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Lord Drakyle

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Everything posted by Lord Drakyle

  1. I don't believe in any worst type, nessecarily all types have their own play style and are best used at different times or in different ways, each type has sstrengths and weaknesses and based on how or when you use that type you will either find it strong or weak.
  2. I don't think Darkrai as he would be instant fall asleep and noticeable dark ball things, Sleep Powder umm not sure, but Drowzee/Hypno or any other hypnotiser would be most likely
  3. Gym Leader Lord Drakyle [Dark]: Intro: So..it is you who brings light into this gym...your strength...your skill....in these dark times, it has brought a ray of hope shining bright in the people, I would like to witness this power that illuminates the peoples hearts for myself. Team: Support: Bisharp, Umbreon, Ace: Scrafty. First Attack Line: Is this the best that you got? Last Pokémon Line: Ha, now this is getting interesting. Critical Moment Line: Don't think it's over just yet. Gym Leader Wins: Your performance is lacking, I'm disappointed. Gym Leader Loses: Well, i'll be... After Battle: That light of yours, your strength, it will take you far! (Reward: Dusk Badge and TM Dark Pulse) Gym Leader Lord Drakyle [ice]: Intro: Another trainer challenges me, another shall walk away empty handed unless they can thaw their way to victory. Team: Support Beartic, Jynx, Ace: Lapras First Hit Line: Hey, try not to get brain-freeze ok? Last Pokémon: The heat of this battle...I feel it! Critical Moment: I won't let a fun battle end now! Gym Leader Wins: Ah well, better luck next time. Gym Leader Loses: So not even the cold could stop you! After Battle: A challenge came, this one has won, they take the Frigid Badge and TM Ice Beam with them. *hands badge and tm to player* Reward: Frigid Badge and TM Ice Beam Gym Leader Lord Drakyle [Rock]: Intro: Howdy Challenger! I hear you are looking to take on the Pokémon League, well sorry to say but only one way you can do that and I doubt you can pull it off....but rules are rules so let's see you try and beat me! Team: Support: Rhyperior, Lunatone Ace: Aerodactyl First Hit Line: Gonna take more than that to hurt my sturdy pokemon! Last Pokémon: This is where the battle truly begins. Critical Moment: No Way, am I getting beat? Gym Leader Wins: Well, I guess you aren't ready yet. Gym Leader Loses: So you are ready for the elite four! After Battle: I was the last wall between you and the pokemon league, but you smashed right through, here take this. Reward: Stalagmite Badge and TM Rock Polish
  4. speaking of them pulse machines who thinks Agate is being affected by a pulse Drowzee or Hypno?
  5. Dontforget we have Reserve Gym Leaders we might find out out there or two...
  6. Am I the only one who thinks it would be interesting if you could choose to either fight your way through the maze and grunts or simply walk above them?
  7. Rival battle wise maybe Fern? Might get another encounter with Dr Sickmund, the Psycho Therapist too though I doubt it.
  8. EDIT: cant figure out how to make spoiler work hmm basically though assume he has same badges as us apart from Noel, Charlotte and Luna since he couldn't find Noel or Charlotte until quite late and Luna was with Radomus and probably didn't reveal herself as a Gym Leader to him. We know for sure he has Shelly and Aya's badges though.
  9. so why choose the illegal one then? might need to justify a reason to risk it. Even then people could Soft Reset to avoid the screw up.
  10. Swinub could have been bred from a Dunsparce maybe? those things learn Ancientpower at a pretty low level explaining the Swinub with quick evo to Mamoswine as it would get it as an egg move, although it may be simply the Mamoswine was gained at a later point but is currently acting as a massive wrecking ball at whatever point i nthe game they are at.
  11. i'm wondering if he is just counting up criticals from every defeat maybe? also a move like Shadow Claw if he has it would suggest common crits.
  12. I have beaten all the current released gyms, I will admit they are very difficult at times, but I find it a lot more enjoyable to actually have to use my brain and strategize how to defeat the gym leader rather than simply being able to fly through like they are nothing, in Reborn I can enjoy a difficult and fulfilling battle with a gym leader in which our levels are close and it actually feels like I achieved something by beating them. Pokémon Reborn isn't easy and if you aren't willing to train pokemon you usually wouldn't you will find it quite difficult without overleveling, although as already stated you can use Common Candy to lower the level of your pokemon so that then bring it back to obedient level.
  13. I don't know for sure but Yamask maybe after beating the 1st gym? (Julia's I think it is? can't remember the name), I mean he ain't too bad a pokemon Yamask and he would probably be relatively ignored mostly for being among other ghost types that could be considered better? he could be added to that place where you first meet Scraggy or that place where you get the Ill Fated Doll, I mean ya know it could probably work.
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