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Lord Drakyle

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Everything posted by Lord Drakyle

  1. to be on the Anna Route you must make certain choices and fulfill certain requirements along the way up to you challenging Lin including Defeating Solaris at Mt Pyrous, Battling Taka at the Waterworks place and the most important part, you must not lose to Lin at all, the full list of requirements can be found if ya do a little looking around likely search Anna Route requirements and you can probably find it fast
  2. They appear in the Tanzan cave just after where Solrock/Lunatone appears iirc but only at Night
  3. it's a known issue but unfortunately no fix atm that i have seen.
  4. An alternative suggestion to your dilemna would be to just use the random starter selecter and roll with whatever you get from there?
  5. if you attach your save, anyone with debug access can drop it in for you
  6. it's primarily a combination of events that cause the diverging paths, but primarily yeah the Zekrom/Reshiram split. That said if you lose during the final battle before the post game begins, you get forced onto the route the Zekrom path would lead you to
  7. i loved reading that and makes me wonder, what will we do after being dethroned? Maybe go to and build something there? A blank slate ready for something new to be built.
  8. Dive will be given to you by Anna, i believe she will be in the usual house in Calcenon where the group gathers
  9. they asked about the Garchomp fight, not Ditto-Ceus
  10. The west gate is not accessible until the train has moved, you will then be able to go further down from where the train was to find a rock smashable wall to get behind the west gate and trigger the switch on the other side of it
  11. Saphira does have an epilogue, the video uploader forgot to add it, pretty sure Zero doesnt have one though
  12. sounds like ya on the Reshiram route as for what happened:
  13. Aight, i dont know which anti virus ya use but they should all have an area of qurantine where you can tell it, 'chill this file is cool' it's only reacting because the updater downloads the patch files directly to your computer and extracts them and is relatively unknown to it so it assumes the worst
  14. you can go into your anti virus software and whitelist the updater file by entering the qurantine section of it.
  15. from what i can tell, Anna and Shade's epilouges come down to: Which definitely means ya cant get them all at the same time especially with variable choices but it's still early so i dont know if a video exists of them all
  16. these two files both should be in the exact same area as you find the updater and game.exe files x64-msvcrt-ruby300.dll zlib1.dll
  17. im pretty sure seeing some repition happens due to checkpoints in the progress but you basically have to just keep defending it until the steelix attacks which can feel like a while believe me
  18. Are you sure you have completed them all? If so which ones specifically have you done in the most recent batch of completed anomalies? You might have not done something
  19. the only reason besides cell imprints to collect the cells is but otherwise getting 100% Zygarde will happen one way or another
  20. i'd recommend having flash as it can hbe hard to find the path as it gets narrow at times i'm not great at directions in this case but Lone Karvanha above probably did a fair enough job of pointing you in the direction
  21. when window's defender reacts to it you can choose actions to take, go into the qurantine area and mark the updater file as trusted
  22. either check your antivirus's recently blocked list for something taken from the reborn folder or download the latest patch files for the Mac users since it's basically the same files
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