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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by bilal

  1. I need a ARON and a MAGIKARP......... I have very well Pokémon to trade for them !!!!! WITH EXCELENT IVS
  2. derpy simon i have an excelent treecko hp-16 att-31 def-30s att-30 s def-2 sp-27 i want a charmader !!!!
  3. guys for some reason who i dont know I can not upload my rx.data and writing that < You have exceeded your allotted disk space for attachments > What should I do?
  4. i dont have chimchar,turtwig,or oshawott...... but i have excelent treecko hp-16 att-31 def-30s att-30 s def-2 sp-27 yamna hp-16 att-11 def-30s att-30 s def-28 sp-29 litwick hp-30 att-11 def-30 s att-29 s def-28 sp-28 beldum hp-30 att-27 def-31 s att-30 s def-28 sp-28 trapinch hp-16 att-28 def-30 s att-30 s def-28 sp-28 mareep .magby,riolu,darumaka,ralts,claucher,scraggy,skrelp,mignemite with the same ivs and leater <1-2>days i will have mudkip,chikorita,piplup,cyndaquil,growlithe,and elekid all these pokemon are 1 level !
  5. i wan some starter pokemon: Charmander, Squirtle,bulbasaur! i have a lot of strongs pokemon ivs and evs
  6. i have already agreed a trade and i have both databases..can anyone make the trade for me?
  7. guys when they will become the trades?
  8. give me your best database..i want to try something..
  9. i am looking for dratini , Squirtle .larvitar ,Gible and ,Bagon
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