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Lord Drakyle

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Everything posted by Lord Drakyle

  1. Not sure if it will help with your interceptor mystery or not but:
  2. Is it possible that the 'Entropy' existing, the flaw and the fact the meteor before the concepts necessary to set it on collision course already crashed on the planet and all these other factors are like a looping series of events? The Universe itself trying to correct that one flaw that existence and in each event where the existence takes form it creates the world but it isn't perfect so it restarts the cycle making changes tweaking certain events so that the events will run their course again but the difference being the one opposing the forces that try to bring about the birth of this flaw, that one opposing force, constantly changing until the universe gets it right, until it can pick the right MC, Lin being able to summon something from nothing might actually be the Entropy summoning what it needed to make itself exist because that entropy is still a part of the universe even if just a flaw, an imperfection and it's likely only those no longer bound by life and those who can see beyond the surface view of the world (Shade and Anna) can truly see everything in motion even when the world repeats events where a new hero is chosen. Ever thought it's too coincidental that we happened to be talking to Ame when Shade appears and suddenly she notices the danger and saves us? Ever thought it's weird how we seem to radiate a glowing aura to Anna how despite all the odds, we still manage to find our way to gym leaders to gain a badge from when others struggle greatly and how Lin could have killed us but she didn't? How we could have wandered the void lost forever but Shade brought us out? How despite everything while hypnotized no one could stop us not one of our friends even when teamed up? Radomus noticed it just slightly, an outer force is likely making us unstoppable. because until the final act where the loop ends and restarts, The Hero has to react that act, nothing must stop them it's likely a game to the Entropy or somehow it too knows we have to be their at the final act for it's own birth to happen even if it means the world will restart itself again because it's likely the only events where it has ever seen it's own birth able to happen is when the Universe's chosen weapon...chosen hero fails to stop it at the place of it's birth, it knows because it happened before but it probably hasn't seen any other ending to the Universe's hero's journey to try stop it and likely doesn't wanna risk deviating from the script in case it prevents it's own birth.
  3. It is, surf around and you will find it, it's somewhat
  4. i got that one, im pretty sure i got the one from that woman who uses the high level Alakazam in gearen i think it was, just cant remember where i got the last one i have nor do i know where this supposed 4th is
  5. Could you change the title to not be so spoilery please? and possibly a notice in the title that this topic is spoilers for V12? V12 hasn't been out that long and some people might not have seen some of the content so far so please be mindful of this, there is a spoiler box you can use too in order to protect people from seeing things they dont wanna see.
  6. not to my knowledge as you see each version comes with several new maps, sometimes sound files, and a lot of different things have to be updated or have stuff removed/changed so patches to update to a new version are impractical the only time patches really come in to play is when the game has urgent bug fixes that can be patched out for that version by simply changing one or two files.
  7. This isn't a rom hack it's made with rpgmaker unless im mistaken all ya need to do is download the game, extract the zip file and run the exe no installation to my knowledge and no setup like with rom hacks
  8. All you do is download the new version, extract it and run it like you did when you first got the game, the save file data is stored in a different location to that of the downloaded game folder itself and is called by all the various versions when loading ya file, so ya dont need to do anything to update, just download and load up your game in any location as long as that location isn't considered a dangerous place to load in, Pokemon Centers tend to be rather safe places to load in. if ya mean where to find the game download itself however, just go to the link and open the 3 spoiler box iirc it should have instructions on where not to load up as well as hyperlinked: Mega Mediafire Local here is the link in question to where on the site it is at.
  9. No no, rejuv aint dead, Jan just broke, gotta wait for Zumi or someone else to do a fresh re-install and update the drivers of Jan.exe
  10. unless ya have a very recent save file that you can load from before doing that, someone would need to access the save data and change the variable to be the right number needed.
  11. ehhh i already have a suspicion of what ya done just by the title of ya thread...you gave them the apps without first talking to Archer about it and the rest didnt you? Just used prior knowledge to grab the apps needed and slap em in their faces without talking about it
  12. Once you have the path set, speak to Noel he will confirm if the path is good or not and once he gives the all clear, step inside the train and from in there someone you speak to will accept the go ahead to drive the thing along the set path provided.
  13. Have ya tried utilizing Tailwind to try tear apart some of the mons that offer considerable threat as early/swiftly as you can by setting the field for your pokemon to have a better chance of landing their hits first on those dangerous mons?
  14. @Jason GraceAnyone referring to me by any name that isn't a nickname of my forum name, or my forum name itself, i would like to request be spoken to as i find it very disrespectful that my chosen name is being ignored when i have made it clear i do not like it, i already said i dont like it and Newt continued it i would like this noted, When i call people nicknames i stop immediately if they express discomfort at the names or i am told so by someone else about it i expect this courtesy returned and so far i have been denied this, I find it disgusting that people would disrespect me to such an extent.
  15. and i swear if you start calling me names, im gonna start making complaints this is getting ridiculous beyond the game itself, Tell me why the fuck im being bandwagoned.
  16. How would i talk to someone im not in a group with, a showmance either who has been SHOT
  17. Stop calling me blake, that is not my name, i have a name, i will be addressed by my name and i am feeling incredibly disrespected you refuse to address me by name when i have made it clear i am not comfortable with it.
  18. Start explaining, Alaris is pissing me off with his stupidity and i dont appreciate being bandwagoned without being explained to why, if i knew why i could try make sense of things but i dont and that is incredibly frustrating especially since i have had to explain things repeatedly.
  19. No one in the game has that name, what are you trying to even accomplish? in fact why am i even talking to you, im not getting any sense out of you.
  20. I would very much like to know what exactly i don't know about that is making you do this stupid shit.
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