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Lord Drakyle

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Everything posted by Lord Drakyle

  1. You can't breed Poipole but simply registering it in your dex will let you skip all the 731 pokemon needed to get your own one. All the rewards are given to you immediately but the NPC does feel a little down.
  2. if ya just trying to protect the save file, it might be easier to upload the save to here or put it on a USB
  3. you can shortcut the mission by borrowing a poipole to get it's data, it makes the quest play out different but also may make you feel bad for the disappointed NPC, still ya get all the rewards and your own Poipole from her so.
  4. During the story you will need them, dont worry when the time comes that you need to use them it will be made painfully clear to you.
  5. did you not get a file repaired at all? cant you redownload from that point?
  6. well ya might like pokemon who can use Sonic Boom and Tri Attack because Sonic boom's damage becomes 140HP and Tri Attack not only has it's effect chance doubled but has boosted power in the field
  7. no no it's not about being in their original position, it's just that until you turn them at least once, they aren't considered facing any direction so if you wanted one of the upper ones to look Down/South, you would have to turn them 4 times
  8. i doubt that was the problem, until the meloetta statues are turned they aren't considered to be looking anywhere so if one of the 4 was by default facing the attempted direction, the game wouldnt acknowledge it
  9. each statue needs to look at a different one so for example NW is looking at NE, NE is looking at SE, SE is looking at SW and SW is looking at NW
  10. it took you that long to notice? XD Anyhow glad i could help ya out
  11. there's a very good chance that file is corrupt and unreadable to it
  12. there is 3 slots for your saves to be when playing rejuv, the 'active' one will be the one it shows on load up and the other two can be considered 'dormant', while your backups are just previous places you saved at. to set your saves to various slots it's all in the name: Game.rxdata (the .rxdata is just the normal extension of it, the file name would just be Game) would be your Save File in Slot 1 Game_2.rxdata would be Save File in Slot 2 Game_3.rxdata as above you can switch between these 3 set files freely by choosing 'other save files' when rejuv is loaded up and showing your current team and stuff. renaming a backup to any of those 3 names would make it in those slots
  13. also if ya wanna recover those deleted files, they may still be in the recycle bin unless you empty it, but yeah have fun.
  14. corrupted files usually cant be fixed, deleting them isnt really any harm, the only reason to keep the backups is if you wanted to check each one til you find one not corrupt
  15. if ya wanna just do a fresh start but wanna keep your backups around, you can just drag all the save files into a folder outside the saved games folder for safekeeping, it will let you begin like you first got the game
  16. As i said in your previous post, the most likely cause is a corrupted save (or more), you may have to try load up multiple backups or try a fresh start (it may be worth a fresh start to see the changes) to run the game
  17. Your current save file may be corrupted, try loading a few backups
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