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Lord Drakyle

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Everything posted by Lord Drakyle

  1. If nowhere else, it will be the Glass Gauntlet that awakens the nuzlocke dreamer from their dream of doing a full nuzlocke of Reborn blind.
  2. Ok so firstly Adrienn is not a He nor a She, they are Non Binary not important advice wise but now onto the advice: Adrienn as far as Gym Leaders go isn't as difficult as most and Steel types tend to be of a massive advantage against Adrienn not only because of the type advantage but because xe mainly will want to focus on utilizing Dazzling Gleam in that double battle, Earthquake and Psychic moves tend to be one of xyr only real countermeasures to their weaknesses they have up their sleeve, if you couple Steel types with Levitate or just strong defense steel types with someone with intimidate at your side for the physical attacking mons like Granbull you can make easy work of Adrienn's team, recommended ya take out the physical attackers with Earthquake first or rush to take out the ones that have Telepathy as this means xyr own pokemon will be hit by xyr earthquakes, coupled with your reserved poison types either by using poison gas (which if the mist is around will probably change the field iirc) to poison Adrienn's team (with exception of Mawile, better to hope it gets hit by Earthquakes if possible poison types out early will likely force this one out sooner or just using poison attacks to bombard and pick off the vulnerable members of Adrienn's team. a Pokemon like Bronzong with Levitate could work for an effective steel type though im trying to remember if you have access to it. (you can catch Bronzong at Route 3)
  3. give it to a pokemon to hold then take it off them it will put itself in the right pocket
  4. Anything? Alright i asked it : P That said which Pokemon type would you say is your favorite and why as well as which one is your least favorite or you hate and why?
  5. Move the glass you are looking at down, the glass on ya left then should be pulled to where you are standing in the picture and then you can lift the glass blocking ya way, if im picturing it right you should then have a path to the ball
  6. Although i dint think you can get one of Arclight anymore, there is one that is a hidden item you can get it can be found in the same room you will witness Lin summon a rock thing (it basically looks like that Relic Shrine from Pokemon Colliseum and XD GoD) in the underwater part of
  7. pretty sure he only appears after ya get back to Reborn City which would mean after ya get Ciel's badge iirc
  8. Ok to explain, you missed the event that would happen with him meeting you in 7th street to ask you to buy all the pokemon because you advanced too far into the story already however, this isn't stopping you getting the Mega Ring, once you have Titania's Badge you can start the Mega Ring quest when you have bought all the 7th street pokemon by speaking to Arclight in Grand Hall like normal.
  9. well when ya team is ready, is a full team and please dont use Noibat in this battle, i would opt for Lairon or Pachirisu at the front with Blaziken, starting with Bulk Up on Blaziken and Rock Slide on Lairon or Nuzzle on Pachirisu followed by blaze kick spam and rock slide or more nuzzle and spark on what's already nuzzle'd.
  10. A Lairon at lvl 35 with Rock Slide could definitely do chunks of damage to Shelly's Team you still have a number of problems with your team that being some of them just slow ya down/drag ya i would also recommend training up to the level cap (35) for this fight as it could make or break a fight
  11. Ok firstly Noibat is until evolved kinda weak and useless so i wouldn't rely on it too much for tough battles until it evolves, if you are trying to win a difficult gym leader like Shelly too in doubles without a full team with one of your pokemon being not very useful you are really dragging yourself down, i dunno if ya got the mystery egg yet but hatching it if ya haven't might net you a decent pokemon to support in this fight, the growlithe you get too has flame burst which if you can use that without rain being present will set Shelly's field on fire and hurt her bugs over time and i think improve fire attacks too so there is that, since you have the Pachirisu you may as well try making use of it's nuzzle leading for parahax and trying to buy time for your other mons to do something meaningful, knowing the abilities would be nice too, if Blaziken has speed boost and can take a hit from both of Shelly's starting too (though she usually goes for rain dance right off the bat with Illumise so only need to be able to take a hit from whoever else is leading) then Bulk up following by blaze kick by make easy work of some of her bugs with speed boost keeping you at a high speed, up to you to keep blazikens health safe, problem with your team, so little info i have on it but already a lot of troublesome signs
  12. for Slaking? Slow Start, it fits his theme quite well and wouldn't be just "hurr hurr lets insta make it broken AF" gives a grace period of time to try deal with the monster. for Archeops? Rock Head or Sheer Force
  13. It's not really gonna help just saying "hey guys how do i beat X" if no one has any idea what you have both in your team and in your pc as backups or just generally held onto. It's far easier to give you any ideas if we know your team, maybe moves and items they use or abilities (usually the more detailed the better).
  14. also there is another place with a lucky egg is memory serves.
  15. Lord Drakyle


    again the dive spots to reach all the buttons are one in Aquamarine cave and one in valor mountain at Kyogre's chamber.
  16. Lord Drakyle


    there is two dive spots and if ya pressed them all you would notice it saying that a door unlocked somewhere, you can get to a water memory if ya dive in a very specific spot in the Aquamarine cave to get into the ruins
  17. I don't know of any moves that create it outright but i know Haunted Field can be turned into a Blessed Field with any of the following moves: Flash, Judgement, Origin Pulse, Seed Flare, Sacred Fire, Dazzling Gleam and Purify Unfortunately i do not know about any way to create Haunted Field from scratch either and only thing that transforms into a Haunted Field is a Blessed Field
  18. No problem and have fun with the budew, Ame stole my soul and my sanity so now i am forever wandering and loitering on the site so yeah ill usually respond to something if i know the answer or have an idea of it and with not much else to be doing i frequently reload the site.
  19. Try it with the incense, if memory serves it's involved with the event, fortunately a nearby lady will gift you one
  20. There is a patch for this issue, you can find the patch in the same place you got V12
  21. The Crystal Ball Questline starts with the woman who lost her ring you can find her in Jasper Ward iirc, the Diamond Ring is in one of those underwater houses i can't remember which, though there is also a Mudkip in one of them which can be obtained if ya bring a pecha berry for it's poisoning again iirc, the diamond ring will start a chain of item trades between NPCs until you get a crystal ball which back in Jasper Ward you need to bring to a building at the far east side, of course two trainers wanting to cash in on the 'reward' for it's return will try take it from you in battle, defeat them and then bring it to the fortune teller inside and you get to witness the fortune she reads. Alola Vulpix isn't so much a quest more of, you pay for one of the city restoration projects, will be given permission to enter the basement of Grand Hall and then if ya search the back room (the one behind where Adrienn likely will be seated) it's at the top of the room, you will find a room with a desk and chair and some bookshelves, there was something in the room you could interact with, the chair or maybe a PC on the desk i cant remember but something in the room is interactable and opens the bookshelves revealing a shit ton of Alola Vulpix and some Alolan Ninetales along with a mega stone, come back after leading Grand Hall and you will find all the vulpix are now enjoying the open space and one has become quite fond of Adrienn and Adrienn of that Alolan Vulpix, though much to everyone elses dismay they have Snow Warning although the roaming pokemon do help raise morale.
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