or what sort of tactics or activities i should try along the way I hope you Enjoy! Pokemon Blue: Post 1 - 23/02/2015: Well i have started my adventures of Pokemon blue! and Dr Wetson joins the team! I fought the rival and beat him so badly! now I am going to try and catch a couple of pokemon and then head on to fight Brock! Current Team: Dr Wetson (Squirtle) - LVL 6 ---------- Post 2 - 23/02/2015: Captured a pidgey! Having alot of fun up to now as i have completely destroyed Brock! I also spent a nifty 500 coins on a Magikarp in which I am going to Train up! I understand that this means i have 2 water types which isnt the best thing, however i may replace the Gyarados with a Dratini if i can find one Current Team: Dr Wetson (Wartortle) - LVL 17 Icarus (Pidgey) - LVL 10 Poseidon (Magikarp) - LVL 5 ---------- Post 3 - 24/02/2015: Captured one more pokemon for my playthrough, in which I am excited to level I managed to defeat Misty with no trouble, and manahed to get to Bills house! Now I am on my way to go see the S.S. Anne! Wish me look Current Team: Dr Wetson (Wartortle) - LVL 25 Icarus (Pidgey) - LVL 21 Poseidon (Magikarp) - LVL 10 Venus (Bellsprout) - LVL 13 ---------- Post 4 - 28/02/2015: So i defeated LT surge! He went down extremely easy with my Wartortle which knows Dig I haven't caught anymore Pokemon but have leveled up much more The SS Anne was easy and i tanked my way through that with no difficulty Current Team: Dr Wetson (Wartortle) - LVL 32 Icarus (Pidgey) - LVL 26 Poseidon (Magikarp) - LVL 13 Venus (Bellsprout) - LVL 14 ----------
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