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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by MahouShoujoPrimarina14

  1. I just started Pokemon Sword today, beat the first gym and now have access to the Daycare...and I decided it was a good time to ask someone for a Galarian Ponyta as Ponyta's a Shield exclusive. I don't know if this is the right forum for posting this kind of stuff, and I'll delete it if someone asks me to, but for now I'm just searching for someone who has a Galarian Ponyta they're willing to trade. I don't have a Ditto yet and when I can get one (Going through the game as blind as possible), so the Ponyta needs to be female. IVs, EVs and Natures don't matter at all, heck it can even be shiny or in another language...all that matters is that the Ponyta needs to be female. I can trade a newly hatched Scorbunny since my starter was female and able to breed...but I also have a Japanese Sobble I got from Surprise Trade. I would really appreciate it. Thanks!
  2. I'm listening to the songs I have on my phone, which only has anime songs and is over-saturated with songs from magical girl anime. XD 'Minna Daisuki' from Shugo Chara is playing right now.
  3. Yeah Primarina's way too feminine to be mostly male. XD My ID is CrystalStarsign14, what's your's?
  4. Yeah that's fine, I might save it for later; besides I have another shiny Popplio and it and the Primarina are not the gender I wanted but hey; they're shinies and I have a ton of them; just treasure every one of them.
  5. OK, I have Shiny Primarina if you want it. Hatched it and evolved it an hour or so ago.
  6. Awesome! When can you trade, and is there any specific Pokemon you want?
  7. So after playing through Reborn with my current team for a long while; I decided I wanted to build a new team of Pokemon separate from the main one as a rotate team; complete with a new starter for the team. I have the three Johto starters and Piplup as options; but I want to use Fennekin as the starter since I didn't want to use another water starter (Especially after the hassle I went through hunting for a shiny Ducklett for shiny Swanna), I don't think Chikorita is gonna be much help as I love it and it's line and I just prefer Delphox to Typhlosion. But I also remembered wanting to have a Gardevoir for my main team only to find out it's near endgame now. So if anyone has a Fennekin or Ralts, I will be happy to have either one or both if possible. The only requirement is that the Ralts is female; besides that anything goes, they can even be shiny.
  8. Been playing Pokemon Leaf Green trying to level grind my team for the Elite Four; got one Pokemon to the level I needed. XD Also finished Pokemon Sapphire recently after level grinding that team for the E4. XDD
  9. Thanks, I hope to be sure interact with the community more.
  10. XD, yeah it's good to finally invite myself into this community for having this account be dormant for so long.
  11. Hello, everybody, my name is Kelly, aka MahouShoujoPrimarina14. I've been on this site for a few years, but didn't interacted with people on the forums, so I've decided to change that. I've been playing Pokemon Reborn since the EP 15 release but have only got to the Agate Circus section during the EP 17 release. Besides that I play a lot of other games whenever I'm not playing Reborn. My favorite game series besides Pokemon (My favorite game series overall) include Disgaea, Soul Calibur, Kirby, as well other games such as Dust: An Elysian Tail, Mabinogi, Blue Reflection, etc. I also like watching anime to, though I kinda procrastinate at times due to gaming a lot; but whenever I watch anime, I usually like to binge about a few episodes of one anime before moving another one. My favorite anime include Yuki Yuna is a Hero, Cowboy Bebop, Pretty Cure as well as many other anime. If I were to list off other things about myself... -I like bad puns and I tend to act sarcastic on occasion. -I like most of the Pikachu clones except for Dendenne. -My favorite types are Water, Fairy and Grass, and my least favorite types are Rock, Ground and Dragon (<---An overrated type if you ask me.) -I have some more unpopular besides liking the Pika Clones and not liking Dragon. -I love all the Eeveelutions, though Sylveon is my favorite overall, and I would to have Flying-type Eeveelution. -My favorite Core Pokemon games are Sun/Moon, Ultra Sun/Ultra Moon and Black/White. -Due to no memory of playing Pokemon Yellow, or Gold; I think of Pokemon Diamond as my first core Pokemon game. -I'm a hardcore Pokemon plushie collector, been like this since Pokemon first became popular in the US (I was three at the time.) I'm drawing a big blank now so I will take my leave and hope the Prinnies don't blow up my post by accident. Have a good day now, plip.
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