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About crusher8890

  • Birthday 01/04/1996

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  1. glad you like it. i don't really remember how to render an img.
  2. alright. i got your sprite edited. hope you like it wrathofthelamb.
  3. Sorry for the long wait of a reply. Honestly didn't know you guys posted here but thank you all for the warm welcome and i will rrspond to each of your comments. Jelly-Hello to you to. Nickcrash-my hobbies are boxing,playing games and drawing, my dream is to travel the world to learn every fighting style and for fears...heights and ugh grasshoppers. Shingst-You know it man, not even smash bros can beat me. Lostelle-thank you and i sure will ask youor mods for help if i have a question. EXlink32-*facepalms*. Yash- Who said i had any sanity to begin with?
  4. Go ahead. Just leave an img of the sprite you want and what colors and i will edit it for you.
  5. i am working on a few sprites i copied and pasted into a new file and edited them in graphics gale. i either changed some coloring or i just added/subtracted a few things to make them look better. if you would like me to make a custom sprite for you just post teh img of the sprite you want from either the showdown site or form one of the fan made games you have on your computer. here are a few I worked on.
  6. jan said there isn't one as of yet.
  7. okay beat episode 4 and i can't get back to the mainland now that i have surf and nim is nowhere to be found. not only that i can't seem to enter the jungle.
  8. YAY! now we can continue trying to wreck our opponents! thank you jan! and jan. i REAAAAAAAALLY want to kickk marianette's father's rear end.
  9. love the game jan. oh and for those trying to beat narcissa. do a lot of training against wild pokemon or trainers and make sure the pokemon your training are dark types. already beat version three in three days. just waiting for version 4.
  10. i can think of a few like minecraft or maybe bravely default.
  11. Favorite youtuber:vanossgaming/markiplier favorite pokemon Youtuber:munchingorange
  12. i saw dark tpyes are more powerful than any type. 1.) their attacks can affect any pokemon type. 2.) they have some of the most powerful attacks and can learn powerful attacks. and 3.)even though they have three weaknesses they can still conquer them easily if trained right.
  13. lol. before i saw your post xiri i was out of range of internet and was already on my way to beryl library. i did manage to find the ill fated doll(and helped gothitelle). but i will thank you for what time of day to encounter absol, so THANKS! :3
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