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Odybld last won the day on December 18 2016

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70 Samaritan

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  1. Draft order for the third round is C > E > B > A > D > F. Proceed
  2. And we welcome our new member @Rydorkon the fold!
  3. We got a leader, everyone, and it's The mighty @Kamina
  4. Forum name: Odybld Showdown alt(s): entreflores Discord: Ody-incarnate#7896 Availability: Shouldn't be availiable but will be because fuk exams, gmt+2 Favourite type(s): Water Least favourite type(s): Bug Why am I doing this
  5. The problem is not that Mirai Nikki is a terrible show that brought the worst kind of -dere to prominence. The problem is that it copied Yuno's design from Aria and now I gotta meditate and erase her existence from my memory to enjoy my gondolier girls in space Venice

    1. Odybld


      tumblr_mz7ecpDWYV1rtckf3o1_500.gif But noooo let's copy the design and paste the worst -dere ever

    2. Wolfox


      I wouldn't say it was terrible. in fact I really enjoyed Mirai Nikki. Including Yuno

  6. The last three movies I watched in the cinema where Rampage, Ready player one and Three billboards. Something's pretty off when the best written one out of the three is the Dwayne Johnson action flick

    1. CodeCass


      That's surprising. I heard Three Billboards was supposed to be really good. 

    2. Zarc


      I really enjoyed Ready Player One 

    3. Odybld


      Three billboards has propably one of the most surreal scripts of a movie that aims to handle a very humane story. The people in the film are written without an ounce of empathy, they mostly act like psychopaths, without being able to empathise with the other persons. It's full of witty barbs thrown around, and it's not the good kind of black comedy, that comes from a place of understanding that we're all effed and that's life and we can only laugh at our own pain. Instead, it's literally like watching two handicapped people verbally punch each other and see who comes out of the fight on top

      Ready player one was an enjoyable movie to see and hear, but there's almost nothing good to it when the mind tones down the spectacle and sound and comes in contact with the things in it. The script is whatever, the characters are whatever, the emotional resonence is whatever and the way they handle references is whaaaaatever dude let's throw some things in there

  7. Sending weird anime gifs to @Ojama Yellow Also Keijo, I've watched half of it and I'm having some dumb battle shonen fun with it. Hm... I wonder in what good use I could put this particular anime
  8. There's a million anime out there so don't go ask for blind suggestions. Instead, think of what you really enjoy and wanna watch and pick one of the top shows of that genre/style. If you liked the monsters and violence in Tokyo Ghoul, you can't go wrong with Hellsing Ultimate, or if you don't like 50-min episodes, go watch Claymore. One features badass vampire with guns, the other features badass women with swords. Or if you're feeling really really spicy, go watch Devilman Crybaby. It came out this year by one of the best directors out there. It's a shy virgin boy turned into demon badass fighting other demons. It's a readaptation of a classic manga that just does so much good stuff with characters and themes. Although that's absolutely not my stuff, if you liked Angel Beats that much, go watch other shows based on hentai games visual novels made by Key, the group from which came the creator of Angel Beats. The main ones are Air, Kanon and Clannad. And while Clannad is considered the best out of the three, its sequel Clannad ~After story~ is one of the most beloved anime ever, period. But again, ask yourself what you really wanna watch and pick one of the titles at the top of the pecking order. A recent good show is good, but a really fuckin good show is just better, regardless if it came out 10 or 15 years ago.
  9. Mega Beedrill - 20 Mega Pidgeot - 20 Mega Slowbro - 20 Mega Steelix - 20 Mega Sceptile - 20 Mega Swampert - 20 Mega Sableye - 20 Mega Sharpedo - 20 Mega Camerupy - 20 Mega Altaria - 20 Mega Glalie - 20 Mega Salamence - 20 Mega Metagross - 20 Mega Latios - 20 Mega Latias - 19 Mega Rayquaza - 20 Mega Lopunny - 20 Mega Gallade - 20 Mega Audino - 20 Mega Diancie - 21
  10. Oh come on, you had Ronald motheraeffin Reagan when the Soviet Union wasn't just a thing, but also under Brezhnev. Most of you just can't handle it that your current prez has an annoying twitter. If you want to play the responsibility game, imprison George W. Bush for some nice crimes against humanity and then we can talk. Politics in the US are a bunch of sugardaddies betting on two different groups of chore boys, while having a friendly discussion over just how hard everyone and everything around them gets effed, from the people to the planet. Trump hasn't made any big difference, Obama didn't, the only recent one who did was a warmongering criminal. But he doesn't have an annoying twitter so who does even care about the consequences of war? Not the biggest superpower on the planet, that's who. So either if you think that Oprah can win the voting game or believe political acumen, it's all the same in the end Yeah I may be feeling just a tad cynical, so no nice grassroots and discussion things from me to be said
  11. 10/10 just so damn smart and good
  12. Battle Angel Alita movie is THANK YOU BASED JAMES CAMERON

  13. Flying theme http://pokepast.es/ee61bf6f15994307
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