Hello, My name is Scandude and I am going to playing a Pokemon Game based in each of the regions!
Here is the List of Games:
Pokemon Blue - Game Boy
Pokemon Soul Silver - DS
Pokemon Alpha Sapphire - 3DS
Pokemon Pearl - DS
Pokemon Black - DS
Pokemon Y - 3DS
I will be playing all of these games in that order and keeping you updated along the way
Feel free to leave any suggestions of Pokemon i should catch, or what sort of tactics or activities i should try along the way
I hope you Enjoy!
Pokemon Blue:
Post 1 - 23/02/2015:
Well i have started my adventures of Pokemon blue! and Dr Wetson joins the team! I fought the rival and beat him so badly! now I am going to try and catch a couple of pokemon and then head on to fight Brock!
Current Team:
Dr Wetson (Squirtle) - LVL 6
Post 2 - 23/02/2015:
Captured a pidgey! Having alot of fun up to now as i have completely destroyed Brock! I also spent a nifty 500 coins on a Magikarp in which I am going to Train up!
I understand that this means i have 2 water types which isnt the best thing, however i may replace the Gyarados with a Dratini if i can find one
Current Team:
Dr Wetson (Wartortle) - LVL 17
Icarus (Pidgey) - LVL 10
Poseidon (Magikarp) - LVL 5
Post 3 - 24/02/2015:
Captured one more pokemon for my playthrough, in which I am excited to level
I managed to defeat Misty with no trouble, and manahed to get to Bills house!
Now I am on my way to go see the S.S. Anne! Wish me look
Current Team:
Dr Wetson (Wartortle) - LVL 25
Icarus (Pidgey) - LVL 21
Poseidon (Magikarp) - LVL 10
Venus (Bellsprout) - LVL 13
Post 4 - 28/02/2015:
So i defeated LT surge! He went down extremely easy with my Wartortle which knows Dig I haven't caught anymore Pokemon but have leveled up much more
The SS Anne was easy and i tanked my way through that with no difficulty
Current Team:
Dr Wetson (Wartortle) - LVL 32
Icarus (Pidgey) - LVL 26
Poseidon (Magikarp) - LVL 13
Venus (Bellsprout) - LVL 14