Gym Leader Lord Drakyle [Dark]: Intro: is you who brings light into this gym...your strength...your these dark times, it has brought a ray of hope shining bright in the people, I would like to witness this power that illuminates the peoples hearts for myself. Team: Support: Bisharp, Umbreon, Ace: Scrafty. First Attack Line: Is this the best that you got? Last Pokémon Line: Ha, now this is getting interesting. Critical Moment Line: Don't think it's over just yet. Gym Leader Wins: Your performance is lacking, I'm disappointed. Gym Leader Loses: Well, i'll be... After Battle: That light of yours, your strength, it will take you far! (Reward: Dusk Badge and TM Dark Pulse) Gym Leader Lord Drakyle [ice]: Intro: Another trainer challenges me, another shall walk away empty handed unless they can thaw their way to victory. Team: Support Beartic, Jynx, Ace: Lapras First Hit Line: Hey, try not to get brain-freeze ok? Last Pokémon: The heat of this battle...I feel it! Critical Moment: I won't let a fun battle end now! Gym Leader Wins: Ah well, better luck next time. Gym Leader Loses: So not even the cold could stop you! After Battle: A challenge came, this one has won, they take the Frigid Badge and TM Ice Beam with them. *hands badge and tm to player*
Reward: Frigid Badge and TM Ice Beam
Gym Leader Lord Drakyle [Rock]: Intro: Howdy Challenger! I hear you are looking to take on the Pokémon League, well sorry to say but only one way you can do that and I doubt you can pull it off....but rules are rules so let's see you try and beat me! Team: Support: Rhyperior, Lunatone Ace: Aerodactyl First Hit Line: Gonna take more than that to hurt my sturdy pokemon! Last Pokémon: This is where the battle truly begins. Critical Moment: No Way, am I getting beat? Gym Leader Wins: Well, I guess you aren't ready yet. Gym Leader Loses: So you are ready for the elite four! After Battle: I was the last wall between you and the pokemon league, but you smashed right through, here take this. Reward: Stalagmite Badge and TM Rock Polish