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Lord Drakyle

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Everything posted by Lord Drakyle

  1. Pulse Slaking would be more of just a big brute than anything the pulse is usually used for, though a Weezing in a pulse machine wold proabably produce a huge area of Toxic Fog
  2. The two trash heaps that can be seen in the top right need to be pushed all the way to the left then down against the pipe to form 2 heaps against each other, in the lower right of the image a heap can be seen with a second one missing from the image, they also need to be moved against the pipe but from that side they are on, hope you understand.
  3. There are two move reminders and the one you have been informed of is an earlier one found in Onyx Ward you just need a number of badges though before you can access them, the other is at Agate Circus.
  4. I stated this theory before in a separate thread once but that seems to have eluded me as to which it was but the general idea was that Lin may do something to anger Arceus into using some sort of Judgement attack on her or she will burst into light due to some sort of transformation, Corey died before we saw the 'future' scenes suggesting we are still due a death from the scenes.
  5. Just about all the move tutors you will find of sorts are in 7th Street, outside of that you have the Move Re-Learners at the Agate Circus and Onyx Ward (or the area above it not certain)
  6. I Joined the forums and started Pokémon Reborn during Episode 14 a little after it's release.
  7. Feebas is found in a particular area of not certain of how to explain exact location. and a Prism Scale should be able to be gained for it but I have yet to figure out how to reach it.
  8. I can confirm Route 4 is the location of Pawniard as a wild encounter.
  9. So I was doing a Mono Dark type run of Pokémon Reborn and obviously I reach the part where we learn what is and then while being told about the I noticed two things an error and a glaringly right before our eyes 'trivia' shall we call it? basically the error was now for what I call the trivia, large amount of writing in the final spoiler.
  10. Arthur, I did a little looking around Zigzagoon is in an alleyway in Obsidia however it was in episode 14.6 I found it, so there ya have it.
  11. Question where are you trying to dive and What Episode are you playing?
  12. Make a backup of your game data before attempting time travel, Gastly in particular though can be obtained in 14.6 at the latest.
  13. Do you have access to Ametrine mountain at all? if you can find at least 1 glowing rock to mine save before it and Soft reset every time you fail to get a heart scale that's only thing I can think of
  14. Kanghaskhan I thought that was in the caves which you need to use to reach Calcenon city
  15. I think what may appeal to both sides although unlikely to happen is if the Reborn City changed for the better or for worse depending on your choices and actions such as darker choices may result in the city becoming damaged further or more deaths and stuff whereas good choices makes the city better with less bad things but perhaps at a cost? maybe certain pokemon only appear in the darker city and can only be obtained Post storyline game if the city becomes better and vice versa.
  16. Mawile would definitely give Adrienn an edge against a Crobat
  17. Lord Drakyle


    Gastly at the latest can be obtained in Episode 14.6, however do not mistake Misdreavus is still a good pokemon, Ame moves pokemon she thinks are too strong to later points in the game to where she believes they are better off, it is this action that has allowed many reborn community members including myself to learn how good certain pokemon mostly ignored can be.
  18. SOme people prefer the Old Music some prefer the new, maybe add a character Ame that allows you to switch the towns music from old to new/new to old and they tell you something like "something feels different...."
  19. Lord Drakyle


    having Frisk on the pokemon you introduce to Horsea may be useful to decide which to catch
  20. Lord Drakyle


    D.Reaper if you want to use a spoiler tag to hide what you write to avoid immediate spoiler of gameplay just type the message between the following: (Spoiler) (/Spoiler) where the Brackets are replaced with [ and ] e.g. (Spoiler) Example (/Spoiler) anyway like he said it's a n event pokemon you can find and it is worth it trust me I caught one. there is also something else that can be found nearby.
  21. Username: GhostBludger19071 House: Slytherin Wand: Wood: English Oak Core: Dragon Core Length: Thirteen Inches Flexibility: Suprisingly Swishy
  22. Maybe you could go Bulky Offensive Venusaur? (Giga Drain, Sludge Bomb, Synthesis and Leech Seed (if you have a good Hidden Power type for it you could replace Leech Seed with that but may wanna opt for some sort of Heal Over Time item)
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